It's Walz for VP

Makes for an interesting VP debate, old guy who tagged Vance weird now has to debate him. If handled correctly Vance could have a field day. Old white guy now has to make a case for why Vance is weird. Should make for an interesting debate, all the while a young Jewish rising star gets side stepped because that’s the Democratic way. Long term better for Shapiro to be on the sidelines than get mixed up with Kamala. I’m sure he had second thoughts.
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Disappointing. Shapiro was the better choice. I always thought he may not have wanted it. But as a candidate he was a far better choice.
Shapiro is the far better choice, but I heard he really didn’t want it for two reasons:
1-If Harris wins, he’d be better served taking a key role in the administration like Attorney General.
2-If Harris loses, he gets associated with her. He’s done well as Governor and sets himself up for 2028 as a candidate.

He is not a fan of Harris also.
Makes for an interesting VP debate, old guy who tagged Vance weird now has to debate him. If handled correctly Vance could have a field day. Old white guy now has to make a case for why Vance is weird. Should make for an interesting debate, all the while a young Jewish rising star gets side stepped because that’s the Democratic way. Long term better for Shapiro to be on the sidelines than get mixed up with Kamala. I’m sure he had second thoughts.
Wow an old guy 60 years old . You must mean trump who is 78 years old . Not my 1st choice . I preferred Kelly , Copper, Shapiro or Beshear but I can back him . Vance have a field in a debate LOl !!!!
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Walz is certainly qualified to be president, much moreso than Harris.
He's much more left than I thought she would pick. Going to be interesting to see how republicans attack how he stalled on deploying the national guard on Minneapolis in 2020. I thought for sure we'd see her try to pick someone more moderate.
Gotta have those tampons in boys bathrooms,Tim!Can't get any weirder than that.
Shapiro Jewish ethnicity made him ineligible to be VP..Dems got far left candidate to make it a total left wing ticket.
Republicans should definitely run on the bathroom issue, it's worked out really well for them previously.
I think they should just run on embracing weird like they did with deplorables.

Wanting a safe and secure border. Weird
Wanting to fund our border over other borders. Weird
Seeing the benefits of a nuclear family. Weird
Keeping men out of women sports. Weird
Considering there to be life in the womb. Weird
Wanting affordable grocery and gas prices. Weird
Wanting houses to become affordable. Weird
Disappointing. Shapiro was the better choice. I always thought he may not have wanted it. But as a candidate he was a far better choice.
Walz will make progressives happy. He's more qualified, if not FAR more qualified, to be President than Harris IMO. I like some of his policy and am against others. I don't think the VP matters much at all for election, although to your point I suppose Shapiro being on the ticket could have helped in one of the two most important electoral states this go-round.

Shapiro hasn't been Governor long, which is a huge advantage because the less they have on you, the shinier an object you are. I have a feeling he wasn't picked either (a) because of the Israel issue on the left or (b) to your point, he didn't want it.
Shapiro a school choice advocate so for the Dems he is Weird and for teachers union he is evil
A collective sigh of relief Rose from the RNC
Shapiro would have normalized Kamala and made her more legit and younger. Right now if you add Trump and Vance you get 115 years while Kamala and Walz together are 120 years. Walz is a younger version of Bernie Sanders. Plenty to criticize for RNC, Shapiro a different story.
Wow an old guy 60 years old . You must mean trump who is 78 years old . Not my 1st choice . I preferred Kelly , Copper, Shapiro or Beshear but I can back him . Vance have a field in a debate LOl !!!!
Just saying Shapiro would have normalized Harris and it would have been fun to watch him and Vance debate. I like Vance super smart like Shapiro and also easy for younger population to relate too. Of course my opinion he will be a handful for Walz.
The problem with Shapiro is that he is so much more articulate and inspiring than Harris. Not even close. The risk of the VP upstaging the President is also not a good look. How would you feel if Springsteen was the warm up for Southside Johnny?
Veterans going after Walz. This is one of those things that will last 90 days for him.

IMO big mistake by Harris, usually the Dems are more pragmatic than this. Her first big decision and she caved to the far left of her party. How do you think she will do as President?

I wonder why Shapiro wasn’t picked, was it something in his background?
IMO big mistake by Harris, usually the Dems are more pragmatic than this. Her first big decision and she caved to the far left of her party. How do you think she will do as President?
VP really means very little. We know who Harris is….seen her for four years.
I wonder why Shapiro wasn’t picked, was it something in his background?
Heard he didn’t want it.
Disappointing. Shapiro was the better choice. I always thought he may not have wanted it. But as a candidate he was a far better choice.

I think HALL85 may have been on to something. Shapiro may not have wanted it in the end. He could sit this one out (there's a decent chance Harris loses), not damage his brand, and be one of the front-runners in 2028.

Trump must be relieved that it wasn't Shapiro. Harris picking Shapiro would have made her the favorite to win the election by a decent margin. Walz is a terrible pick for a general election. Far-left Harris doubles down with another far-left politician. The Democratic party is scary these days.
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Disappointing. Shapiro was the better choice. I always thought he may not have wanted it. But as a candidate he was a far better choice.

Dem insiders throwing Shapiro under the bus in this article. Interesting. Sounds like Kamala wants a beta yes-man by her side and Shapiro wouldn't have been that.

its very clear that Shapiro could probably win the presidency right now based on how favorably he's seen on both sides. forget name recognition. hes a young intelligent non party extremist. seems like he almost doesnt even need a resume at this point. comparing decent people with the current crop of politician makes them look super human.
Shapiro a school choice advocate so for the Dems he is Weird and for teachers union he is evil
Vouchers are a bad policy idea for several reasons, but chief among them is that they're a black hole for state budgets. Propublica has documented the negative impact of Arizona's school voucher law, which was later used as a model for similar laws in a dozen other states. Shapiro advocating for this in PA not only goes against the position of most Democrats, it's also fiscally irresponsible (if you care about that sort of thing).

VP really means very little. We know who Harris is….seen her for four years.

Heard he didn’t want it.

I don't believe this. It sounds like he came off as overly ambitious and "showboating" in his interview and Harris had a better connection with Walz. So then Shapiro called after their meeting and took himself out of the running. Which is an attempt to save face when you know you're not getting the gig.

John Fetterman made his reservations about Shapiro known to the Harris team, and once again it was primarily his obsessive focus on his own personal ambitions. Though of course Fetterman has an axe to grind when it comes to Shapiro.

They were going to call any pick she made too far left, who cares. At least they're going have to try harder to dig up dirt on Walz. Shapiro had a bunch of obvious scandals to harp on, including the potential cover-up of a woman's murder when he was the Pennsylvania Attorney General, to his botched handling of a sexual harassment complaint against one of his closest advisors in the governor's office.

Some of the same people saying forcing Biden out was a bad idea are also saying Walz is a bad pick. That should suggest something...
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IMO big mistake by Harris, usually the Dems are more pragmatic than this. Her first big decision and she caved to the far left of her party. How do you think she will do as President?

I wonder why Shapiro wasn’t picked, was it something in his background?
Shapiro can be a significant force in national politics and have 8 years in the wh down the road
That story reminded me of all the “insider” pieces on how Biden was energetic, in charge and that his staff had trouble keeping up….

Walz reminds me of Tim Kaine.

What’s happened to Joe? In witness protection?

Exactly what I thought. Tim Kaine 2.0, and just happens to have the same first name and running with an unlikable woman.
Tim Kaine excited precisely no one when he was announced. This is already different. But yes, they're both older-looking white guys named Tim.
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Vouchers are a bad policy idea for several reasons, but chief among them is that they're a black hole for state budgets. Propublica has documented the negative impact of Arizona's school voucher law, which was later used as a model for similar laws in a dozen other states. Shapiro advocating for this in PA not only goes against the position of most Democrats, it's also fiscally irresponsible (if you care about that sort of thing).

I don't believe this. It sounds like he came off as overly ambitious and "showboating" in his interview and Harris had a better connection with Walz. So then Shapiro called after their meeting and took himself out of the running. Which is an attempt to save face when you know you're not getting the gig.

John Fetterman made his reservations about Shapiro known to the Harris team, and once again it was primarily his obsessive focus on his own personal ambitions. Though of course Fetterman has an axe to grind when it comes to Shapiro.

They were going to call any pick she made too far left, who cares. At least they're going have to try harder to dig up dirt on Walz. Shapiro had a bunch of obvious scandals to harp on, including the potential cover-up of a woman's murder when he was the Pennsylvania Attorney General, to his botched handling of a sexual harassment complaint against one of his closest advisors in the governor's office.

Some of the same people saying forcing Biden out was a bad idea are also saying Walz is a bad pick. That should suggest something...
You can believe x what you want but the only reason Shapiro was included was to raise his national profile (which it did). Who knew about Josh Shapiro a month ago? Very few outside of PA.

His rise to PA Governor has been no accident. Guy has spent years in PA building his resume and is well respected. Fetterman is a clown (and Casey an empty suit). Shapiro has been pro-business (“government running at the speed of business “ is one of his mantras), pro voucher and he had the Palestinian protesters removed from Penn and other PA campuses.

His plan did not include being on a losing ticket under Harris (and having to recover from that), or serving as VP under her for four or eight years for someone he really doesn’t respect.

He’s smarter than that.
its very clear that Shapiro could probably win the presidency right now based on how favorably he's seen on both sides. forget name recognition. hes a young intelligent non party extremist. seems like he almost doesnt even need a resume at this point. comparing decent people with the current crop of politician makes them look super human.
He’s also new. They don’t have much on him. DeSantis had a similar glow when he was “new” and won reelection by a landslide, taking counties in Florida that haven’t gone Republican in a decade. Sometimes the less they have on you, the better off you are politically.
The fact is, this is now the most left-wing presidential ticket since at least 1988 (Dukakis). Even Clinton-Kaine and Biden-Harris weren't this far left. Not sure how that's a winner in this country at-large.
Tim Kaine excited precisely no one when he was announced. This is already different. But yes, they're both older-looking white guys named Tim.

He excited plenty, as any Democrat VP will do when you have the media in your pocket. Read these articles. It's almost the identical script - down to earth, not high profile, hard to dislike, safe, boring, white man. "Doesn't care about the limelight." "Hillary would feel very compatible" working with him.

Only difference is this guy is a left wing progressive with a record of radical policies in Minnesota.

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