Seems Like Donald Trump Jr admitted to looking for Russian Info

Just stating the obvious via logic and the reporting followed. Unless you also schedule 30 minute meetings with people who you don't know or why they want to meet?
Just because it's your opinion, doesn't make it obvious. We've also seen a lot of wild accusations ( including the NYT) over the past year with trump that turned into nothing. I'll take a wait and see before I jump to any conclusions.
Just because it's your opinion, doesn't make it obvious. We've also seen a lot of wild accusations ( including the NYT) over the past year with trump that turned into nothing. I'll take a wait and see before I jump to any conclusions.

You can take whatever approach you want, but of you think Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared kushner take a meeting with some random person and they don't know their name or intention, then it's pretty much a head in sand approach.
You can take whatever approach you want, but of you think Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared kushner take a meeting with some random person and they don't know their name or intention, then it's pretty much a head in sand approach.
Of course they take the meeting for a reason. The questions are, Did they do anything illegal? Did they do anything treasonous? Thus far, there isn't anything factual that indicates that....just opinion.
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If the facts as presented by DTJr are correct, the meeting was illegal. Taking a meeting with a foreign national who is offering information about an opponent is a violation of campaign finance laws.
If the facts as presented by DTJr are correct, the meeting was illegal. Taking a meeting with a foreign national who is offering information about an opponent is a violation of campaign finance laws.

Campaign contributions from a foreign entity/national are illegal. A contribution does NOT have to be $$$ it could be anything to help a campaign including information on an opponent gathered by a foreign government. And it seems the email he received said the info was from the Russian government.
Of course they take the meeting for a reason. The questions are, Did they do anything illegal? Did they do anything treasonous? Thus far, there isn't anything factual that indicates that....just opinion.

Seems like the Trump people have changed their stories from no contacts with the Russians at all to no contact with the Russians about the elections to, well, gathering information from the Russians is not illegal, isn't that what all campaigns do?

This is just the surface. Keep digging.
Campaign contributions from a foreign entity/national are illegal. A contribution does NOT have to be $$$ it could be anything to help a campaign including information on an opponent gathered by a foreign government. And it seems the email he received said the info was from the Russian government.

I would tend to believe that law was created when people genuinely had America's best interest at heart. If the Russians, Norwegians, Mexicans, Canadians, or whoever else had proof one of our politicians was taking personal money from another country's leaders and would return favors once in office, I want to know. I don't care if it's from an ally, an enemy, or someone in between. Politicians have been dirty and I don't care comes from an American or someone of a foreign country, but I want to see it cleaned up. People took an oath to serve myself, you, and the American people. If they are more concerned about personal side deals, they shouldn't be in public office. It shouldn't matter if we find out the truth from an American or a foreign entity. Once it's proven true they should be gone, republican or democrat.
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Ok so.....

Let's audit the Clinton Foundation.

Let's audit every soft PAC

Let's audit every non-profit that contributed to a candidate.
Seems like the Trump people have changed their stories from no contacts with the Russians at all to no contact with the Russians about the elections to, well, gathering information from the Russians is not illegal, isn't that what all campaigns do?

This is just the surface. Keep digging.
Who is suggesting to stop digging? If there is proof, then prosecute. Don't we already have Mueller doing this?
Ok so.....

Let's audit the Clinton Foundation.

Let's audit every soft PAC

Let's audit every non-profit that contributed to a candidate.
If the situation is that bad we should tear down the government and start a new one like the Declaration of Independence says we should.
One of my favorite George Harrison songs... "WAHHH WAHHH"... Starting to hear a lot of that...
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No, it's b/c you're the stereotype personified of an ugly, angry, misinformed Trump troll that no one takes seriously and therefore doesn't want to engage in any real discourse. Notice how you were simply mocked by people who like to discuss things on here every day? And you will now be blocked by at least me going forward. You should be banned considering all you've done in your handful of posts is troll and attempt to piss off the left-leaning people on here.
You can take whatever approach you want, but of you think Donald Trump Jr, Paul Manafort, and Jared kushner take a meeting with some random person and they don't know their name or intention, then it's pretty much a head in sand approach.

This is a good point, those guys don't all get in a room unless there is money top be made or info for the campaigned to be gleaned.

It still may be a nothing-burger, now the attorney says she is not connected to the Kremlin, but this is still an interesting point.
No, it's b/c you're the stereotype personified of an ugly, angry, misinformed Trump troll that no one takes seriously and therefore doesn't want to engage in any real discourse.

Aren't there a number of ugly, angry, misinformed anti-Trump poster here as well?
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Just because it's your opinion, doesn't make it obvious. We've also seen a lot of wild accusations ( including the NYT) over the past year with trump that turned into nothing. I'll take a wait and see before I jump to any conclusions.

So... Not sure it's treason, but it was illegal.



"Frequently, people who go along a treasonous path do not know they are on a treasonous path until it is too late,” -John Brennan
Everybody is missing the boat. This is what happens in elections, despite what the laws are. Maybe Trump worked with the Russians. Hillary worked with Ukraines. What do we do now? Have an election between Cruz and Sanders to finish out the term?
"Frequently, people who go along a treasonous path do not know they are on a treasonous path until it is too late,” -John Brennan
Hillary who has been in politics since the 70s didn't know til too late that working with the Ukraine was wrong?
Stop deflecting. Hillary is not running our country.

Trump needs to go.

I'm not deflecting. I'm showing how the entire system is F'ed up. They are all slimes. They would all kick their mother in the teeth until she had none to get a leg up on the competition. What's your solution? What are you going to do kick him out, get the next person investigated, kick her out then? I'm not defending Trump at all. Your post about not knowing makes sense with Trump,Jr. But it's absurd when you use the same logic for Hillary who is a career politician.
What are you going to do kick him out, get the next person investigated, kick her out then?

Yes. Kick everyone out who is guilty.

But it's absurd when you use the same logic for Hillary who is a career politician.

I'm not talking about Hillary because Hillary is not our president. I don't give a crap about her, and I hope she is done politically.
Everybody is missing the boat. This is what happens in elections, despite what the laws are. Maybe Trump worked with the Russians. Hillary worked with Ukraines. What do we do now? Have an election between Cruz and Sanders to finish out the term?

Are we OK with this? If not, then we raise it and enforce our elected officials to address it.

Trump is our President. I am more concerned about how this impacts his ability to fulfill his obligations to the country. Incorporating the help of a foreign nation makes him indebted to them to some extent. At the very least biased, at the very most easily blackmailed.
Are we OK with this? If not, then we raise it and enforce our elected officials to address it.
How much do elected officials really want to get involved with this. I'm willing to bet there is a much higher percentage of people in office who have done illegal things during an election than we think.
Yes. Kick everyone out who is guilty.

I'm not talking about Hillary because Hillary is not our president. I don't give a crap about her, and I hope she is done politically.

Genius the point is the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are guilty in this. I can't imagine this is brand new in politics. Should we look if Obama, McCain, Bush, Kerry, Quayle, Bill Clinton and see if they committed a treasonous act. People are talking treason. Not shoplifting. If treason was committed by both sides. Both sides need to be looked into, not just the election winner. Be down the middle, not a left wing hack. Go after the people like Hillary who are no longer in office but were part of the same acts. Don't give her a pass because she is out of office.
When Trump said "I have no connection to Russia, but if someone around me did something" it should be handled. Regarding Flynn.

I'm starting to wonder if EVERYONE around Trump did "something" with Russia. And they just assumed we were all too stupid to figure it out.

Manafort, Flynn, Paige, Trump Jr, Kushner, Sessions, Roger Stone...
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Are we OK with this? If not, then we raise it and enforce our elected officials to address it.

Trump is our President. I am more concerned about how this impacts his ability to fulfill his obligations to the country. Incorporating the help of a foreign nation makes him indebted to them to some extent. At the very least biased, at the very most easily blackmailed.

How do we know the attorney was representing Russia? Still stinks but no ties directly to the Russian government yet.
Genius the point is the Democratic Party and the Republican Party are guilty in this. I can't imagine this is brand new in politics. Should we look if Obama, McCain, Bush, Kerry, Quayle, Bill Clinton and see if they committed a treasonous act. People are talking treason. Not shoplifting. If treason was committed by both sides. Both sides need to be looked into, not just the election winner. Be down the middle, not a left wing hack. Go after the people like Hillary who are no longer in office but were part of the same acts. Don't give her a pass because she is out of office.

I'll say it more clearly. Anyone who is currently an elected official who knowingly received help from another country needs to get out of office as soon as possible so they have no influence over their constituents.

That is what is most important to me.

I also want campaign finance reform to make this more transparent and limit the opportunities.

If you want to investigate every politician ever after that, fine by me.
No, to be blunt. Not like that. And you know as much, you're just being contrarian, as usual.

No disrespect but Merge and Cern are so far up the anti-Trump ass he could cure cancer and they would complain about him putting doctors out of work.

I was the same way with Obama.

Let's be honest here.
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How do we know the attorney was representing Russia? Still stinks but no ties directly to the Russian government yet.

Don Jr's go-between told him that the lawyer represented Russia.

Whether she actually did or not may not matter. Especially regarding "soliciting or accepting" help from a foreign entity. He believed she was representing the Kremlin. And she is still a foreign national/entity in her own right.
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How do we know the attorney was representing Russia? Still stinks but no ties directly to the Russian government yet.

Honestly we don't.
We know Jr thought she did though.

It's like watching to catch a predator and asking "how do we know that girl was really 13?" - does I matter? Dude went with the intention of doing something illegal.

And honestly this is just what we know so far. This is likely to get worse.
I'll say it more clearly. Anyone who is currently an elected official who knowingly received help from another country needs to get out of office as soon as possible so they have no influence over their constituents.

Well said but still nothing on ties with the government of Russia and Trump. There may come a time but right now it's more than the hysterical, hypocritical left crying over their sour grapes.

I also want campaign finance reform to make this more transparent and limit the opportunities.

No. what we need to do is to hold elected officials to their Constitutional limits. If we did, they'd have nothing to sell themselves for like the whores they are.
Like that ceiling you predicted?? lol

That was me. I've been wrong before, I will be wrong again... but I'll bet you $100 to the charity of your choosing that Trunp does not complete 1 full term.
Look at the thread I started about Obammie the Commie.

Only tepid responses.

Know why?

Man cannot be defended.

Obammie the commie? That is some insightful political
No disrespect but Merge and Cern are so far up the anti-Trump ass he could cure cancer and they would complain about him putting doctors out of work.

I was the same way with Obama.

Let's be honest here.

I am very anti-Trump and all for very good reasons. He is bad for this country and not just in a political sense. He is dangerous and has probably sold out this country's interests for enriching himself and getting elected.
No disrespect but Merge and Cern are so far up the anti-Trump ass he could cure cancer and they would complain about him putting doctors out of work.

I was the same way with Obama.

Let's be honest here.

They're not trolls. They're long time members of the board like the rest of us who actually engage in legit back & forths with you guys. That other clown has like 8 posts and they're basically all ugly anti-Obama nonsense filled with lies written like a child & simply meant to just piss people off. You know, like a troll.
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I admire the passion, but it would be helpful to take a step back.

It is becoming clearer that in taking the meeting DTJr is in violation of campaign finance law. Does this rise to the level of treason? For me, it does not. Should additional information be disclosed that makes a better case for treason so be it. However, before I even begin to go down the impeachment road, there needs to be proof the President was directly involved. I believe the bar in both cases needs to be set very high.
I admire the passion, but it would be helpful to take a step back.

It is becoming clearer that in taking the meeting DTJr is in violation of campaign finance law. Does this rise to the level of treason? For me, it does not. Should additional information be disclosed that makes a better case for treason so be it. However, before I even begin to go down the impeachment road, there needs to be proof the President was directly involved. I believe the bar in both cases needs to be set very high.

Completely fair... I agree this is not treason but it is against the law.
and of course I will accept the result of the investigation, but that doesn't mean we can't opine here. Based on what we know so far, it is my opinion that this investigation will lead to Trump leaving or being removed from office.

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