Since we have a "safe space" to talk freely and, hopefully, respectfully on the topic - here's more food for thought.
Buzzfeed had their annual holiday party recently. They declared it a "COVID free zone" as all attendees had to be triple vaccinated, wear masks, etc. The whole nine yards - guess what became a super spreader event anyway?
BuzzFeed requires vaccinations for staffers, and partygoers had to present their vaccination cards to get into the event, sources said.
Again, I speak as someone who received 2 moderna jabs on this. What exactly is any of this doing at this point? These vaccines are not operating like true vaccines. People will argue they are "lessoning the symptoms" - that's great for people who need that. I still consider myself a part of the 99% of the population that will either recover or not suffer affects from this virus so I am not concerned about lessoning the symptoms.
Where are we going to draw the line on this? Tri-annual boosters for the rest of our lives? Wearing masks for the rest of our lives? At some point, as a society, we're going to need to take a stand rely on our own bodies to save us from this, before we immunize ourselves to a point where our body's can't do it themselves anymore and it's too late.
How are 5 year old children supposed to build an immune system against cold virus when you socially distance them and cover their face all day long? I guess they will be on the $49.99 monthly immunization stabilizer plan that Pfizer will roll out in 2030.