Tsunami refers to the sheer volume of cases. Not the severity.Why is it a tsunami if generally mild symptoms?
Tsunami refers to the sheer volume of cases. Not the severity.Why is it a tsunami if generally mild symptoms?
Normal flu vaccination rates are slightly north of 50%.The flu vaccines that we get every year aren’t intended to totally eliminate flu, and they don’t. The point is to lessen the impact of the virus and reduce hospitalization and death. Fortunately (if you can say that) omicron seems like it might be more of a cold/flu bug than a bad COVID for most people, so maybe we’ll get to a point soon with this new dominant strain where things can be relatively normal with jabs for seasonal variants like with the flu.
An incredibly dangerous mindset that is contrary to the proper functioning of a republican, democratic society.
Equally true whether the issue in question is public health, school curriculums, wars, government bailouts of failing financial institutions, etc.
The flu vaccines that we get every year aren’t intended to totally eliminate flu, and they don’t. The point is to lessen the impact of the virus and reduce hospitalization and death. Fortunately (if you can say that) omicron seems like it might be more of a cold/flu bug than a bad COVID for most people, so maybe we’ll get to a point soon with this new dominant strain where things can be relatively normal with jabs for seasonal variants like with the flu.
A country of 330 million people should not upheave itself, destroy it's own economy, and contradict its founding principles just to take extra precautions for what we now realize is a small minority at material risk.
Scientist don’t know if Omicron is less severe or if do to higher vaccinated populations Get the vaccine.This is the bottom line. People do not understand the risk, which is lowering by the day (and was generally low to begin with) as the virus becomes less virulent.
Should insurance refuse to cover heart disease for people who smoke, eat steak and greasy burgers all day? You’re right you can’t fix stupid.There is a saying that "you can't fix stupid" and there are some people on this forum that can't be fixed.
Problem number 1. The vaccines were NEVER promoted as being 100% effective people. At most they were promoted as being in the 90% range! So while vaccinated you still had a 1 in 10 chance of getting covid. So there are all these people who were vaccinated that stopped wearing masks and social distancing thinking since they were vaccinated they were now 100% protected. Let me give you this analogy. Would you get on a plane if you you knew there was a 1 in 10 chance it would crash? Only a stupid person would answer yes.
Secondly you have the anti vax crowed. I say to them the insurance companies should now refuse to cover their medical expenses if they refuse the vaccination. You see how insurance works is all of the healthy people and people who were vaxed are subsidizing the health and death costs of all those unvaccinated people in the hospitals! Boy would most of them change their position fast! Maybe this would fix stupid?
For all those on this forum being critical of the science and leaders trying to deal with this today just remember we have an ever changing virus playing field. Delta and now Omicron arrived and the doctors, scientists and government officials have to adjust policy as new data comes to light.
Lest we forget we did have a president not too long ago who promoted this: 15 and soon to be zero, gone by Easter, Gone with the warm weather, young people are immune, you won't hear about it after the election.
We now have an honest and compassionate response.
There is a saying that "you can't fix stupid" and there are some people on this forum that can't be fixed.
Problem number 1. The vaccines were NEVER promoted as being 100% effective people. At most they were promoted as being in the 90% range! So while vaccinated you still had a 1 in 10 chance of getting covid. So there are all these people who were vaccinated that stopped wearing masks and social distancing thinking since they were vaccinated they were now 100% protected. Let me give you this analogy. Would you get on a plane if you you knew there was a 1 in 10 chance it would crash? Only a stupid person would answer yes.
Secondly you have the anti vax crowed. I say to them the insurance companies should now refuse to cover their medical expenses if they refuse the vaccination. You see how insurance works is all of the healthy people and people who were vaxed are subsidizing the health and death costs of all those unvaccinated people in the hospitals! Boy would most of them change their position fast! Maybe this would fix stupid?
For all those on this forum being critical of the science and leaders trying to deal with this today just remember we have an ever changing virus playing field. Delta and now Omicron arrived and the doctors, scientists and government officials have to adjust policy as new data comes to light.
Lest we forget we did have a president not too long ago who promoted this: 15 and soon to be zero, gone by Easter, Gone with the warm weather, young people are immune, you won't hear about it after the election.
We now have an honest and compassionate response.
Some would argue that the omicron is more mild with lower risk of death an hospitalization. Which is great. But everyone also discounts the fact that it’s much more transmissible with early studies saying something like potentially 70x more than delta. So say it’s 50% less likely to cause death or hospitalization (general number) but you have 35x more cases (half of the potentially 70x transmission rate) then you actually end up with many more total deaths and hospitalizations from a ‘milder’ form of the virus
Certainly hope that’s the case.Which is why the Bloomberg article about South Africa is so interesting in that it tells a different story than your hypothesis. Remember, Omicron was first “discovered” is SouthAfrica in late November, and to date, hospitalizations haven’t had the sharp increase you’re suggesting and reported cases have been much more mild. It still bears watching and things can change, but at least it’s somewhat encouraging
I just think it's very curious that the vaccinated seem to be the most succeptible to it at this point.
I also find it curious that, despite the rhetoric that the vaccines save lives, that 2021 has seen more COVID deaths than in 2020 when a vaccination was not readily available.
People who talk in absolutes show their ignorance.The problem with your hardline proposal, specifically your second paragraph, is that there may be underlying circumstances you may not know about. For instance, I have someone close to me having fertility issues so she has chosen not to take the vaccine. Can you guarantee the vaccine has no lingering effects on fertility issues, because none of the 30 odd doctors and fertility specialists can do so? Should insurance companies refuse her coverage as you suggest?
Scientist don’t know if Omicron is less severe or if do to higher vaccinated populations Get the vaccine.
This isn't about the virus. This is 1000% about hitting us with body blows to soften us up to totalitarianism. That is what the left wants...total government control of your life. The more we acquiesce, the closer they come to succeeding. Comments like "screw your freedom" are an example of their mentality. They take a little freedom here a little there and soon we're no longer free at all.Vaxxed or unvaxxed you can still get Covid and transmit it. Still gotta wear a face diaper. Vax doesn’t prevent you from dying either. So what’s the difference? Only thing I can see is that the vaxxed have greatly increased their chances of suffering from the side effects of the jab.
If you got the jab and believe it works then why do you care what others have done. You’re protected, right?
Bottom line is this crap isn’t going anywhere so we need to learn to live with it. What we are doing now is not living. Two weeks to flatten the curve, right? Almost two years later it’s no longer about flattening the curve, it’s about control.
luckily there are elections and i think just about everyone has had enough.This isn't about the virus. This is 1000% about hitting us with body blows to soften us up to totalitarianism. That is what the left wants...total government control of your life. The more we acquiesce, the closer they come to succeeding. Comments like "screw your freedom" are an example of their mentality. They take a little freedom here a little there and soon we're no longer free at all.
I mean, they’ve been warning about the possibility of blood clots since last year. At that time, given supply constraints, the benefits of administering J&J vaccine still, depending on a patient’s risk profile, made sense. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with deciding that a different calculus is warranted now that mRNA vaccines are more widely available. And there’s no grand conspiracy to cover up this J&J risk—there was even a short time period when they stopped administering J&J because of it!They said it was a "safe and effective" vaccine. Interested to see what happens with the mRNA vaccines in the next couple years. Myocarditis issue with moderna is rising recently as well. More with the booster.
Weird that our government officials might be forcing us to take only the Covid mRNA vaccines soon. I'm sure soon people that received Johnson won't be considered fully vaccinated soon and the choice will only be moderna or Pfizer. This storyline is too predictable folk!
I also have a spoiler alert too. Definition of fully vaccinated will change soon too. Soon people that don't have boosters will not be allowed to do every day activities. Vaccine mandate in NJ to be announced by Governor Murphy as soon as Monday!
There is a saying that "you can't fix stupid" and there are some people on this forum that can't be fixed.
Problem number 1. The vaccines were NEVER promoted as being 100% effective people.
So while vaccinated you still had a 1 in 10 chance of getting covid. So there are all these people who were vaccinated that stopped wearing masks and social distancing thinking since they were vaccinated they were now 100% protected.
Not according to what’s happening in South Africa.Some would argue that the omicron is more mild with lower risk of death an hospitalization. Which is great. But everyone also discounts the fact that it’s much more transmissible with early studies saying something like potentially 70x more than delta. So say it’s 50% less likely to cause death or hospitalization (general number) but you have 35x more cases (half of the potentially 70x transmission rate) then you actually end up with many more total deaths and hospitalizations from a ‘milder’ form of the virus
Or two condoms. Whoops both broke.The vaccine would be extra protection for those who have antibodies either through nature or from a prior exposure. Again, think of it as putting on a scarf with the jacket or a hat with a hood…. Just another layer Of protection.
public health is not political? Have you been under a rock for the last 18 months or so?We are subject to a social contract. The vaccine is not a panacea. But it is a societal good. Reduction in severity and duration of the illness necessarily benefits our neighbors. Shorter recovery time shrinks the shed window which in turn retards transmission.
I doubt there would be any serious resistance to the vaccine if COVID presented a higher morbidity rate. Yet, COVID is not just a bad cold. Even if an individual has a reasonable likelihood of avoiding serious complications, by resisting measures instituted to promote public health others are placed at risk. Extending the pandemic leaves us all vulnerable to the emergence of virulent variants.
On the most basic level, freedom includes freedom from threats to health. Reasonable limitation on personal freedom, as is the case with smoking, are part and parcel of the American experience. The individual is free to smoke, but not may subject others to the attendant health consequences.
Bringing it back to basketball, I am free to choose to attend games but I also have an ethical duty to take all steps possible to protect the fan sitting next to me: old, young or overweight.
Public health is not political. That some may attempt to marry public health concerns with political agendas must not obscure the fundamental goal of protecting fellow Americans.
I hope this analysis proves helpful in considering the thorny issues presented by the pandemic.
Alas, I must agree. Speech codes. Eliminate right to bear arms. Failure to enforce laws. Huge grab by government to rob us our freedoms. This governmental behavior has caused skepticism about the vaccine for many people. I would tell people who are reluctant to take the vaccine that, although the government frequently lies to its citizens, in this case it is not lying.This isn't about the virus. This is 1000% about hitting us with body blows to soften us up to totalitarianism. That is what the left wants...total government control of your life. The more we acquiesce, the closer they come to succeeding. Comments like "screw your freedom" are an example of their mentality. They take a little freedom here a little there and soon we're no longer free at all.
There’s a tsunami of cavities tooTsunami refers to the sheer volume of cases. Not the severity.
Alas, I must agree. Speech codes. Eliminate right to bear arms. Failure to enforce laws. Huge grab by government to rob us our freedoms. This governmental behavior has caused skepticism about the vaccine for many people. I would tell people who are reluctant to take the vaccine that, although the government frequently lies to its citizens, in this case it is not lying.
You do realize this is a worldwide pandemic without regard to political ideology.This isn't about the virus. This is 1000% about hitting us with body blows to soften us up to totalitarianism. That is what the left wants...total government control of your life. The more we acquiesce, the closer they come to succeeding. Comments like "screw your freedom" are an example of their mentality. They take a little freedom here a little there and soon we're no longer free at all.
I think that's exactly the point. The response has clearly been coordinated globally. Look what's happening in Austria, Germany, Canada, Australia, UK, etc. All becoming police states. Thank God we have the Constitution. It's the only thing between us and the authoritarian nightmare some other countries are experiencing.You do realize this is a worldwide pandemic without regard to political ideology.
I can respect differing opinions, but that is just not true. Not sure where you are getting that from.
The most significant wave of deaths started at the end of 2020 going into 2021 before the vaccine was available.
The far majority of deaths after that wave have been among the unvaccinated.