Hal ball 02 you may be surprised that some old white men on this board may be as smart or even smarter than you.You attribute their opposition to abortion is due to their age which I think is wrong.Permit me to present my credentials I was an honors undergraduate ,and have a master’s degree.I spent 44 years in business and my last position was a managing director at an Investment bank.When I retired I became. FINRA arbitrator which position I still hold Not bragging just indicating some old guys are still active and make fully informed decisions.We are not all Joe Biden.
Here is my next rant. Haha. While
I am not strongly pro-choice, I believe many of you need to hear some of the other side of this debate, as well as others bc it’s absolutely terrifying how these info silos harden one opinion making them blind to the other side. Ultra conservative or ultra liberal.
I do not attribute anyone’s opposition to abortion to solely age. I don’t know how you got from what I wrote but to clarify, I was highlighting that this is an echo chamber of like minded folks with the majority holding similar demographics, older white men that are heavily right leaning on a catholic schools sports board. I am not saying all are old, men or white or even right leaning on this OTS site. Just most. And no, I did not say that by itself discredits any rational thought on this debate. This subject affects young women the most…
As far as your second part. I’m more impressed by Biden’s background then yours and do not know the relevance to the discussion here.
Real rant is here. I will say again, the majority of Americans are pro-choice and it’s growing with more younger, educated and non whites segments.
The same people here that were saying my body my choice about vaccines and want limited government are now ok with having state government going out of its way to not allow women to make their own choice with their body and in certain states create state gov mobs to go after the docs and women doing it.
As far as you all being so sanctimonious about life, by going way out of your way to protect someone else’s fetus, it’s sad. Where is protecting life when gun control comes up, where was protecting life when promoting vaccines? If you truly care about the fetus, help the woman and child all through their lives, not just during pregnancy. Make the men the conceived liable and responsible. Allow condoms and birth control so abortion is even less of a factor. You also must be able to allow gov to pay for more mental health programs and special education bc there will be more of that. Also don’t complain when there are more kids that grow up the wrong path in society bc they don’t have family/parent support.
How far don’t this rabbit hole will you go? If you use birth control or have a vasectomy, is that preventing the life of the fetus? Is the pull out method a crime? Do you believe in premarital sex? Most people do. There are more of us then there are of them. Lol.
Do you all cry when there is miscarriage? How many miscarriages do you think there are in the US? Do you have a funeral for every miscarriages? Do you name
It? Do you know the medical term, abortion, is mostly miscarriages, elected abortion is just a small % of that. Do we prosecute the human body for not letting a baby get to term when there is a miscarriage? For the insurance folks here, can i purchase life insurance on a fetus, an egg, a sperm…haha. Obviously no.
If you are for small gov, don’t allow states to create mobs to attack women making a difficult decision. Do you want the state doing that? I know if someone forced some of you to get a relatively painless vaccine that could save your life, you would have had a fit. Now you want gov telling you that you have to conceive an unwanted fetus?
As far as each state having their own rules. I’m usually ok with that but in this case most of these same women will just be traveling across state borders (as many of them have already been doing it) to do the same procedure but instead making it more dangerous and traumatic for them.
Lastly, as far as the legality of it all. I’ll defer mostly to lawyers here but using older precedent citing individuals that believed women were mostly at fault for rape centuries ago isn’t a good look. I”m sure if most of the Supreme Court were more liberal leaning, they would frame the law of the land very convincingly to keep roe v wade as established law.