
May 29, 2001
He was attempting to act Presidential for a few days to discredit the recent book. But of course he is not capable of doing this for more than a few hours. His actions now show that much of the book is indeed accurate. The message of this administration is loud and clear “it is OK to be a bigot”. His Nazi & KKK supporters must be very proud.

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He was attempting to act Presidential for a few days to discredit the recent book. But of course he is not capable of doing this for more than a few hours. His actions now show that much of the book is indeed accurate. The message of this administration is loud and clear “it is OK to be a bigot”. His Nazi & KKK supporters must be very proud.

He's never tried to act Presidential.
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A couple things. One, it's amazing how leaky this White House is, although I suspect the Democrats in the room are behind this particular leak. Too good for them to pass up.

Two, it's a shame how the media turns everything into a race baiting shouting match. It was a politically incorrect statement, but that "offends" so many people these days. A sad state of affairs.
Poor choice of words which is typical of Trump but he's 100% correct, there are a number of disgusting countries led by murderous, criminal dictators, often propped up by the U.S., another bi-partisan effort.

Absolutely nothing racist about the statement, that's a despicable attempt to hide the complicity with propping up such terrible regimes.
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A couple things. One, it's amazing how leaky this White House is, although I suspect the Democrats in the room are behind this particular leak. Too good for them to pass up.

Two, it's a shame how the media turns everything into a race baiting shouting match. It was a politically incorrect statement, but that "offends" so many people these days. A sad state of affairs.

We are not talking about one isolated incident. The President has a history of making comments like these. For example his attack on Mexican's (They are rapist's etc) when he opened his campaign, or his reference to those marching with the KKK & Nazi's in Charolettesville as fine people, His comments about Haiti and also Muslims, His handling of disaster relief to Texas & Louisiana as opposed to the way he handled Puerto Rico. It sure seems like the mission of his administration is to keep additional Hispanic's and Black people out of this country. The press isn't making this up. These are things he has said & done.If you are being objective how can you read it any other way.

Poor choice of words which is typical of Trump but he's 100% correct, there are a number of disgusting countries led by murderous, criminal dictators, often propped up by the U.S., another bi-partisan effort.

Absolutely nothing racist about the statement, that's a despicable attempt to hide the complicity with propping up such terrible regimes.

I did not use the word racist. I don't know if Trump is a racist in the true sense of the word. He is a demagogue with no moral clock that is mostly (entirely) concerned with himself only. But he uses prejudice as a means to get votes & get his way.

You are right when you said he used a poor choice of words, but he does this constantly virtually every time he opens his mouth. If one does not want people to think they are racist, they should not be making racist statements.

The one thing that is clear is that he is not fit for the office he holds.

Tom K
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The only Nazis are the Democrats. It starts with name-calling, then follows with action with empowerment from the loser Dems.

I'm a deplorable. That is racist in itself as a term used for people not good enough for a perceived elite class.
He is a demagogue with no moral clock that is mostly (entirely) concerned with himself only. But he uses prejudice as a means to get votes & get his way.

Isn't that the same for at least 90% of DC?
Two, it's a shame how the media turns everything into a race baiting shouting match. It was a politically incorrect statement, but that "offends" so many people these days. A sad state of affairs

I'm not offended by the word.

The offense is that America is a country built by people who immigrated here from shithole countries.
Many if not all of our ancestors came here because they were trying to leave a shithole for better opportunity. To have the president saying we shouldn't have an immigration policy that allows those people the opportunity to come here is as against what America is and stands for.
No matter what you call him our President is a total dumbass. He is contradictory in what he says and tweets at minimum and constantly tries to stir the pot. If he didn't talk or tweet I would not have as much of a problem with him. He is not a leader or a person that brings folks together. That was a big problem I had with Obama and Trump is even worse.
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I'm not offended by the word.

The offense is that America is a country built by people who immigrated here from shithole countries.
Many if not all of our ancestors came here because they were trying to leave a shithole for better opportunity. To have the president saying we shouldn't have an immigration policy that allows those people the opportunity to come here is as against what America is and stands for.

Interesting. I'm actually more disgusted by the vulgarity he used, but I think he has a point. The words just came out horribly, as they often do with this president.

I agree with his belief that immigrants should come legally and be able to contribute to society. The way we can go about achieving that is certainly open to debate.
I agree with his belief that immigrants should come legally and be able to contribute to society.

Without googling, can you align the education attainment of those in the US currently with their country of origin?

Country A - 57% in the US have college degrees
Country B - 44% in the US have college degrees
Country C - 38% in the US have college degrees
Country D - 31% in the US have college degrees

US born Americans
Norway (the kind of immigrants Trump wants)
Without googling, can you align the education attainment of those in the US currently with their country of origin?

Country A - 57% in the US have college degrees
Country B - 44% in the US have college degrees
Country C - 38% in the US have college degrees
Country D - 31% in the US have college degrees

US born Americans
Norway (the kind of immigrants Trump wants)

I know US born is either C or D. Probably D. How is this relevant to the issue?

Kenya, Nigeria and Norway are rather successful countries. Far from the term Trump used.
I know US born is either C or D. Probably D. How is this relevant to the issue?

Because Trump says he wants more people from C, and less from A and B.
US was D, there for comparison purposes.

So imagine yourself being a Nigerian (A) here in the US. You have earned your degree and are a functioning member of society.
The president just said he wants less of you, and instead wants more people like the ones here from Norway who generally have less education.

What is the message there from Trump exactly?

If he wants to get to real immigration reform (nothing wrong with that) shouldn't he know more actual facts and go with that instead of his assumption that than the brown ones are probably worse than the white ones?
I was referencing immigrants when they come to America since that is what would show what their ability to contribute to society is.

Merge, I have come to expect more from you than this kind of thing.

Gimme a break.

Trump's comments were likely spawned from his relationship with Ann Coulter. Read Adios America.

The spirit of his comment is that Norwegians are better educated and have more to offer this country then Haitians.

Are you seriously going to argue against that?

Have you ever been to Haiti?

It is, sadly, a shit-hole and a corrupt one at that.
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So imagine yourself being a Nigerian (A) here in the US. You have earned your degree and are a functioning member of society.
The president just said he wants less of you, and instead wants more people like the ones here from Norway who generally have less education.

That not what he said.

You are spinning and interpreting this to your own fantasy.
That not what he said.

You are spinning and interpreting this to your own fantasy.

What was reported (and not denied) was him saying why are we taking all of these people from shithole countries (referencing Africa, El Salvadore and Haiti) and said we should have more people from Norway.

I'm not sure how else to take that other than as I described.
The spirit of his comment is that Norwegians are better educated and have more to offer this country then Haitians.

Yes that is true, but it is like you just opened up a restaurant and are complaining that none of your applicants are from Ivy league schools and too many are from Newark.

We don't have more Norwegians because people from Norway are generally not trying to escape something.We offer freedom and opportunity for those who lack it. Many from these "shitholes" have shown that they were able and willing to come here and contribute.
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I think what a lot of people who want tougher immigration enforcement are after, myself included, is there are so many problems in this country that we should focus on first. Help our people, solve our problems first. Then let's entertain expanding immigration.
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Oh geez, here you go again.

Merge, you summarized and edited what you heard was reported.

Please go read the entire context of all that was reported; and yes not denied but also not precisely confirmed.

Regardless, let's look at the forest and not be obscured by the trees.

Trump and the Repubs are advocating a merit based immigration policy. This includes reigning in chain immigration.

So let's look at the education and skills of the average Norwegian (living in Norway) and compare that to the average education and skills to a those living in Haiti.

Norwegians have the highest percentage of college educated citizens


"The Haitian Educational System yields the lowest total rate in the education realm of the Western Hemisphere.[3] Haiti's literacy rate of about 61% (64.3% for males and 57.3% for females) is below the 90% average literacy rate for Latin American and Caribbean countries"

Given this and the pursuit of a merit based system, the essence of Trump's comments are reasonable. His precise choice of words is not my cup of tea but as far as trying to attract Norwegians vs Haitians, I'm all in.
Given this and the pursuit of a merit based system, the essence of Trump's comments are reasonable. His precise choice of words is not my cup of tea but as far as trying to attract Norwegians vs Haitians, I'm all in.

Is America the place to go once you have built success or where you go for opportunity to build success?

I personally feel it is wrong to have an immigration policy looking to close the door to people like my ancestors looking for a better life in favor of those who are already prosperous in their own (also prosperous) countries.

There are valid arguments for placing restrictions in our immigration policy.
Coming from a shithole is not one of those arguments.
Please share if anyone here has vacationed or plans to visit any of these countries in their lifetime...
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Is America the place to go once you have built success or where you go for opportunity to build success?

I personally feel it is wrong to have an immigration policy looking to close the door to people like my ancestors looking for a better life in favor of those who are already prosperous in their own (also prosperous) countries.

There are valid arguments for placing restrictions in our immigration policy.
Coming from a shithole is not one of those arguments.

Dream on my friend.

I have to go now. I'm due back on the planet Earth.
@Merge, once again why do you even bother with the backwards thinking, mental gymnastics and purposeful ignorance that gets spouted in threads like this?

Get a job Solo.

Then maybe the tax law would have some meaning.
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@Merge, once again why do you even bother with the backwards thinking, mental gymnastics and purposeful ignorance that gets spouted in threads like this?

I’m on the side that the media has been a little over the top In their reporting, but honestly didn’t really think anyone would defend Trump here.

^ said my point better than I did.
Romney lost. He is bloviating.

All this kumbaya with our immigration is nostalgia and rose colored glasses.

When you tour Ellis Island you learn that we weren't exactly a welcome mat. Back then we needed labor to work mines, factories, and fields. We weren't letting people in because we wanted to send them to college for free.

The "bring me your tired and poor...." BS was just that, BS. That was a poem which was hi-jacked to raise money for the Pedestal. And with regard to Lady Liberty, if you do your research you will find out her true origin and motive for the statue. Hint: It was not a gift from France.

Fast forward to today. We are in a global society and economy with a few interesting themes, some of them troubling. Terrorism, technology, drugs, gangs, human trafficking, currency manipulation......

The idea of securing our borders and having a immigration policy that fits the 21st century AND is actually enforced is fine with me. That policy should and will contain a fix for DACA and path for people from poor countries to come here.

If you feel real strong about Haiti then quit your job, buy a plane ticket, and go help them build toilets and install plumbing. If you do that you may want want to bring lotsa weapons and ammo or have enough money to hire body guards and pay off the the corrupt officials that will surely pay you a visit.

There is a reason that Royal Caribbean Cruises has a 12 foot barbed wired fence and machine gun armed guards protecting their private island.

I agree that Trump's comments as reported are awful but not necessarily anything alot of people would say. Haiti IS a shit hole as are the other countries he referenced. Keep in mind, they were not public comments.
For me, I don't care about a private conversation. It is just a distraction from the issues.

I care more about secure borders and a sound immigration policy that reflects the times we live in.
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She is entitled to her opinion.
Saying Trumps not a racist cause black unemployment is down is like saying Bush was racist because it went up under him. If black unemployment starts to go back up in the next few months, does that mean Trump is a racist? Of course not. It’s a silly argument.

Since it’s peak in 2010, black unemployment has been a steady downward trend and was cut by more than half by the time Trump took office.

Tax cuts may help, they also may cause an over inflated market and when it bursts, cause another recession increasing black unemployment significantly and the government will have less revenue to react.
The idea of securing our borders and having a immigration policy that fits the 21st century AND is actually enforced is fine with me. That policy should and will contain a fix for DACA and path for people from poor countries to come here.

Everyone agrees with that.

If our president said that, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.
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Everyone agrees with that.

If our president said that, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.


So the entire point of this thread is we think Donnie said a naughty word in a meeting because Dickie Durbin didn't get his way and now he is saying Donnie said a bad word.

That is the epitome of small ball.

As I write this Lindsay Graham is grilling Nielsen on the meeting who says she doesn't recall Donnie saying the naughty word.

So who do you believe, Nielsen or Durbin?

The issue is that Durbin's single threaded DACA proposal got shot down and Trump has countered with the Four Pillars. Durbins only way to fight back is to say Donnie said a naughty word.

MSM will continue to try to derail Trump with the naughty word. Trump will continue to drive forward with the four pillars.

I'd rather discuss the pillars vs the alleged naughty word by the guy who got shot down.

So the entire point of this thread is we think Donnie said a naughty word in a meeting because Dickie Durbin didn't get his way and now he is saying Donnie said a bad word.

That is the epitome of small ball.

As I write this Lindsay Graham is grilling Nielsen on the meeting who says she doesn't recall Donnie saying the naughty word.

So who do you believe, Nielsen or Durbin?

The issue is that Durbin's single threaded DACA proposal got shot down and Trump has countered with the Four Pillars. Durbins only way to fight back is to say Donnie said a naughty word.

MSM will continue to try to derail Trump with the naughty word. Trump will continue to drive forward with the four pillars.

I'd rather discuss the pillars vs the alleged naughty word by the guy who got shot down.
CNN would never hire you...dirty word 24/7.
So the entire point of this thread is we think Donnie said a naughty word in a meeting because Dickie Durbin didn't get his way and now he is saying Donnie said a bad word.

No. The word really isn't important. It is the sentiment.

"Why are we taking shihole country (just happen to be all black) people instead of great country (just happen to be all white) people.

To me that is as un-American as you can get... and it doesn't matter when it comes from your mouth. It matters when it comes from the presidents.
That is my opinion.
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No. The word really isn't important. It is the sentiment.

"Why are we taking shihole country (just happen to be all black) people instead of great country (just happen to be all white) people.

To me that is as un-American as you can get... and it doesn't matter when it comes from your mouth. It matters when it comes from the presidents.
That is my opinion.
There were other countries apparently mentioned under the umbrella, Including El Salvador and other Central American countries. Media trying to make this a black-and-white issue but obviously leaving out a lot of information in the narrative.
There were other countries apparently mentioned under the umbrella, Including El Salvador and other Central American countries. Media trying to make this a black-and-white issue but obviously leaving out a lot of information in the narrative.

My apologies. Brown vs White.

Much better.
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