Too Funny 02/10/21 Edition


All Universe
Gold Member
Jun 4, 2001
Time for some more silliness:

Only liberal dems are stupid enough to say incitement of a riot when someone actually says this: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Now Trump is not completely innocent here but that is no incitement. I know the liberal dem playbook on all issues is that it's never your fault, always somebody else's fault. Personal responsibility is not your fault, LOL. Too funny........

Nancy Pelosi. Where to begin with this cancer. Fines republicants for not going through a metal detector but she is exempt from that? Too funny, hypocritical scum.

Now the republicants are concerned about deficit spending? You have to be kidding me, what a joke!! When they are in power they spend like drunken dems and now they are concerned about spending? Too funny......

BRUUUUUUUCE!!!!!!!!! What a phony you are. That Super Bowl commercial where you sold out for Volkswagon was hilarious. You have the balls to call for unity in that commercial when your rhetoric when there is a republicant president has been completely divisive. We haven't forgotten. You get my Hypocritical Jackass of the Week Award!!!! Oh and now there's this.

Maybe you should just shut the **** up and not tell us how to live. Too funny..........|
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Time for some more silliness:

Only liberal dems are stupid enough to say incitement of a riot when someone actually says this: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Now Trump is not completely innocent here but that is no incitement. I know the liberal dem playbook on all issues is that it's never your fault, always somebody else's fault. Personal responsibility is not your fault, LOL. Too funny........

Nancy Pelosi. Where to begin with this cancer. Fines republicants for not going through a metal detector but she is exempt from that? Too funny, hypocritical scum.

BRUUUUUUUCE!!!!!!!!! What a phony you are. That Super Bowl commercial where you sold out for Volkswagon was hilarious. You have the balls to call for unity in that commercial when your rhetoric when there is a republicant president has been completely divisive. We haven't forgotten. You get my Hypocritical Jackass of the Week Award!!!! Oh and now there's this.

Maybe you should just shut the **** up and not tell us how to live. Too funny..........|
Bruce and Nancy have one other thing in those Botox injections. Why any "intelligent" person would purposely inject a toxin (botulism) into their body is beyond me.
Time for some more silliness:

Only liberal dems are stupid enough to say incitement of a riot when someone actually says this: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Now Trump is not completely innocent here but that is no incitement. I know the liberal dem playbook on all issues is that it's never your fault, always somebody else's fault. Personal responsibility is not your fault, LOL. Too funny........

Nancy Pelosi. Where to begin with this cancer. Fines republicants for not going through a metal detector but she is exempt from that? Too funny, hypocritical scum.

Now the republicants are concerned about deficit spending? You have to be kidding me, what a joke!! When they are in power they spend like drunken dems and now they are concerned about spending? Too funny......

BRUUUUUUUCE!!!!!!!!! What a phony you are. That Super Bowl commercial where you sold out for Volkswagon was hilarious. You have the balls to call for unity in that commercial when your rhetoric when there is a republicant president has been completely divisive. We haven't forgotten. You get my Hypocritical Jackass of the Week Award!!!! Oh and now there's this.

Maybe you should just shut the **** up and not tell us how to live. Too funny..........|
It was Jeep. ‘Merican...

If anything, Rudy was more to blame at that rally. The overall trial is more about the rhetoric over 2 months, but you also cannot blame Trump for the words of others (group leaders, more politicians).

I don’t think he should be impeached. I also don’t want him to run in 2024, just want him to go away. Some feel impeachment will guarantee that, but if he’d just disappear and we can forget about him altogether, I’d be fine with that.
Only liberal dems are stupid enough to say incitement of a riot when someone actually says this: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Now Trump is not completely innocent here but that is no incitement. I know the liberal dem playbook on all issues is that it's never your fault, always somebody else's fault. Personal responsibility is not your fault, LOL. Too funny........

I don't really see enough to convict him even including his previous months of comments before that one line, but are you saying what happened on the 6th wasn't his fault?
Bruce and Nancy have one other thing in those Botox injections. Why any "intelligent" person would purposely inject a toxin (botulism) into their body is beyond me.
the crazy thing tho is botox actually has positive applications preventing migraines, and sweat for that matter.

ur right tho who kept pushing the boundries on botulism?
I don't really see enough to convict him even including his previous months of comments before that one line, but are you saying what happened on the 6th wasn't his fault?

I'm saying no to "incitement of insurrection" which is what he is being charged with.

The fault is the responsibility of those that participated in the breaching of the Capitol building.
I'm saying no to "incitement of insurrection" which is what he is being charged with.

The fault is the responsibility of those that participated in the breaching of the Capitol building.

Yes, the members of the cult who committed the crimes are at fault for their actions and should be charged accordingly. Though, maybe it's also worth the conversation about the rhetoric which turned the cult members into criminals.
the crazy thing tho is botox actually has positive applications preventing migraines, and sweat for that matter.

ur right tho who kept pushing the boundries on botulism?
Treating migraines is way different. That’s a medical condition that is very painful. Injecting a toxin to eliminate a few wrinkles? How stupid can you be?
Yes, the members of the cult who committed the crimes are at fault for their actions and should be charged accordingly. Though, maybe it's also worth the conversation about the rhetoric which turned the cult members into criminals.

Sure, I said above that Trump wasn’t completely innocent here but that’s quite a Pandora’s box you’re opening. There’s always the KKK First Amendment precedence.
I don't really see enough to convict him even including his previous months of comments before that one line, but are you saying what happened on the 6th wasn't his fault?

More than enough to convict him.
He had been planting those seeds for awhile. And, he did virtually (if not absolutely) nothing to stop these radical terrorists... who are Trump followers... from the attack they waged.

He had plenty of opportunity... but he never did.

Telling traitors that “he loves them” doesn’t qualify for me as telling them to stop the insurrection. Instead people died needlessly and many others were injured... some quite seriously. All due to his prompting... not only that day, but many, many days before.

Should be convicted as a traitor. Instead he will get off, thanks to the cowardice shown by the Republicans.

I’m an independent but right now...I don’t respect the Republican Party with few exceptions.

They are “governed “ by fear of a wannabe dictator. They have shown no backbone and no real interest in “country above party”.

Sure, I said above that Trump wasn’t completely innocent here but that’s quite a Pandora’s box you’re opening. There’s always the KKK First Amendment precedence.

I just think it’s important to acknowledge why Jan 6th happened. It was because of Trump. Had he not engaged in the lies and conspiracy theories, telling his supporters to fight etc... then Jan 6th doesn’t happen.

Shouldn’t there be some kind of accountability?
I just think it’s important to acknowledge why Jan 6th happened. It was because of Trump. Had he not engaged in the lies and conspiracy theories, telling his supporters to fight etc... then Jan 6th doesn’t happen.

Shouldn’t there be some kind of accountability?

Absolutely. Anything less and that enables future similar actions.
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"Not completely innocent?" What happened on the sixth would never have had happened but for the former president. Not just what he did since the election he lost. What he did since taking office after the election he won. No trump, no Jan 6 insurrection. Period. There is no precedent for his disgrace. Convict him in court (for these particular malfeasances)? Irrelevant. Convict him in Congress? Only the brainwashed or cynical to the point of nihilism could still be making excuses for this traitor. It's nigh incomprehensible how anyone who claims to love this country or democracy could continue to regard this cretin and his despicable core crew as anything but enemies of both. Honestly. That people are still endlessly arguing about this POS is maddening. That a majority of one party voted FOR throwing out what they knew to be a legitimate election and AGAINST throwing out the man who perpetuated the lie it was not (which incidentally almost literally got them killed) is bonkers. This should be so beyond politics that the mere fact it clearly is not suggests this country might actually be beyond saving. And that is truly scary.
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"Not completely innocent?" What happened on the sixth would never have had happened but for the former president. Not just what he did since the election he lost. What he did since taking office after the election he won. No trump, no Jan 6 insurrection. Period. There is no precedent for his disgrace. Convict him in court (for these particular malfeasances)? Irrelevant. Convict him in Congress? Only the brainwashed or cynical to the point of nihilism could still be making excuses for this traitor. It's nigh incomprehensible how anyone who claims to love this country or democracy could continue to regard this cretin and his despicable core crew as anything but enemies of both. Honestly. That people are still endlessly arguing about this POS is maddening. That a majority of one party voted FOR throwing out what they knew to be a legitimate election and AGAINST throwing out the man who perpetuated the lie it was not (which incidentally almost literally got them killed) is bonkers. This should be so beyond politics that the mere fact it clearly is not suggests this country might actually be beyond saving. And that is truly scary.
January 6th 6 p.m. trump tweets and calls the rioters great patriots .
Time for some more silliness:

Only liberal dems are stupid enough to say incitement of a riot when someone actually says this: "I know that everyone here will soon be marching over to the Capitol building to peacefully and patriotically make your voices heard." Now Trump is not completely innocent here but that is no incitement. I know the liberal dem playbook on all issues is that it's never your fault, always somebody else's fault. Personal responsibility is not your fault, LOL. Too funny........

Nancy Pelosi. Where to begin with this cancer. Fines republicants for not going through a metal detector but she is exempt from that? Too funny, hypocritical scum.

Now the republicants are concerned about deficit spending? You have to be kidding me, what a joke!! When they are in power they spend like drunken dems and now they are concerned about spending? Too funny......

BRUUUUUUUCE!!!!!!!!! What a phony you are. That Super Bowl commercial where you sold out for Volkswagon was hilarious. You have the balls to call for unity in that commercial when your rhetoric when there is a republicant president has been completely divisive. We haven't forgotten. You get my Hypocritical Jackass of the Week Award!!!! Oh and now there's this.

Maybe you should just shut the **** up and not tell us how to live. Too funny..........|

SPK, stick to accounting. The seminal case that you are talking about is Brandenburrg v Ohio. IT was during a KKK meeting that a tv reporter filmed the meeting in which the speaker said all sorts of vile things. But this case is misinterpreted by most. First, the SC held that the Ohio statute in which the defendant was prosecuted was overly broad. The statute stated "advocat[ing] . . . the duty, necessity, or propriety of crime, sabotage, violence, or unlawful methods of terrorism as a means of accomplishing industrial or political reform" and for "voluntarily assembl[ing] with any society, group or assemblage of persons formed to teach or advocate the doctrines of criminal syndicalism." Third, no riot ever happened. Therefore, his words did not produce any violence.

The SC held that speech must be so to advocate violence or use of force and "advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action."
The one line that you point out to is Trump's attempt to escape an incitement to riot charge. However, when you look at the speech as a whole, he is advocating his mob to fight. He said fight over and over in that speech. Also, look at his actions during the election night and afterwards telling his people that the election was stolen and you can't let this happen or it will end our great country. After the speech, the people who heard the speech understood Trump to take the Capitol. They immediately went to the Capitol and broke through all the guardrails. Does this not fit Brandenburg?

This is a stunning and appauling speech by a president to stir this crowd up by inviting them down to DC. He told that crowd to march down to the Senate. He said all sorts of lies in that speech including that the Dems want to take the name Washington off the Washington Monument and take down the Jefferson Memorial. "We're not going to let this happen." "You will never take back our country with weakness". Take the speech as a whole and he is guilty of incitement of a riot. You know why? So without that speech and all the things Trump said prior to that speech, would the crowd have stormed the Capitol? Clearly the answer is no. Why do we know this? Because his followers who stormed the Capitol all said Trump told them to do it. Is that not the definition of incitement? You are going to excuse the President of the US for his actions from the election to that speech? Moreover, look at Trump's own words after the riot. What did he say? He told the rioters that he loved them. He did nothing for hours as police officers were brutalized by this crowd. Yet he loved the people who stormed the Capitol. You excuse this lawless disgrace of a human being?
Former NY Governor David Patterson (D) is a good objective listen relating to the incitement charges and what should have been done. Insightful, thoughtful with none of the silly name calling.
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Yes, the members of the cult who committed the crimes are at fault for their actions and should be charged accordingly. Though, maybe it's also worth the conversation about the rhetoric which turned the cult members into criminals.
I agree. We should look at rhetoric. Maybe we can look at Durkan as a model who stood up to criminals that ruined a client of a client’s business.
I agree. We should look at rhetoric. Maybe we can look at Durkan as a model who stood up to criminals that ruined a client of a client’s business.
Again, whataboutism and false equivalencies rears its ugly head. I think the Mayor of Seatlle was totally wrong for condoning the autonomous zone in Seattle. But she didn't'tell people to take over the police station, she never told people to take the streets and fight like hell, she never instigated or incied the violence that led to that situation, UNLIKE TRUMP. These were spontaneous actions by people in Seattle where there is a big anarchist presence in the aftermath of the death of George Floyd.

She should be judged for her lame and feckless response to that area. She should be voted out. However, let's not think this is the same with Trump. She did not create it or inspire it. That is a huge difference.
Whataboutism is just another name for setting precedent, something the legal profession is based on. Claiming whataboutism is just being a hypocrite and trying to get away with it.

Another entry for Too Funny..............
No it’s not precedent. Precedent are two things being the same and treating them the same way. These incidents are not the same which I pointed out in the post above. These are false equivalencies. Both incidents share the characteristic of violence of mob behavior. However, only one was instigated, provoked and incited by a politician and that being the President. Only one was trying to overthrow the US government. Apparently, you don’t see the difference. Shame because there is a huge difference.

Also, I gaveyou the language of the Brandenburg case. I noticed you didn’t comment on that.
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Whataboutism is just another name for setting precedent, something the legal profession is based on. Claiming whataboutism is just being a hypocrite and trying to get away with it.

Another entry for Too Funny..............

You know how to stop whataboutism? You stand up and say, "this is the party I support and what happened is unacceptable". Then you stop talking. Instead of trying to be better than the other side, whatabouters lower themselves to the level of the other side. Its weak and embarrassing.
Nobody tried to overthrow the US government.

They were trying to block them from certifying the election results so Trump could stay in power.
Not a particularly well thought out plan, but one that they thought would work since people kept telling them it would work.
They were trying to block them from certifying the election results so Trump could stay in power.
Not a particularly well thought out plan, but one that they thought would work since people kept telling them it would work.

Correct. That is not an overthrow of the US government. Trump would have been dragged out of the WH on January 20 at noon if it ever got to that point anyway.
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Also, I gaveyou the language of the Brandenburg case. I noticed you didn’t comment on that.

Because it's too stupid to comment on. If using the word "fight" over and over again means only violence then there are tens and tens of millions of us that need to be fired/canceled, etc. Do you not "fight" for your clients, LOL?
Because it's too stupid to comment on. If using the word "fight" over and over again means only violence then there are tens and tens of millions of us that need to be fired/canceled, etc. Do you not "fight" for your clients, LOL?
That is a very obtuse comment. Sure, if you want to ignore the comments of the President since Election Day, telling his followers to come to DC saying its going to be wild, the mob stating that storming the Capitol was what Trump wanted, not calling for the mob to stop after inciting them, not ordering the national guard into the Capitol, that after seeing the people storm the Capitol trim said we love you and called the insurrectionist very special people, So if you ignore all these things, maybe u are right.

Yup, lets take one fact and spread it across like a broad brush. Each and every aspect of this case builds upon the other. You want to surgically remove a fact when they are all linked. Tens of thousands people believed that Trump literally told them to fight and storm the Capitol and stop the count. . Fight in this context was actual violence not a rhetorical use of the word meaning to argue.
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Correct. That is not an overthrow of the US government. Trump would have been dragged out of the WH on January 20 at noon if it ever got to that point anyway.
the goal was to keep the loser in. aka overthrow the govt
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That's not overthrowing the government.
Hmm, stoping the imposition of the newly elected President is an attempt to overthrow the government. Hanging VP Mark Pence or shooting the Speaker of the House is not trying to overthrow the government? What do you call it? just political assisnation in order to keep in power someone who lost an election?

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