Jevon Thomas


All World
Gold Member
Feb 26, 2007
Why man? We got good mojo going and you have to be a punk.

Still don't know why willard picked him up when he had to sit a year and we could get better guys out there.

Why does drama always happen before or during gtown games?
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If true, he should be immediately dismissed from the school. Can't condone physical violence against students.
Let's get all the info before kicking a kid out immediately. Has anything ever happened like this before where a player was in a fight on campus and was kicked out of school?
Doesn't sound good but let's not rush to judgement and isn't there a better way to handle it than just go straight to kicking a guy out of school? I.e. Anger management counseling, if it is true.
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This has been Thomas' MO for a long time.

It was a risky and poor decision when we took him.

Hopefully it doesn't effect the team.
Not jump to conclusions? They have independent witnesses saying that Thomas didn't like a call in which the victim was being a referee. Thomas "freaked out" and began to choke the ref. Wow! A fight in which the paramedics and police had to be called. Wow.

This was not your simple little skirmish that I can forgive. Given the circumstances surrounding it and the seriousness that the police and paramedics were called, I would say the only action is to expel this kid from the university.
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I know when I was living at SHU as a student they had a pretty strict policy on fighting there. Now were there fights, yeah. But in a public place like this in front of so many people with the paramedics and police called. My gut says if true we just got our open ship, but now we need a pg
Why is Jevon Thomas playing in an intramural game on campus?

I know this happened at the division 3 level but didn't know D1 kids who were sitting out played in them.
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Yeah transfers usually do play. It's a way for them to get some practice in. Happens all the time
If the report and eyewitnesses are credible then he should be dismissed immediately.

I would love for Taurean to take the ship if available but we really need a QUALITY point guard, especially if IW goes pro( I don't think he is ready). If we can't find one and Taurean wants to commit then would love for him to take it!

Let's see what happens.
Looks like IW will be he only PG on roster for next year.

Let's hope he stays.
Btw. Didn't he get suspended multiple times while at KState?
Pathetic if true...poor kid trying to ref a stupid intramural game and he gets choked? Imagine how Thomas will react in a real Big East game...if true buh bye...
If this is true I don't know how you let him stay at the school. Looks like he pulled a Spreewell...
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Well thats one way to throw away your career. Gotta hope Willard pulls the team together for the Georgetown game and doesn't let this be an unnecessary distraction. Hopefully since Thomas wasn't an actual rotation player this year, this wont have a big impact.
Ugh. Just couldn't get through a season without drama. Hope the kid is OK and hope Jevon is dealt with accordingly. Unfortunate and unnecessary all around.
Wish we really got the Livingston kid rather than him now more than ever. What a waste of a scholarship.

Spreewell's can't be tolerated at SHU.
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If you're a basketball player on scholarship sitting out a year playing in a intermural game and just because you don't like a call in a game you go after the ref and attack him physically would certainly raise questions about his maturity and his ability to control himself and does he become a locker room issue. Well let's see how the "New" Willard handles this situation , it's tricky, suspension or dismissal.
Well, we have a spot for Thompson now, but we also need a PG because Whitehead is gone if he keeps up this play with a decent SHU showing in the NCAAs.
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Well, we have a spot for Thompson now, but we also need a PG because Whitehead is gone if he keeps up this play with a decent SHU showing in the NCAAs.

IF IW keeps this up, looks like KC will be our PG next season and Powell our starting 2G... We may very well need another guard.
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Why does this stuff always happen in February? Why does it always happen when we are so close to a tournament berth? Why can't it happen in December do when we get here we can clearly say that incident is well behind us? Be gone.
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Taurean Thompson, come on down!

"These things have a way of working themselves out."
- Anonymous

Inappropriate but hilarious. If Jevon Thomas causes a February swoon for Willard I'm not even sure how to feel about life anymore.
What a time for this to happen. Totally inexcusable. Revoke his scholarship today and move on. No need to have this drag on.
I doubt that this causes any kind of February swoon. It shouldn't, anyway. Based on his past, I don't know how much I trust the coach to hold things together, but I do value the leadership of Derrick Gordon to keep guys focused.
JT must have some deep rooted emotional / psychological problems to do what he did. With that said, he needs to be immediately separated from the school for good. What a time for IW to play like an NBA prospect. Jeez
Wouldn't be the first time Willard dismissed players from the program in February. He did so his first season when he told Keon Lawrence and Jamel Jackson to take a hike.

It needs to be handled quickly. Maybe it already has.
He was hyped on this board like Braeden Anderson. No one else thought either were any good. Kick him out of school and move on. It would be nice to have that scholarship back anyway.
we usually average 1 or 2 off the court issues every season. We were overdue. Let the facts dictate the appropriate course of action.