No more kneeling

So, if I read this correctly, you think this has something to do with animus toward "the flag?"

Maybe you should sit this one out.
How many of the kneelers have had protests outside of the time the National Anthem is played? Very few if any. I’m not against protests. It’s the timing of them that bothers me. They can choose any other time to protest. Before the game, after the game, during the off-season, right before kick off. Etc. They choose to do this during the Anthem and that is what makes the protests unamerican.
Protesting during the Anthem is one of our greatest American rights. That right must be respected and protected.
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And then there is this from our leader....

Trump to anthem kneelers: ‘Maybe you shouldn’t be in the country’

By Yaron Steinbuch


Pence channels Charlie Sheen in tweet celebrating NFL anthem policy

Jets boss breaks rank: I'll pay the anthem fines

NFL's gutless anthem decision doesn't solve anything

NFL comes to anthem solution that erases kneelers

President Trump said NFL team owners “did the right thing” by requiring players to stand during the National Anthem – suggesting that those who don’t perhaps “shouldn’t be in the country.”

“You have to stand proudly for the National Anthem and the NFL owners did the right thing if that’s what they’ve done,” Trump told “Fox & Friends” in an interview that aired Thursday morning.

Trump had been speaking at a roundtable on immigration on Long Island when NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell announced the policy Wednesday.

The policy requires players and personnel to stand for “The Star-Spangled Banner” or face fines — though each team may develop its own rules about those who do not comply with the new rules.

The new policy also gives players the option to stay in the locker room during the playing of the anthem if they do not wish to comply.

“Well I think that’s good,” Trump told Fox News. “I don’t think people should be staying in locker rooms. But still I think it’s good. You have to stand proudly for the National Anthem,” he said.

“You shouldn’t be playing, you shouldn’t be there. Maybe they shouldn’t be in the country,” he added.

The president credited the fans for pushing the league to take a stand.

“I think the people pushed it forward, this was not me. I brought it out. I think the people pushed it forward,” Trump said. “This country is very smart. We have very smart people, and that’s something ideally could have been taken care of when it first started. It would have been a lot easier.”

Last year, Trump described players who kneeled during the anthem to draw attention to racial injustice as “sons of bitches” who were insulting the flag and the country.

His remarks sparked a wave of kneeling protests across the NFL, angering some fans and placing some Trump-supporting team owners in an awkward position as TV ratings dropped.
If you have to demand respect to the flag, a song, or any nationalistic ritual is it really respect? In North Korea they execute you for "disrespecting" the state. It seems to me coercing people at the penalty of fines and unemployment to display their loyalty to the state is only a couple steps behind what they are doing in NK.

To me the kneeling isn't even disrespectful but I know others disagree... I respect our troops and our military but I respect our freedom even more and this new ruling seems counter to the first amendment.

Live and let live... if it bothers you that people kneel during the anthem, a harmless act, then you should just ignore it.
How many of the kneelers have had protests outside of the time the National Anthem is played? Very few if any. I’m not against protests. It’s the timing of them that bothers me. They can choose any other time to protest. Before the game, after the game, during the off-season, right before kick off. Etc. They choose to do this during the Anthem and that is what makes the protests unamerican.

This could not be anymore wrong. As an Eagles fan only follow what they are doing but look up players like Malcolm Jenkings, Chris Long, or Michael Bennett. They are leading the charge on improved race relations between citizens and the police. Kapernick has a Know Your Rights camp.

This is part of the problem. Your post is willfully ignorant, and you choose to complain about the venue rather than actually understand why they are protesting
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A protest isn't really a protest if it can't be seen. So I suspect this year we may see some other form of protest by some players who have strong feelings --which are 100% constitutionally protected-- finding other means to make their point.

Once again, it never ceases to amaze me how so many people who attack these protests are more interested in protecting the symbols of freedom than they are in protecting the freedom itself.

Meanwhile, Roger Goodell keeps up his reputation for usually finding a way to make a poor decision in a highly visible and sensitive situation. America's most overpaid empty suit.

I never understood how people can ignore all the stats that show African Americans are not targeted more than any other race by the police. It amazes me that people bury their heads in the sand so they can keep this rheotric going that the police are somehow after African Americas.
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If you are seeking sympathy and support for your cause (and getting more people on your side...), it appears this is having the opposite effect. When the guy leading the effort is wearing pig socks, it's a smh moment.
Blacks are arrested 4x (down from 6x in the 1980s) as much as Whites for drug offences although usage rates are the same. (go to page 60/61).

Thanks for the links, let me highlight some lines direct from the report.

They're more likely to get caught selling drugs, as Michael Tonry, professor of law at the University of Minnesota, told us back in February. "Whites are more likely to sell to people they know, and they much more often sell behind closed doors. Blacks sell to people they don't know and in public, which makes them vastly easier to arrest."

Blacks arrested for drugs are more likely to be sent to jail because they're more likely to have had a previous run-in with the law. Police tend to patrol high-crime areas more aggressively, which tend to be the poor areas, which have a higher proportion of minorities. Thus, they're more likely to be stopped for something and have a rap sheet once a drug charge comes along.

Selling drugs on a street corner is asking for trouble. Selling to people you know doesnt make it right but it makes it alot harder to arrest people for and when its not your first offense you're going to get a harsher punishment.
Thanks for the links to the liberal rags... educate yourself on the real data. I suggest paying attention to Page 8 - whose killing cops versus their percentage of the population.

A peer reviewed study is a liberal rag?

I have educated myself on this issue. I have read both sides of the arguments but the data shows, especially when you are looking a traffic stop - When blacks are searched more often than white people even though the white people searched were more likely to have contraband - There is a racial bias in policing. You said blacks are not targeted by police. they are - and the data supports that.
Your counter argument is a
Thanks for the links, let me highlight some lines direct from the report.

They're more likely to get caught selling drugs, as Michael Tonry, professor of law at the University of Minnesota, told us back in February. "Whites are more likely to sell to people they know, and they much more often sell behind closed doors. Blacks sell to people they don't know and in public, which makes them vastly easier to arrest."

Blacks arrested for drugs are more likely to be sent to jail because they're more likely to have had a previous run-in with the law. Police tend to patrol high-crime areas more aggressively, which tend to be the poor areas, which have a higher proportion of minorities. Thus, they're more likely to be stopped for something and have a rap sheet once a drug charge comes along.

Selling drugs on a street corner is asking for trouble. Selling to people you know doesnt make it right but it makes it alot harder to arrest people for and when its not your first offense you're going to get a harsher punishment.

So what your saying is that even though Black's are thrown in cages more often than Whites for the same crime, it's okay because White's don't live in high crime area's (where they are able to get away with committing crimes). That is exactly why there are protests...
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A peer reviewed study is a liberal rag?

I have educated myself on this issue. I have read both sides of the arguments but the data shows, especially when you are looking a traffic stop - When blacks are searched more often than white people even though the white people searched were more likely to have contraband - There is a racial bias in policing. You said blacks are not targeted by police. they are - and the data supports that.
Your counter argument is a

Who is killing a majority of police officers? Maybe that has something to do with officers taking greater precaution?
Some people say its their right to kneel during the Nation Anthem but that right should come with penalties if it's against league rules. I like the new rule.
These NFL players should worry about cleaning up their own house before kneeling for the National Anthem. The crime rate in the NFL is staggering.
So what your saying is that even though Black's are thrown in cages more often than Whites for the same crime, it's okay because White's don't live in high crime area's (where they are able to get away with committing crimes). That is exactly why there are protests...

I literally just said it doesnt make it right that Whites use greater pre-caution for their illicit crimes. How does where someone live have to do with a protest? Are you suggesting people cannot live wherever their means allow?
So now you are agreeing that they are targeted, but deserve it?

Let's remove race from this. If Group A is killing a disproportionate percentage of police officers to their overall population isn't it a natural human reaction to be more cautious when involved in a traffic stop? If little old ladies were killing a disproportionate number percentage of police officers I would expect the same caution. You people must think police are robots without any emotions or fears.
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something I saw on twitter: "I hope the NFL decides to completely stop all concession stand sales during the anthem as well. We wouldn’t want people buying a $10 beer and an $8 hot dog during our sacred anthem. All TV camera crews must stop filming and direct attention at the flag too. Just seems fair."
something I saw on twitter: "I hope the NFL decides to completely stop all concession stand sales during the anthem as well. We wouldn’t want people buying a $10 beer and an $8 hot dog during our sacred anthem. All TV camera crews must stop filming and direct attention at the flag too. Just seems fair."

While we're at it, why not add mandatory anthems at 8:00AM and 5:00PM everyday, the entire country has to stop and "respect the flag". Those who don't, get deported for their lack of fealty.
So what your saying is that even though Black's are thrown in cages more often than Whites for the same crime, it's okay because White's don't live in high crime area's (where they are able to get away with committing crimes). That is exactly why there are protests...
That is a fake statistic and very dramatic. As a cop for 26 years, I have seen blacks arrested up to 10 times for steeling cars, shoplifting and selling drugs and never spent a day in County or State lockup and I have seen Judges sentence whites to serve time for first offences. The protest should be in the bad neighborhoods where blacks are killing blacks at alarming rates and dealing drugs that are killing people from all walks of life. White cops killing innocent black men is almost nonexistent.
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That is a fake statistic and very dramatic. As a cop for 26 years, I have seen blacks arrested up to 10 times for steeling cars, shoplifting and selling drugs and never spent a day in County or State lockup and I have seen Judges sentence whites to serve time for first offences. The protest should be in the bad neighborhoods where blacks are killing blacks at alarming rates and dealing drugs that are killing people from all walks of life. White cops killing innocent black men is almost nonexistent.

Some of us appreciate the work you do, thanks. My brother in law is a state police officer and has worked in some of the toughest towns in NJ - it disgusts me that he and other officers put themselves in danger everyday for people who wish nothing but harm on those in the profession.
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That is a fake statistic and very dramatic. As a cop for 26 years, I have seen blacks arrested up to 10 times for steeling cars, shoplifting and selling drugs and never spent a day in County or State lockup and I have seen Judges sentence whites to serve time for first offences. The protest should be in the bad neighborhoods where blacks are killing blacks at alarming rates and dealing drugs that are killing people from all walks of life. White cops killing innocent black men is almost nonexistent.

How about it doesn't have to be in the bad neighborhoods? It's a damn human problem so you can protest anywhere (peacefully) you damn well please. Go away with that foolishness, officer
Let's remove race from this. If Group A is killing a disproportionate percentage of police officers to their overall population isn't it a natural human reaction to be more cautious when involved in a traffic stop? If little old ladies were killing a disproportionate number percentage of police officers I would expect the same caution. You people must think police are robots without any emotions or fears.

That is a different conversation and significantly different from your earlier post

I never understood how people can ignore all the stats that show African Americans are not targeted more than any other race by the police. It amazes me that people bury their heads in the sand so they can keep this rheotric going that the police are somehow after African Americas.

That's what I took issue with because it is not correct, and you seem to be agreeing now but think they deserve it.
That is a fake statistic and very dramatic. As a cop for 26 years, I have seen blacks arrested up to 10 times for steeling cars, shoplifting and selling drugs and never spent a day in County or State lockup and I have seen Judges sentence whites to serve time for first offences. The protest should be in the bad neighborhoods where blacks are killing blacks at alarming rates and dealing drugs that are killing people from all walks of life. White cops killing innocent black men is almost nonexistent.

It's not a fake statistic - I linked to a peer reviewed study and another article with 5+ sources. Your use of anecdotal evidence disproves nothing. You can't just yell fake news at something you don't like and pretend it's fake
Just went through this whole thread... some of yall just don't get it but I'm not surprised. Instead, you can read this SB Nation article which nails my biggest issue on everything regarding "disrespecting the flag."

Growing up people respected the flag, it doesn't take much to stand for your country and remember men and woman who died, many as young as 18 throughout our countries history. The country that is the envy of the world for the opportunities people have from all walks of life if you are willing to work hard and not be a hooligan. It was always obvious who was a low-life from who didn't stand.... I guess the number of low lifes has increased dramatically - sad time in this country.
That is a different conversation and significantly different from your earlier post

That's what I took issue with because it is not correct, and you seem to be agreeing now but think they deserve it.

I'm not agreeing at all. I don't think police pull over someone just because of their race. Once a traffic stop has been made they probably use more caution which would include a vehicle search.... but that would be expected if you look at the stats of who is causing harm to them. Police didnt sign up to be killed on the know that right?
Not sure protests at work are "constitutionally protected" as you say. Can my kids teachers get up in front of the class and "say a prayer", or refuse to teach because of something they have strong feelings for? Can I stand at my desk and refuse to work or follow some of my employers rules because of say "world hunger"?

I am all for freedoms and people protesting if they have strong feelings, but do it on your own time, not on your employers time.

But a kid or teacher could choose to sit through the Pledge of Allegiance.
It. Is. Not. About. The. Flag.

I know, its about white privilege, white power, white racism....etc. It gets so old listening to pass blame on a whole race of people for their failures. Isn't that racism? lol
When I was at the Hall ('68-'72) it was hard to find an African-American student who stood during the anthem at games in Walsh Gym. (Never considered them "low-lifes" by the way.) I realize they were not players, but it is the same issue or right or freedom. Games were played and life went on. It will again..... get over it.

Would love to see the Supreme Court get this one.
Growing up people respected the flag, it doesn't take much to stand for your country and remember men and woman who died, many as young as 18 throughout our countries history. The country that is the envy of the world for the opportunities people have from all walks of life if you are willing to work hard and not be a hooligan. It was always obvious who was a low-life from who didn't stand.... I guess the number of low lifes has increased dramatically - sad time in this country.

And you can always tell who is an oversensitive pansy when they get angry over a harmless kneel.
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Growing up people respected the flag, it doesn't take much to stand for your country and remember men and woman who died, many as young as 18 throughout our countries history. The country that is the envy of the world for the opportunities people have from all walks of life if you are willing to work hard and not be a hooligan. It was always obvious who was a low-life from who didn't stand.... I guess the number of low lifes has increased dramatically - sad time in this country.
It. Is. Not. About. The. Flag.
Yes. It. Is.
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I never understood how people can ignore all the stats that show African Americans are not targeted more than any other race by the police. It amazes me that people bury their heads in the sand so they can keep this rheotric going that the police are somehow after African Americas.
With all due respect, whatever statistics you're mentioning-- which may well be accurate--are really irrelevant because what we are talking about here is based on human reaction. I am not a black man and from your post I assume you aren't either. But I have family members who are. I have had discussions with several of them on this topic --one in particular who is a graduate of one of the best (if not THE best) law schools in the US) -- and I have gained at least some appreciation for the underlying fear and foreboding that they deal with if/when encountering police. Bottom line, it doesn't matter what you or I think or what statstics we quote; for many black Americans this is a very real human issue.
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