This will be the only thread on Covid here

This isn't about the virus. This is 1000% about hitting us with body blows to soften us up to totalitarianism. That is what the left government control of your life. The more we acquiesce, the closer they come to succeeding. Comments like "screw your freedom" are an example of their mentality. They take a little freedom here a little there and soon we're no longer free at all.

You really think this. Fauci et al overacted for that purpose. Of course you already told us Faici is a pawn of the Chinese.
Sorry to hear about the Covid shut down. Connecticut got knocked around with those last year and they really suck. Even if everyone comes back healthy, which they should, it messes with everyone being up to game speed in the flow in the games.

This really sucks, and I feel bad for you guys. I think there is a decent shot that this year‘s team could do special things if everyone stays healthy. Hopefully you guys are 100% for the January 8 game. Definitely want to see how our teams match up with everyone healthy.
What is a curious to me reading through all of these posts is the little mention that is made of making decisions after having conversations with your personal physician. Why would I take the advice of an anonymous message board poster; or a politician; or an MSM talking head who knows nothing about your health/risk profile? If you don’t have a primary care physician that you can trust or will spend the time with you, start there. Everything else is noise.

I agree 100%. I love my PCP and value their opinion greatly. I also like my attorney, my landscaper, and everyone else that provides service to me. That said, I don't blindly follow whatever they say simply because it's their field.

I'm an accountant by trade. Some are great, some are good, some are terrible. It's hard to tell if you're not in the field. Again, no one is infallible simply because of their job title. Nothing wrong with people trying to become knowledgeable and having control over their own lives and well-being. It's all about how you go about doing that.
You really think this. Fauci et al overacted for that purpose. Of course you already told us Faici is a pawn of the Chinese.
Not in the beginning, they didn't know early on what they were dealing with but their own words "never let a crisis go to waste". They have since pushed fear porn asking that we give up freedoms freely then claiming the power to enforce mandates and people accept this. How far will they need to go before people say NO? Will it bee too late?
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Governor Murphy stated today it is likely we will see some type of capacity limits again. Likely mask wearing as well. Unfortunately I did warn the LOTS board this a few weeks ago but no one want to believe me and let me know that I would be wrong. Looks like I will be right.

In response to SHU09 most of what you posted from the CDC etc was from March 2021 when there was NO Delta and NO Omicron! So as the situation changed with Covid so the guidance was updated! Covid was and is an evolving situation. As new variants arrive there has to be updates. Makes sense if you really think had about it.

As to the other issues of people not being able to get the vax for real reasons proven by science then of course there should be exceptions granted. But there are a lot a BS reasons being used as an excuse. If I have a choice of possibly dying from covid and or having long term covid issues making being a parent an issue or getting the vax and staying alive and healthy it is a no brainer which choice I would take if I want to be a parent down the road.
In response to SHU09 most of what you posted from the CDC etc was from March 2021 when there was NO Delta and NO Omicron! So as the situation changed with Covid so the guidance was updated! Covid was and is an evolving situation. As new variants arrive there has to be updates. Makes sense if you really think had about it.

As to the other issues of people not being able to get the vax for real reasons proven by science then of course there should be exceptions granted. But there are a lot a BS reasons being used as an excuse. If I have a choice of possibly dying from covid and or having long term covid issues making being a parent an issue or getting the vax and staying alive and healthy it is a no brainer which choice I would take if I want to be a parent down the road.

You can make whatever choice you want. But other people should not be forced to make choices that go against their will.
In response to SHU09 most of what you posted from the CDC etc was from March 2021 when there was NO Delta and NO Omicron! So as the situation changed with Covid so the guidance was updated! Covid was and is an evolving situation. As new variants arrive there has to be updates. Makes sense if you really think had about it.
The variants were very predictable. Every virus mutates and usually the variants are more mild strain's. You don't think the experts expected variants?
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Thanks for your reply, can you provide a link that shows the numbers for this? I looked at total 2021 deaths vs total 2020 deaths per the CDC website. I'm genuinely curious, because I feel like having no vaccines in 2020 would imply a higher mortality rate than vaccinations being widely available by late Q1 2021. I'd really like to look at the trend lines on this.

Sure. On the 2021 deaths, you can see the 2020 into 2021 trends here.

We seemed to peak around January 21st, when only 1% of the US was vaccinated and dropped down at the end of March when we got to 20% of the county being vaccinated. By the end of March we were at 574k deaths.

Since we had an opportunity to vaccinate the population, breakthrough deaths as monitored by the CDC.

When the chart loads, click on deaths and you can toggle the age ranges and vaccine types as well.
The far majority of deaths after April 2021 were among the unvaccinated.
In response to SHU09 most of what you posted from the CDC etc was from March 2021 when there was NO Delta and NO Omicron! So as the situation changed with Covid so the guidance was updated! Covid was and is an evolving situation. As new variants arrive there has to be updates. Makes sense if you really think had about it.

As to the other issues of people not being able to get the vax for real reasons proven by science then of course there should be exceptions granted. But there are a lot a BS reasons being used as an excuse. If I have a choice of possibly dying from covid and or having long term covid issues making being a parent an issue or getting the vax and staying alive and healthy it is a no brainer which choice I would take if I want to be a parent down the road.
We unfortunately will be dealing with Covid FOREVER. It's never going away so are we going to wear masks for the rest of human history? The vax doesn't work. How many boosters will be enough? The answer is that they won't work...just like flu vaccines don't work. I know they are different types of vaccines but the viruses do not lend to successful inoculation. We have to go back to normal life. If you're healthy you're not going to die from it. There are treatments that are successful which can knock it out in a few days yet they are making it hard to get to push the vax.
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I agree 100%. I love my PCP and value their opinion greatly. I also like my attorney, my landscaper, and everyone else that provides service to me. That said, I don't blindly follow whatever they say simply because it's their field.

I'm an accountant by trade. Some are great, some are good, some are terrible. It's hard to tell if you're not in the field. Again, no one is infallible simply because of their job title. Nothing wrong with people trying to become knowledgeable and having control over their own lives and well-being. It's all about how you go about doing that.

Didn’t know you like to get wet.

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I agree 100%. I love my PCP and value their opinion greatly. I also like my attorney, my landscaper, and everyone else that provides service to me. That said, I don't blindly follow whatever they say simply because it's their field.

I'm an accountant by trade. Some are great, some are good, some are terrible. It's hard to tell if you're not in the field. Again, no one is infallible simply because of their job title. Nothing wrong with people trying to become knowledgeable and having control over their own lives and well-being. It's all about how you go about doing that.
Sure, I would never "blindly" follow anyone as well, despite how trusted a source. My point was that you should rely on that person because a) Their knowledge (and I assume you vet your PCP, b) No one knows about your health profile and/or risk factors than they do and c), if you do run into a problem, they are the first one you are going to go to to triage it. There is so much misinformation out there, that I use my PCP to validate some of it. (I'm also lucky to have other experts I can triangulate, that most don't).

My point is that if the pandemic has amplified the importance of having a good and trusted PCP to help navigate the choices and treatments. If you don't like or trust yours, you may want to look elsewhere because what is more important than your health? And very few people seem to even mention their PCP.
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Sure, I would never "blindly" follow anyone as well, despite how trusted a source. My point was that you should rely on that person because a) Their knowledge (and I assume you vet your PCP, b) No one knows about your health profile and/or risk factors than they do and c), if you do run into a problem, they are the first one you are going to go to to triage it. There is so much misinformation out there, that I use my PCP to validate some of it. (I'm also lucky to have other experts I can triangulate, that most don't).

My point is that if the pandemic has amplified the importance of having a good and trusted PCP to help navigate the choices and treatments. If you don't like or trust yours, you may want to look elsewhere because what is more important than your health?
100%, please don’t listen to posters like Hall85 and sh09 for advice. If you did you wouldn’t get the vaccine and then be worried aliens like Jeff Bezos are listening to you through your smart phone and are plotting against you with a grand scheme to take your freedom away and sell you medications you don’t need.

The simple fact is that most PCPs will recommend vaccine plus booster for most adults.

Also is true that most PCPs also follow CDC recommendations blindly especially bc they do not always have time to do the deep research themselves.

There are exceptions but I can give folks here a blanket statement and say “get your booster if you haven’t already!” and will feel I am helping my fellow pirate crew posters.

But there are a lot a BS reasons being used as an excuse. If I have a choice of possibly dying from covid and or having long term covid issues making being a parent an issue or getting the vax and staying alive and healthy it is a no brainer which choice I would take if I want to be a parent down the road.

Huh? This makes no sense to me. Are you saying my friend should give up her dream of being a parent to get a vaccine from a virus with a 98% survival rate? And, for the record, she has already had Covid and I myself am vaccinated so I’m not trying to push some anti-Vaxx agenda, I’m just proposing to respect other people’s decisions because you may not understand what they are going through
Since we have a "safe space" to talk freely and, hopefully, respectfully on the topic - here's more food for thought.

Buzzfeed had their annual holiday party recently. They declared it a "COVID free zone" as all attendees had to be triple vaccinated, wear masks, etc. The whole nine yards - guess what became a super spreader event anyway?

Again, I speak as someone who received 2 moderna jabs on this. What exactly is any of this doing at this point? These vaccines are not operating like true vaccines. People will argue they are "lessoning the symptoms" - that's great for people who need that. I still consider myself a part of the 99% of the population that will either recover or not suffer affects from this virus so I am not concerned about lessoning the symptoms.

Where are we going to draw the line on this? Tri-annual boosters for the rest of our lives? Wearing masks for the rest of our lives? At some point, as a society, we're going to need to take a stand rely on our own bodies to save us from this, before we immunize ourselves to a point where our body's can't do it themselves anymore and it's too late.

How are 5 year old children supposed to build an immune system against cold virus when you socially distance them and cover their face all day long? I guess they will be on the $49.99 monthly immunization stabilizer plan that Pfizer will roll out in 2030.

well said. Just reading your board, sorry you guys are going through this, its obviously ridiculous what is going on with cancelling games for healthy athletes. We are living under the same mandates and protocols from spring 2020 and its outdated. Mask wearing doesnt work and the vaccines do not prevent spread yet we have leaders politically who keep saying this. Twitter wants to ban users who says this. Every covid thread on the RU board gets locked because the Covid karens who love to fear monger cannot turn this into a political discussion about Trumpers and anti vaxxers so its great you guys are allowed to discuss it.

Fauci seems to be a fraud and that messaging from the CDC has just been terrible Yet its likely they double and triple down on the things that have not worked.
But do you know that for sure? If so, how? I say that as someone who was at first reluctant but eventually did take the vaccine. But I'm not going to be coerced into a booster as it stands now. They are trying to move the goal posts yet again.

same here...and that was May, it was J&J and guess what even with the news about J&J if I did take a booster it would still be J&J, they want MRNA in you they want to push Pfizer. Data actually shows that the J&J vax while not overall as strong actually has longer lasting efficacy...they dont want to relay that info to you

Science has lost their trust with many, their mask studies have one by one been picked apart. We have to wear masks to enter the RAC but as soon as I get to my seat, mine goes off, I would say about 1/3s of the RAC takes them off

I wouldnt take a booster until they actually show me it can work against variants and I see that vaxxed are not still dying and they currently are. A 0.05 risk without the vaccine and a 0.005 risk with the vaccine
well said. Just reading your board, sorry you guys are going through this, its obviously ridiculous what is going on with cancelling games for healthy athletes. We are living under the same mandates and protocols from spring 2020 and its outdated. Mask wearing doesnt work and the vaccines do not prevent spread yet we have leaders politically who keep saying this. Twitter wants to ban users who says this. Every covid thread on the RU board gets locked because the Covid karens who love to fear monger cannot turn this into a political discussion about Trumpers and anti vaxxers so its great you guys are allowed to discuss it.

Fauci seems to be a fraud and that messaging from the CDC has just been terrible Yet its likely they double and triple down on the things that have not worked.
Can’t say he’s a fraud. He and other healthcare professionals are making the best recommendation at any given time with the finite information that is available at that given time. And as the data changes and more is learned the messaging changes along with it. Would be great if people could predict the future would make things a hell of a lot easier. If you want a fraud look at Michigan def not the 4th best team in the country as per season voters thought by using a finite amount of information to make a prediction. Or that guy McCullough from Texas he’s a total fraud
Since when did "vaccine" suddenly come to mean 'extra protection?"

"Vaccine" has always meant "immunity."

One of the many bizarre mass delusions associated with the COVID issue is how many people have suddenly and entirely switched their understanding of what the word "vaccination" means.

By definition, if a "vaccine" does not innoculate or prevent transmission but only "reduces severity of symptoms" (itself an incredibly vague concept which is difficult to prove or measure), then the "vaccine" is simply and plainly a total failure.
Vax means immunity????
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Can’t say he’s a fraud. He and other healthcare professionals are making the best recommendation at any given time with the finite information that is available at that given time. And as the data changes and more is learned the messaging changes along with it. Would be great if people could predict the future would make things a hell of a lot easier. If you want a fraud look at Michigan def not the 4th best team in the country as per season voters thought by using a finite amount of information to make a prediction. Or that guy McCullough from Texas he’s a total fraud

the issue I have is that he has backtracked, flat out lied and then never says he was wrong.....starting with the March 2020 60 minutes interview were he said masks do not work

He will never admit he got things wrong, thats why people dont trust him. Normal Americans are not going to buy someone hiding behind saying well the science is always changing. His comments about what percentage of the country needed to be vaxxed before Covid slowed down were wrong, now he is talking forcing vaccinations
the issue I have is that he has backtracked, flat out lied and then never says he was wrong.....starting with the March 2020 60 minutes interview were he said masks do not work

He will never admit he got things wrong, thats why people dont trust him. Normal Americans are not going to buy someone hiding behind saying well the science is always changing. His comments about what percentage of the country needed to be vaxxed before Covid slowed down were wrong, now he is talking forcing vaccinations
Re: Fauci, there is also that little lie about his cash support of gain of function research being conducted in Wuhan, China prior to the pandemic.
South African data seems to counter that fear mongering article

Are you taking about this data? If so, scientists say this does not have any correlation on how Omicron will impact the United States.

The reason? South Africa is practically at herd immunity (80% to 90% prior infection- natural or vax). United States is no where near this number.

Reason Number 2- South Africa has a lot younger people and also a lot fewer commodity issues than the united states.

I'll trust the experts when they say we shouldn't look at the south Africa data for US predictions.

Are you taking about this data? If so, scientists say this does not have any correlation on how Omicron will impact the United States.

The reason? South Africa is practically at herd immunity (80% to 90% prior infection- natural or vax). United States is no where near this number.

Reason Number 2- South Africa has a lot younger people and also a lot fewer commodity issues than the united states.

I'll trust the experts when they say we shouldn't look at the south Africa data for US predictions.

The ones that have been wrong for 2 years..those experts?

Remember when science said variants that are more contagious are less deadly

But make sure you boost...we have lots of studies on tgat working on omicron..wait wut?
In retrospect, I don't think it was a good idea for the players to jump into the student section after the Texas and RU games.
Interesting article here as well. Scientists are also saying if Delta and Omicron spread together at high rated its possible they can combine and make a "super variant"

same here...and that was May, it was J&J and guess what even with the news about J&J if I did take a booster it would still be J&J, they want MRNA in you they want to push Pfizer. Data actually shows that the J&J vax while not overall as strong actually has longer lasting efficacy...they dont want to relay that info to you

Science has lost their trust with many, their mask studies have one by one been picked apart. We have to wear masks to enter the RAC but as soon as I get to my seat, mine goes off, I would say about 1/3s of the RAC takes them off

I wouldnt take a booster until they actually show me it can work against variants and I see that vaxxed are not still dying and they currently are. A 0.05 risk without the vaccine and a 0.005 risk with the vaccine

Same here. I took J&J in September because I didn't want mRNA in me and it was "one and done." I thought my employer was going to mandate it so you could say I was coerced (even though they haven't so far). I also did my research, as you did, and came across the same thing about longer lasting efficacy, especially against hospitalization. J&J isn't as good preventing infection, but its strength against hospitalization is better and lasts longer.

It's clear that Pfizer has a deal with the US government. Must be some ultra strong lobbyists.

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