The post mortem this virus will be interesting. Outside of a handful of hospitals, we haven’t come close to stressing the capacity of our healthcare system. It has shown a number of flaws in being too dependent on PPE from China and variations from hospital to hospital. Some systems have done an incredible job; some, just awful.That's not really an accurate statement. We do not have a way to know what impact that had on transmission.
Yes, we are definitely under reported but we don't really know the magnitude yet.
That site you linked to previously projects we are about 9x under reported which if true would place the r0 value to be a bit higher than initial estimates.
If that is true, then it is even more apparent that we did the right thing to decrease the velocity of the spread.
That site estimates almost every state had an r0 greater than 1 and the social distancing / stay at home orders reduced that number to be less than 1 in every state. I don't think some people appreciate what this could have done to our healthcare system and the panic that would have caused had we not shut down.
Some questions....should we have done more radical containment (all flights/interstate travel vs sheltering across the board? Focus more on isolating at risk (elderly and those with co-morbities) rather than healthy?