Moderna vaccine induced antibodies in all trial participants: paper

I understand the small percentage of richest have greatly expanded their wealth portfolio in 5 months.

Possibly. But that's life, as far as I'm concerned. When I drive down rt 35 in Mantoloking, or up 525 through Berndardsville and Mendham, I often wonder, "WTF do these people do that they need a 25,000 Sqft home for a family of maybe 5? -- and the CARS!" Then I just go about my life. I don't begrudge them their vast wealth, although I am naturally curious about a lifestyle that I can't fathom living.

I don't have the exact numbers, but something like the top 10% of earners in this country pay 80% of the federal income taxes (again, forgive me if I'm off by a bit). Outside of that, they can do whatever they want with their money, and many of them give away large sums of it, as well.

I understand the fascination with obscene wealth, I just don't feel that everyone is entitled to a piece of it, regardless of how it is gotten. If they never give a dime to the poor, that's between them, Uncle Sam, and God.
Lol. I'm reading too much into it but you can think he is talking about the normal process of writing laws? Something he made zero reference to? righhhhttt....

I can LOL and Riiiiight with the best of them, however all that does is show your argument lacks substance.

You are reading much more into the word control.

It is typical for you to not try to understand what people are saying and worse than that, you often tell people what they are saying.

Ordering people to wear masks, closing restaurants and other establishments, restricting travel, forcing quarantines, etc, are all forms of control. It does not get much simpler.

You are trying to cast Porter as and extremist conspiracy nut job.

I think it is an unfair assessment.

I'll agree to disagree but as is your wont, I fully expect you will strive to have the last word.

Feel free to have it.
What does that even infer? So did mine. But I went to all-boys school.
its gradeschool code for lying about having a girlfriend. i used it more metaphorically/jokingly.

shusa: donnie, you dont even have a girlfriend
donnie: yes i do!
shusa: then where is she?
donnie: she goes to a different school!
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Possibly. But that's life, as far as I'm concerned. When I drive down rt 35 in Mantoloking, or up 525 through Berndardsville and Mendham, I often wonder, "WTF do these people do that they need a 25,000 Sqft home for a family of maybe 5? -- and the CARS!" Then I just go about my life. I don't begrudge them their vast wealth, although I am naturally curious about a lifestyle that I can't fathom living.
i always think that most of these people have unconscious amounts of money that they arent even actively using. just sitting in investments, properties, etc. they just wanna keep making money for the power, the thrill?? bezos cheated and got divorced, so im not sure how much family truly means to him. i guess the uber rich hook their family up for decades.

i need money in order to do the things i like. the thing these people like doing is making money. i dont truly understand how they live that way either, but id probably trade tbh. money buys health, security, etc
It is typical for you to not try to understand what people are saying and worse than that, you often tell people what they are saying.

You realize you did that as well though, right?

We all do that.

Ordering people to wear masks, closing restaurants and other establishments, restricting travel, forcing quarantines, etc, are all forms of control. It does not get much simpler.

Sure, but lets look at two statements.
1. The government is controlling us because of the pandemic.

2. The government is using the pandemic to control us.

^ Those have different meanings.

I am calling porter a nut-job for statement #2.
Phil murphy could get your pet stuck in a tree and you would say he devised a poor strategy and recovery plan in doing so.

Probably. He is the definition of a spineless, pandering politician. He is only in the job because he's a retired rich guy who has nothing else to do and wanted some power and importance. A Jon Corzine clone.
Probably. He is the definition of a spineless, pandering politician. He is only in the job because he's a retired rich guy who has nothing else to do and wanted some power and importance. A Jon Corzine clone.
If he had same ascent in private business, but different politcal ideology and a republican you would feel same?
Probably. He is the definition of a spineless, pandering politician. He is only in the job because he's a retired rich guy who has nothing else to do and wanted some power and importance. A Jon Corzine clone.
Maybe we've figured out what those people sitting in the 25,000 SF house do. The run for office, lol. Murphy, Corzine, Trump Bloomberg, etc.
Damn, let me koiw when you are in the area, I'm usually at Used To Be's on Rt. 35 in Mantoloking.

That would be fun. Love Used to Be's. Haven't been there in awhile. Maybe we could get Freddie Hill to meet us, he has a place not far from there :)

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