Trump would beat Biden Today

The Afghanistan withdrawal has exposed to even the adoring Dems that Biden is out if it.He explained how is late son Beau served in Afghanistan and ABC edited that comment out because Beau was never in Afghanistan.Who makes these statements about their kids that never happened.Could we be seeing as Doctor Siegel said maybe since Biden had 2 brain surgeries for aneurysms under a method not used today because too many patients who had that surgery experienced dementia when they got in their late 70’s.Maybe this explains everything.And we have laughing lightweight Harris in the wings.God help us.
If COVID doesn’t happen, Trump for all his warts was cruising to reelection. The economy was humming and his approval rating was (I believe) at its highest if not around its highest in early 2020. Meanwhile the D’s were in turmoil. COVID provided the opening and the power brokers rallied around Biden as the most electable to push Bernie out of the way, and COVID helped him avoid the normal campaign trail where he would have been an abject disaster. Read the great book “Game Change” about the 2008 election if you want to understand how Obama views Biden when campaigning.

Biden gets points from many for simply not being Trump. That’s why many voted for him and why many are still happy he’s President. I think he’s far from ideal for even the most staunch D’s. If you asked them to answer honestly they probably would have more negative things to say than positive. But he’s President, and I hope he does well and that this Afghan blunder becomes the low point of his Presidency instead of one of many examples of ineptitude.
If COVID doesn’t happen, Trump for all his warts was cruising to reelection. The economy was humming and his approval rating was (I believe) at its highest if not around its highest in early 2020. Meanwhile the D’s were in turmoil. COVID provided the opening and the power brokers rallied around Biden as the most electable to push Bernie out of the way, and COVID helped him avoid the normal campaign trail where he would have been an abject disaster. Read the great book “Game Change” about the 2008 election if you want to understand how Obama views Biden when campaigning.

Biden gets points from many for simply not being Trump. That’s why many voted for him and why many are still happy he’s President. I think he’s far from ideal for even the most staunch D’s. If you asked them to answer honestly they probably would have more negative things to say than positive. But he’s President, and I hope he does well and that this Afghan blunder becomes the low point of his Presidency instead of one of many examples of ineptitude.

Agree with all of that.
If COVID doesn’t happen, Trump for all his warts was cruising to reelection. The economy was humming and his approval rating was (I believe) at its highest if not around its highest in early 2020. Meanwhile the D’s were in turmoil. COVID provided the opening and the power brokers rallied around Biden as the most electable to push Bernie out of the way, and COVID helped him avoid the normal campaign trail where he would have been an abject disaster. Read the great book “Game Change” about the 2008 election if you want to understand how Obama views Biden when campaigning.

Biden gets points from many for simply not being Trump. That’s why many voted for him and why many are still happy he’s President. I think he’s far from ideal for even the most staunch D’s. If you asked them to answer honestly they probably would have more negative things to say than positive. But he’s President, and I hope he does well and that this Afghan blunder becomes the low point of his Presidency instead of one of many examples of ineptitude.
If Trump took what was happening in the early months with more seriousness he would have gotten re-elected
If Trump took what was happening in the early months with more seriousness he would have gotten re-elected
Perhaps. Sometimes a crisis works in a politician’s favor. I think the post 9-12 climate helped Bush prevail in 04, although Kerry being the opponent certainly helped. Or Cuomo and all the platitudes he got early as a result of COVID, even though longer term his record on that gets torn to shreds. Rudy became America’s Mayor post 9-11 and suddenly was a legit heavyweight politically on the national scale, at least for a while. And Desantis benefited much of last year from how Florida dealt with COVID compared to other states, although he certainly facing scrutiny now.

With how COVID has played out, I don’t think Trump had a chance of benefiting from it on a broad scale. Plus he was such a polarizing figure that the margin for voters who might be swayed by his COVID-related response was small to begin with. He was someone people either loved or hated, with little in between. His real base - not those who acknowledge his flaws but voted for him strictly on policy and being a better alternative - will always love him it seems. And his detractors wouldn’t change their mind no matter what he did. Our country hasn’t experienced anything as devastating on so many levels as COVID in a long time, and so I think it was going to be a net-loss for Trump no matter what, because the case for any “swing” voter to support him was based purely on the state of the country/economy, and not because of his persona.
If Trump took what was happening in the early months with more seriousness he would have gotten re-elected
Yea, you’re right. he should’ve shut down the border, prodded a private sector solution or two, stayed positive and called out the Chinese government.
If Trump took what was happening in the early months with more seriousness he would have gotten re-elected

What are talking about? Trump was called racist by the left when he stopped international travel to China. How was he not taking it seriously?

At the same time, Mrs Pelosi told people it was completely safe to come to Chinatown in California when the virus was spreading like wildfire.

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