It is quite amazing that he blatantly lies to our face....on camera....the man has zero conscience.
He does know how to play the message and to his constituents....who somehow will believe him.
He set this whole "liberate the states" followed by "I don't agree with what Georgia is doing, but hope they succeed" thing up so he can take credit on both sides. If it succeeds..."see, I told you to liberate the states!"....if it fails "well, I didn't agree with them then, we advised them not to, but it was their decision."
Typical coward move, push the decision to someone else, while sending mixed messages so that at the end, you can take credit.
How his followers don't see thru this.....amazes me.
And....I am NOT a Democrat. so don't think this is coming from a "left leaning liberal"....far from it.
But he has proven over and over to be nothing but a manipulator