Here is what I know-
In order to bring a pharmaceutical to market the drug undergoes a rigorous process to prove efficacy and safety over multiple years that requires exorbitant amounts of money. PDUFA "User Fees" help the FDA have the resources to perform their job in a timely manner. Would it make sense to invest exorbitant amounts of money, go through a rigorous process over multiple years to then have your NDA sit for 3 years? PDUFA fees are basically a government tax on pharma.
In my line of work I've witnessed multiple emerging pharmas with promising drugs receive a CRL from the FDA or had their drug outright denied. That's game over for them, company goes under.
There will always be corrupt people in all facets of life (law enforcement, pharma, education, etc) because humans are greedy sobs, but I believe the majority of people strive to do good.
While the system we have in place to evaluate new drugs could always be improved, do you have a better idea?