It's Walz for VP

Yet you were prepared to vote for a walking corpse that everyone knew couldn’t get to the election, and “disqualified” Haley during the primary discussion….laughable.
Because anyone would be preferable to Trump. Even a walking corpse. Hell that working corpse accomplished far more than Trump did and accomplished things that Trump could only promise but never deliver despite having both houses of Congress for 2 years.
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Fascinating, Trump was not good enough for you to vote for in the last two elections. So, let's see what has he done to improve his value to you since November 2000.

1) Well, he whined and complained that the election was stolen without an ounce of evidence.
2) He attempted to bully and force Georgia State officials "to find" 12000 more votes.
3) He rallied an unruly crowd to storm and defile the Capitol building
4) As he watched the Capitol being overrun by a crowd, did nothing to stop the insurrection that he started although members of his own party begged him to. Encouraged the violence towards his own VP.
5) Called Jan 6 people beautiful people and promised to pardon those that were convicted.
6) Ignored for requests, then subpoenas and then obstructed the Government in retrieving top secret confidential records.
7) Went out publicly and stated that Putin should do anything they want to any country that did not pay their share to NATO.

These are just the things off the top of my head. So all these things lead you to the conclusion that at this point in time, that you will vote for Trump. LOL.
Yup. He's still better for the USA when you look across the aisle and see a candidate that you yourself have enumerated how bad she is and I don't have a viable 3rd party candidate like I usually do I have to vote for him.
don't forget that he became an actual felon
He's a felon only because they took 1 count of what is a misdemeanor and just summarily changed it to 34 felonious counts banana republic-like.
Because anyone would be preferable to Trump. Even a walking corpse. Hell that working corpse accomplished far more than Trump did and accomplished things that Trump could only promise but never deliver despite having both houses of Congress for 2 years.
Good deflection…You said you would vote for Biden vs Haley if she was the candidate.
He's a felon only because they took 1 count of what is a misdemeanor and just summarily changed it to 34 felonious counts banana republic-like.
We have been though this. The Feds did not charge Trump. But it is clear that he committed a number of crimes. Election fraud and tax fraud naming two. I believe the Feds should have charged him. But then again that was under Trump's DOJ who indicted Michael Cohen but not the co-conspirator Trump.
He's a felon only because they took 1 count of what is a misdemeanor and just summarily changed it to 34 felonious counts banana republic-like.
That's pretty nifty, how'd they swing that? Or are you just making things up?
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Fascinating, Trump was not good enough for you to vote for in the last two elections. So, let's see what has he done to improve his value to you since November 2000.

1) Well, he whined and complained that the election was stolen without an ounce of evidence.
2) He attempted to bully and force Georgia State officials "to find" 12000 more votes.
3) He rallied an unruly crowd to storm and defile the Capitol building
4) As he watched the Capitol being overrun by a crowd, did nothing to stop the insurrection that he started although members of his own party begged him to. Encouraged the violence towards his own VP.
5) Called Jan 6 people beautiful people and promised to pardon those that were convicted.
6) Ignored for requests, then subpoenas and then obstructed the Government in retrieving top secret confidential records.
7) Went out publicly and stated that Putin should do anything they want to any country that did not pay their share to NATO.

These are just the things off the top of my head. So all these things lead you to the conclusion that at this point in time, that you will vote for Trump. LOL.
With all due respect, you are missing the point. Millions of people are going to vote for the former President despite, or maybe because, of everything you posted. But SPK is different; he has spent years lecturing us about his Libertarian beliefs. He is not some faux Libertarian like Hall "I didn't reward incompetence" 85. He used to believe some of what he wrote. To join Team Trump is a flip flop for the ages. It's a sad day for Piratecrew.
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With all due respect, you are missing the point. Millions of people are going to vote for the former President despite, or maybe because, of everything you posted. But SPK is different; he has spent years lecturing us about his Libertarian beliefs. He is not some faux Libertarian like Hall "I didn't reward incompetence" 85. He used to believe some of what he wrote. To join Team Trump is a flip flop for the ages. It's a sad day for Piratecrew.
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Correct. I will not vote for anyone who would vote for Trump.
But you’ll vote for open borders, abortion at any time up to the moment of birth, equality of outcomes (aka communism). transfer of private debt to the taxpayers, etc.
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But you’ll vote for open borders, abortion at any time up to the moment of birth, equality of outcomes (aka communism). transfer of private debt to the taxpayers, etc.
whatabout open borders?
whatabout late term abortions?
whatabout communism?
but most important, whatabout your Libertarian ideals?
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But you’ll vote for open borders, abortion at any time up to the moment of birth, equality of outcomes (aka communism). transfer of private debt to the taxpayers, etc.
Also, large Medicare Part D premium increases for seniors due to the horribly inaccurately titled Inflation Reduction Act:

No I'm not if they were unknowns you'd vote for them over Trump. But just curious, you'd vote for Trump over Putin?
In this hypothetical scenario - if it were those two guys on the ballot, I'd write in someone else. If you told me it has to be one of those two guys, I wouldn't vote. If you said it's mandatory to vote and I had to choose either Trump or Putin, I would vote for Trump.

Are we on day 25 and not even an interview? If I was Trump and the first interview was on ABC my response to every question would be she hasn't talked to the people about her policies for 7 weeks, I'm going to give her the whole 2 hours to explain her ideas to the country. You'd get word salad after word salad. She'd lose the debate worse than Biden.
I guess we're going to get some policy stuff on Friday.

A policy on housing? I know it's a high bar to clear, but let's see if this will be more constructive than "drill, baby, drill."
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But you’ll vote for open borders, abortion at any time up to the moment of birth, equality of outcomes (aka communism). transfer of private debt to the taxpayers, etc.
First, the guy you are voting for told all Republicans not to support the immigration bill which was the strongest immigration bill written by a real conservative Senator. It was not supported not for the good of the country but political reasons for Trump’s run.
Don’t talk about the border when u see Trump, illegal crossing quadrupled under his leadership and then Covid hit.

Second, abortion has been legal since Roe. The amount of third semester abortions were under 1%. Those procedure had to do with the mothers health. And every state that has abortion on the ballot, the people have voted for it.

Third, I reallly don’t think you know a thing about communism or socialism politically or economically in order to make a statement like that.

Fourth, when you talk about private debt to the tax payers do you not count corporate bailouts? Ie Chrysler, Wall St, farm subsidies as well? Clearly, a person who engineered a coup of the country and sat there and did nothing is less dangerous to the country. Libertarian? Ha. More like you are an authoritarian government person.
Fourth, when you talk about private debt to the tax payers do you not count corporate bailouts? Ie Chrysler, Wall St, farm subsidies as well? Clearly, a person who engineered a coup of the country and sat there and did nothing is less dangerous to the country. Libertarian? Ha. More like you are an authoritarian government person.
You know this is another of your disingenuous lies, I've railed about taxpayer bailouts and unconstitutional spending for years here like corporate bailouts, country bailouts (Israel/Ukraine), subsidies (think oil and renewables), Planned Parenthood, student debt, Dept of Education, the list is endless.

You always bring up the surplus years of Clinton when revenue was 18-19% of GDP and spending was the same yet you don't want to cut any spending at all. You're a spend, spend, spend liberal democrap.
First, the guy you are voting for told all Republicans not to support the immigration bill which was the strongest immigration bill written by a real conservative Senator. It was not supported not for the good of the country but political reasons for Trump’s run.
Don’t talk about the border when u see Trump, illegal crossing quadrupled under his leadership and then Covid hit.
How can people talk about the immigration bill without talking Ukraine funding. Why couldn't we do a border bill without giving away $60 billion to Biden's friends in the Ukraine? As far Trump goes how many democrats were fighting him on the border the entire time he was in office? Democrats had no problem with crossings until Abbott sent them their way then all of a sudden it wasn't racist to say this a problem. The gem governor in NY who welcomes all did a 180 and said find some place else NY is too expensive for you.
Second, abortion has been legal since Roe. The amount of third semester abortions were under 1%. Those procedure had to do with the mothers health. And every state that has abortion on the ballot, the people have voted for it.
Abortion sums up 90% of what's wrong with America. I want what I want, I want to do what I want, and I don't want the consequences of my actions. Maybe we can put Kamala in charge of root causes of abortion.

Fourth, when you talk about private debt to the tax payers do you not count corporate bailouts? Ie Chrysler, Wall St, farm subsidies as well? Clearly, a person who engineered a coup of the country and sat there and did nothing is less dangerous to the country. Libertarian? Ha. More like you are an authoritarian government person.
Everyone knows corporate bailouts are a problem. The issue is without a corporate bailout, how many people go unemployed. Every single person who benefited in what caused the need for a corporate should serve serious jail time.
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Now clips of Tim nodding along when interviewer says his rank and he served in Iraq.I’ll stand with my previous post that Dems on this board hate but lying about your combat service matters.Thus guy was not properly vetted and was a mistake
Republicans in the modern era have never been about fiscal responsibility, that is a fantasy. All they care about is shredding public services and the social safety net and cutting tax rates that overwhelmingly benefit rich people and corporations.

Doug Ducey and the Republicans in the Arizona legislature push school vouchers through, and guess what? It's a budget albatross. Not very fiscally responsible, was it? But at least they were able to weaken the public school system in the process.

I live in NJ, but please don't assume I like Phil Murphy or Bob Menendez. This isn't Red Team vs. Blue Team.
8 years of Chris Christie in NJ were the closest thing NJ has gotten to just SLOWING runaway property taxes. I'm well aware that they're never coming down, so would welcome school vouchers.
8 years of Chris Christie in NJ were the closest thing NJ has gotten to just SLOWING runaway property taxes. I'm well aware that they're never coming down, so would welcome school vouchers.
School vouchers have blown a hole in Arizona's budget. I fail to see how enacting a similar law in NJ would ultimately lower property taxes.
School vouchers have blown a hole in Arizona's budget.
Hmm, Arizona had a $1.4 billion budget shortfall. School vouchers were estimated to cost $65 million but actually cost $332 million, a difference of $267 million, or 19% of the budget shortfall. Not that much of a hole, ProPublica be damned.
Hmm, Arizona had a $1.4 billion budget shortfall. School vouchers were estimated to cost $65 million but actually cost $332 million, a difference of $267 million, or 19% of the budget shortfall. Not that much of a hole, ProPublica be damned.
Seems pretty significant to me. The GCI report indicates that the voucher program FY25 cost would comprise 63% of the AZ Budget Committee's FY25 budget shortfall ($429M of $676M).
The GCI report indicates that the voucher program FY25 cost would comprise 63% of the AZ Budget Committee's FY25 budget shortfall ($429M of $676M).
That statement alone means nothing. Are revenues down? Is other spending up?

The AZ Budget Committee indicates a $1.3 billion shortfall:

Revenues are down $1.7 billion, total expenses are down $1.1 billion. But it's al the fault of school vouchers, LOL?
That statement alone means nothing. Are revenues down? Is other spending up?

The AZ Budget Committee indicates a $1.3 billion shortfall:

Revenues are down $1.7 billion, total expenses are down $1.1 billion. But it's al the fault of school vouchers, LOL?

Yes, I think it's appropriate to say that this program has blown a hole in their budget. I don't recall saying their entire budget situation is "all the fault of school vouchers."
She is in over her head and it will catch up with her at some point. It might be before the election or after, but she’s a flaming idiot and most know that. Just like most knew Biden was mentally unfit to continue. Tough to admit the truth when you’re a blind partisan.

Period. Hard stop.
School vouchers have blown a hole in Arizona's budget. I fail to see how enacting a similar law in NJ would ultimately lower property taxes.
You might wanted to have read what I wrote before responding. There is never going to be meaningful reduction in property taxes, and my neighbors all moving in from NY and CA are OK with that, because -- to them -- they're getting the government they are paying for. I don't see how school vouchers could make things any worse.
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What a pair they make flip flopping and lying, but really comes with the territory. Trump learned quick being an outsider that lying was OK. JD Vance should have a field day with Walz, who I think comes off as a phony. I will look forward to watching that debate.
I am going to predict today what your opinion will be about who won the debates. Let me think. Yeah - you will say that Trump trounced Harris and Vance beat Walz.
I guess not. DWI, lied about it for years, lied about being a combat veteran. Par for the course.
At least John Kerry was an actual combat veteran with a Purple Heart. I'd vote for him over any of the current cast of clowns on either side.