Parkland shooter

That's twice now where the jury just couldn't bring itself to do it. They spared that freak who shot up the movie theater in Colorado too. That guy was even less sympathetic(using that word very loosely here). At least with this kid I got the sense there were some real problems and that he was failed by those who could have looked out for him. Everyone seemed to know he was a threat....and did nothing. The guy in Colorado just came off as a devious little twerp.

Still, Cruz is a real-life monster, and I realize it's an exercise in splitting hairs with the sympathy thing when it comes to mass shooters.

I think the power of "it only takes one" has grown exponentially over time and with our country being so divided as it is now. Makes me wonder what they'll end up deciding for the one in El Paso who attacked the Wal Mart.
Pretty disgusting hearing these families out there whining about this on TV. Life in prison is just as bad for the convict, maybe worse.

It's one thing to have an opinion, but these folks are using up all their 15 minutes of fame and then some. One of them even turned it into a racial thing somehow and invoked the president. Disgusting, but that's what the culture of celebrity does.
Pretty disgusting hearing these families out there whining about this on TV. Life in prison is just as bad for the convict, maybe worse.

Some empathy would be helpful here. Think about what it would be like to lose a child in the way they did and the mental stress they have had to live through while this process dragged on.

Having kids, that’s a horror I can’t begin to understand.

I’d like to think I would have the grace to come to terms with the loss and understand that the death penalty wouldn’t help me but I doubt I would get there.
Pretty disgusting hearing these families out there whining about this on TV. Life in prison is just as bad for the convict, maybe worse.

It's one thing to have an opinion, but these folks are using up all their 15 minutes of fame and then some. One of them even turned it into a racial thing somehow and invoked the president. Disgusting, but that's what the culture of celebrity does.
Are you actually describing the families of the murdered children “whining”? Wow.

That’s a display of callousness that is beyond belief. You have never felt that pain Thankfully. I have stood side to side with many families of murder victims. It’s always heartbreaking. Your take on this is way out of bounds.

The pain and agony that these families are experiencing is hard to fathom. Yet you describe their anguish and pain as whining. That says everything about u. All of their statements are completely understandable.
Pretty disgusting hearing these families out there whining about this on TV. Life in prison is just as bad for the convict, maybe worse.

It's one thing to have an opinion, but these folks are using up all their 15 minutes of fame and then some. One of them even turned it into a racial thing somehow and invoked the president. Disgusting, but that's what the culture of celebrity does.

Dude.... you're actually embarrassing yourself with these classless comments. Their kids were murdered, just be quiet.
Yes, and justice was served. The person who killed them will rot in prison for the rest of his life. We don't need to kill him - that isn't justice. That would be pure hate and visceral vengeance. That's not what the justice system should be about.

As I said, they are perfectly entitled to their opinions and feelings. But they're milking it for celebrity value by being plastered all over TV and the internet - mocking the justice system just because they disagree with a jury of their peers. A few of them have been milking it from the start - four and a half years ago. This "look at me" culture we live in, and those who enable it, truly disgusts me.
Yes, and justice was served. The person who killed them will rot in prison for the rest of his life. We don't need to kill him - that isn't justice. That would be pure hate and visceral vengeance. That's not what the justice system should be about.

As I said, they are perfectly entitled to their opinions and feelings. But they're milking it for celebrity value by being plastered all over TV and the internet - mocking the justice system just because they disagree with a jury of their peers. A few of them have been milking it from the start - four and a half years ago. This "look at me" culture we live in, and those who enable it, truly disgusts me.
What's wrong with you? To suggest that they are using their kids murder to get their 15 minutes of fame is horrendous. They are expressing their grief that they do not have their loved one with them, yet the person who killed 15 people will get three square meals and live. That is a normal reaction.

What should disgust you is the man in the mirror that you are staring at.
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What's wrong with you? To suggest that they are using their kids murder to get their 15 minutes of fame is horrendous. They are expressing their grief that they do not have their loved one with them, yet the person who killed 15 people will get three square meals and live. That is a normal reaction.

What should disgust you is the man in the mirror that you are staring at.

They can have their opinions. Viewing this as either life in prison or death penalty are two valid opinions for this case. I have no problem with that.

Did you watch/read any of the coverage today? It was much more than simply having an opinion. I lose some sympathy when they mock and defame the American criminal justice system, the greatest system ever devised by man.

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