Seems Like Donald Trump Jr admitted to looking for Russian Info

Completely fair... I agree this is not treason but it is against the law.
and of course I will accept the result of the investigation, but that doesn't mean we can't opine here. Based on what we know so far, it is my opinion that this investigation will lead to Trump leaving or being removed from office.

The problem with the investigation will be, no matter the outcome, the losing side will blame a biased investigator. I almost feel you will get the conclusion that this was poor judgment by an inexperienced person entering politics. The democrats will be able to say the Russians tried to get involved. The republicans will walk away with a slap on the wrist.
Based on what we know so far, it is my opinion that this investigation will lead to Trump leaving or being removed from office.

For betting entertainment purposes only - Trump will never resign and the the Senate will never impeach him - that is my opinion. However, today is day 172, so we are only 12% in.
Completely fair... I agree this is not treason but it is against the law.
and of course I will accept the result of the investigation, but that doesn't mean we can't opine here. Based on what we know so far, it is my opinion that this investigation will lead to Trump leaving or being removed from office.
Unless a lot more proof shows up, and I mean a lot, it's my opinion that this will not have an impact on Trumps term.
For betting entertainment purposes only - Trump will never resign and the the Senate will never impeach him - that is my opinion. However, today is day 172, so we are only 12% in.

Before the Senate tries him, the House will never impeach him.
I just have to ask... Even with all these emails, there is no comments, directions given, or anything else given by the President himself. Can a President be impeached for what someone associated with him did? Realistically you have to believe the President knew. However until something comes to light with his words or his actions can he be impeached? I can't believe either party wants to set a precedent where the President can be impeached for the actions of someone associated with the President.
He is dangerous and has probably sold out this country's interests for enriching himself and getting elected.

Probably sold out this country's interests........

Probably. Yes, That's it. Probably.

I am going to start calling you Chauncey Gardiner. LOL
I really think this thing is going to calm down in the next few days. Both sides are filled with slime. Go back 35 years and you will see Ted Kennedy working with the Russians trying to take down Reagan. To think those tactics stopped is a joke. Neither side wants to open up a can of worms. I think a "non independent" independent investigator will go in there, work with both sides, and come up with a resolution where neither party gets what they want, but both parties save face.
I think a "non independent" independent investigator will go in there, work with both sides, and come up with a resolution where neither party gets what they want, but both parties save face.

I nominate Robert Mueller for the job.
How much do elected officials really want to get involved with this. I'm willing to bet there is a much higher percentage of people in office who have done illegal things during an election than we think.

I'm sure there are, but can they really drag up cold cases? Especially if both Dems and traditional Repubs want to get away from Trump? This has become such a public bee hive that would they be able to conceal a connection to protect everyone's wrongs?

Seems like a stretch, especially when an "outsider" is the one in the middle.
I'm sure there are, but can they really drag up cold cases? Especially if both Dems and traditional Repubs want to get away from Trump?

If all the republicans were on board with getting Trump out, that would be one thing. All it takes is one Republican with Trump to inform the American people this is unfair and unbalanced, it's a witch hunt against Trump, and bring up those cold cases and i believe his base would go nuts, especially since everything proven so far is against Donald Jr and Jared Kuschner. They got a lot of digging to do. However I do think if they look into Trump with Russians and Hillary with the Ukrainians and came up with something on both of them, and punished them fairly the public would be okay with that.
I just have to ask... Even with all these emails, there is no comments, directions given, or anything else given by the President himself. Can a President be impeached for what someone associated with him did? Realistically you have to believe the President knew. However until something comes to light with his words or his actions can he be impeached? I can't believe either party wants to set a precedent where the President can be impeached for the actions of someone associated with the President.
We've only learned what we have thus far through the press and a few open congressional hearings. We don't know what the findings of Mueller's investigation will be, but we can sure his report won't read "the public already knows everything that happened."
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We've only learned what we have thus far through the press and a few open congressional hearings. We don't know what the findings of Mueller's investigation will be, but we can sure his report won't read "the public already knows everything that happened."

LOL obviously, but I do tend to believe if democrats had an inkling that there is documentation the President was involved it will be out before Mueller reports his findings.
If all the republicans were on board with getting Trump out, that would be one thing. All it takes is one Republican with Trump to inform the American people this is unfair and unbalanced, it's a witch hunt against Trump, and bring up those cold cases and i believe his base would go nuts, especially since everything proven so far is against Donald Jr and Jared Kuschner. They got a lot of digging to do. However I do think if they look into Trump with Russians and Hillary with the Ukrainians and came up with something on both of them, and punished them fairly the public would be okay with that.

But Hillary doesn't currently hold public office. Wouldn't your argument have to apply to such?
But Hillary doesn't currently hold public office. Wouldn't your argument have to apply to such?
So if you cheat and lose there's no consequences? Maybe the law should get rid of the word attempted. Attempted burglary, no penalty. Attempted murder, no penalty. You have to execute the robbery or the murder to get penalized. lol that's as stupid as the NCAA penalizing USC while Pete Carroll can just move on to the NFL without any consequences. Come up with a big financial fine for her. Lock her up. Do something. It's not acceptable to break rules whether you win or lose. But if you let her walk, you have to be fair and let him walk.
It's less of a priority, in my view. If we're casting a wide net and digging up all of these transgressions, let's start wth those in active power, no?
It's less of a priority, in my view. If we're casting a wide net and digging up all of these transgressions, let's start wth those in active power, no?
I think the priority is fixing the system. Win or lose you do something illegal there needs to be consequences. I never want to read about this crap again.
How do we know the attorney was representing Russia? Still stinks but no ties directly to the Russian government yet.

You're right at this stage. "Yet" being the operative word. It's all over his key people already and we're in the 1st inning of the investigation.

The business ties he had to them, Paul freaking Manafort, etc. Too many connections. Too many conduits. Too many easy inroads for Russia. And the Trump people so hungry to win at all costs.

Meanwhile both Obama and Trump have let Russia walk for various reasons. Choked indeed. Embarrassing.
Methinks some of you should read the Constitution and it's definition of treason before you come on here and whine about treason. I don't know whether to laugh or cry so I'll just SMH.
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Methinks some of you should read the Constitution and it's definition of treason before you come on here and whine about treason. I don't know whether to laugh or cry so I'll just SMH.
I think you should suggest that to Tim Kaine. A guy who was supposed to be VP is throwing the word around obviously not knowing its meaning. I just fear the word gets thrown around enough it sticks. It's sadly being used right now by some people.
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I think you should suggest that to Tim Kaine. A guy who was supposed to be VP is throwing the word around obviously not knowing its meaning. I just fear the word gets thrown around enough it sticks. It's sadly being used right now by some people.
It's gotten so bad I think I can only identify a dozen or so Congressman or Senators that I can listen to.
I think you should suggest that to Tim Kaine. A guy who was supposed to be VP is throwing the word around obviously not knowing its meaning. I just fear the word gets thrown around enough it sticks. It's sadly being used right now by some people.

Another buffoon.
I think you should suggest that to Tim Kaine. A guy who was supposed to be VP is throwing the word around obviously not knowing its meaning. I just fear the word gets thrown around enough it sticks. It's sadly being used right now by some people.

Regardless of what anyone thinks about Trump, both good and bad, I'm very happy that Clinton isn't POTUS and Kaine isn't VP.
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Regardless of what anyone thinks about Trump, both good and bad, I'm very happy that Clinton isn't POTUS and Kaine isn't VP.
Agreed. I hope the left goes after Trump, Jrs server. Gotta believe the right will counter with going after Hillary's.
LOL obviously, but I do tend to believe if democrats had an inkling that there is documentation the President was involved it will be out before Mueller reports his findings.
And we still may, so there's absolutely no basis to think this we've reached the end of the road "Even with all these emails, there is no comments, directions given, or anything else given by the President himself."
I really think this thing is going to calm down in the next few days. Both sides are filled with slime. Go back 35 years and you will see Ted Kennedy working with the Russians trying to take down Reagan. To think those tactics stopped is a joke. Neither side wants to open up a can of worms. I think a "non independent" independent investigator will go in there, work with both sides, and come up with a resolution where neither party gets what they want, but both parties save face.

Where do you get this idea that both sides have worked with Russia? Ted Kennedy working with Russia? Come on. Please come forth with the proof that Kennedy worked with Russia to take down Reagan. Or did this originate in one of those truely fake news organizations of the far right.

Regardless, you do not excuse bad behavior and traitorous behavior by saying someone else did the same thing. Two wrongs do not make a right. There is now evidence that Trump was willing to work with Russia, a foreign enemy country, for information against Clinton. That foreign government hacked into the DNC which is an attack upon the sovereignty of this country. Trump then fires Comey because of he would not let the Russian investigation go. If this were a movie, we would say how unrealistic this plot is. But no. We have a lot of people still defending Trump. There is no defense for this.
Regardless of what anyone thinks about Trump, both good and bad, I'm very happy that Clinton isn't POTUS and Kaine isn't VP.

So you would rather have a traitor in the White House than Hillary Clinton. Good job thinking of what is best for the country.

As bad as a President I thought GWB was, I never thought he would sell the country down the river to benefit himself. As I have said before, Trump was the worst Presidential candidate since Aaron Burr and will go down as the worst President in our history.
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Where do you get this idea that both sides have worked with Russia? Ted Kennedy working with Russia? Come on. Please come forth with the proof that Kennedy worked with Russia to take down Reagan. Or did this originate in one of those truely fake news organizations of the far right.

Regardless, you do not excuse bad behavior and traitorous behavior by saying someone else did the same thing. Two wrongs do not make a right. There is now evidence that Trump was willing to work with Russia, a foreign enemy country, for information against Clinton. That foreign government hacked into the DNC which is an attack upon the sovereignty of this country. Trump then fires Comey because of he would not let the Russian investigation go. If this were a movie, we would say how unrealistic this plot is. But no. We have a lot of people still defending Trump. There is no defense for this.

Unless Forbes, Newsmax. Or the Boston Herald are considered far right, you might want to get a clue.

No kidding 2 wrongs don't make a right but if you are going to prosecute the trumps for Russi you have to prosecute the Clintons with the Ukraine. Because she was the loser doesn't make it right either. Just be fair.
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Unless Forbes, Newsmax. Or the Boston Herald are considered far right, you might want to get a clue.

No kidding 2 wrongs don't make a right but if you are going to prosecute the trumps for Russi you have to prosecute the Clintons with the Ukraine. Because she was the loser doesn't make it right either. Just be fair.

Uhm, if there was a secret letter, where is that letter written by Kennedy? A memo from the KGB that quotes a letter sent to the Russian government by Ted Kennedy but yet no letter in the KGB archives. This seems highly suspicious.

However, assuming it was true than Ted Kennedy should have been prosecuted. To bring this up is an attempt to get the heat off Trump.

Then you think Hillary should be prosecuted for dealings with Ukraine with far less proof of such dealings with the Ukrainian government. Moreover, even the stories about the Hillary and Ukraine connections do not talk about a connection between the government of Ukraine unlike Putin was personally involved in his attack on the DNC. This was a Russian Government doing it. These stories are just right wing attempts to throw out stories to distract from Trump.
To bring this up is an attempt to get the heat off Trump.

Then you think Hillary should be prosecuted for dealings with Ukraine with far less proof of such dealings with the Ukrainian government. Moreover, even the stories about the Hillary and Ukraine connections do not talk about a connection between the government of Ukraine unlike Putin was personally involved in his attack on the DNC. This was a Russian Government doing it. These stories are just right wing attempts to throw out stories to distract from Trump.

To bring this up is to show how disgusting our politics has been the last 50 years.

"Far less proof", your words not mine. Not zero proof, just less. Are you suggesting because there is less proof we shouldn't dig into it? And the fact these are right wing stories attempting to distract from Trump is quite incredible. The people of Forbes are unbelievable to write a story in 2009 in order to distract people from something that happened in 2016.
Regardless of what anyone thinks about Trump, both good and bad, I'm very happy that Clinton isn't POTUS and Kaine isn't VP.
Couldn't agree more. While I would hope there turns out to be nothing here with Trump (because of the long term distractions and continued gridlock that would result), if he is removed, so be it. Pence would still be a better option than HRC and Kaine....not even close.
So you would rather have a traitor in the White House than Hillary Clinton. Good job thinking of what is best for the country.

As bad as a President I thought GWB was, I never thought he would sell the country down the river to benefit himself. As I have said before, Trump was the worst Presidential candidate since Aaron Burr and will go down as the worst President in our history.
Stop with the traitor nonsense. We're not close to being anywhere near that. You come off sounding like an unhinged partisan.
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Neither Trump nor Pence are going anywhere.

Democrats need to focus on new ideas for the country instead of identity politics.

Start by getting rid of Sanders, Pelosi, and other leaders.
Other than supposition and hope, how does one get from "information helpful to the campaign" to concluding that he knew it was about "dirt"?

I think we have moved past the supposition stage. Would you agree?

This could be a game-changer although it's from the unreliable NY Times

The Gray Lady seems to have done a good job piecing this story together. Would you agree?
Russia, a foreign enemy country

"The 1980s are now calling to ask for their foreign policy back because the Cold War’s been over for 20 years,”

I'm worried about you, you're really becoming unhinged.
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The Gray Lady seems to have done a good job piecing this story together. Would you agree?

No, the Gray Old Hag is a terrible source, very irresponsible, a complete partisan hack, etc. If they have to, they'll just issue another apology buried in the back of that waste of newsprint like they usually do.
So you would rather have a traitor in the White House than Hillary Clinton. Good job thinking of what is best for the country.

As bad as a President I thought GWB was, I never thought he would sell the country down the river to benefit himself. As I have said before, Trump was the worst Presidential candidate since Aaron Burr and will go down as the worst President in our history.

Trump is not a traitor. As SPK said, read the definition of treason. I get that you hate the man, but try not to let that cloud your objectivity, whatever you have left of it.

Hillary Clinton represents the establishment, corporatist and globalist interests. She would have been more of the same old business in Washington. For all his faults as an individual, at least we have a chance of shaking things up and setting the country on a pro-American course with the current occupant of the White House.

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