Tuesday should be a fun day on campus

They hold an FCC license, that is a powerful tool. Further, it is well known and understand it is better to have a standard format for most of the week, it is like a real radio station. CMJ just doesn't do special issues for any station, they did for WSOU.
How in God's name does that answer my question of why should the Archdiocese of Newark continue to pay the school if they believe the school is putting out a Satanic product?
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Catholics and clergy have done more damage to their brand and reputation than WSOU ever.
No doubt. The now laicized Theodore McCarrick at the very top of that list. And while the need for piety doesn't allow for me to publicly name others, he is far from the only one.

But this is not in any way a logical justification of WSOU's format and playlist. Adding error upon error isn't justified either in Catholic or any other religious or philosophical system seeking answers to truth, morality and virtue.

Also - you still haven't watched the video and commented on it directly.
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No doubt. The now laicized Theodore McCarrick at the very top of that list. And while the need for piety doesn't allow for me to publicly name others, he is far from the only one.

But this is not in anyway a logical justification of WSOU's format and playlist. Adding error upon error isn't justified either in Catholic or any other religious or philosophical system seeking answers to truth, morality and virtue.

Also - you still haven't watched the video and commented on it directly.
This has been going on since the mid 1980s. If Newark wanted to do something they would have by now. Trust me brother I been around and seen the politics of the Archdiocese. Just like every other walk of life, people have agendas.
This is the radio station of a Catholic institution. You probably don't understand what's in this music. The genre is incompatible with not just Christian morals but even secular values. A radio station is a very public thing.
We need to put up a windmill on campus...
Don’t these nuts have anything better to do with their time?

It's about making reparation. Reparation is the countermeasure to blasphemy.

And, yes, if we all truly understood the gravity of the sin of blasphemy, we would not possibly have anything better to do. We would all be there day and night making reparation for our university and our archdiocese.

Sadly, I don't live up to my own principles and I do lots of other things instead, none of which in fact are "better to do."
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This has been going on since the mid 1980s. If Newark wanted to do something they would have by now. Trust me brother I been around and seen the politics of the Archdiocese. Just like every other walk of life, people have agendas.

Yes, since 1986. I am sorry to hear of your negative experiences and I believe you wholeheartedly.

Btw, I only found out about this from your original link. I will sincerely remember you tomorrow in my prayers and I hope that God in his justice wills that you will share in whatever merit assigned to those gathered on campus tomorrow to make reparation for blasphemy.
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It's about making reparation. Reparation is the countermeasure to blasphemy.

And, yes, if we all truly understood the gravity of the sin of blasphemy, we would not possibly have anything better to do. We would all be there day and night making reparation for our university and our archdiocese.

Sadly, I don't live up to my own principles and I do lots of other things instead, none of which in fact are "better to do."
how do you feel when you watch seton hall play in seats with this on it?

So if you read the article, the only band they point to is The Architects. Without knowing anything about them, I searched for info about them and there was nary a reference to anything satanic.

Loud, aggressive, over the top, sure. But nothing talking about actual Satan.

This seems like the 2021 version of the the overreaction that caused elvis to be filmed above the waste, KISS being called Kids In Satanic Service and AC/DC being called After Christ Death Comes.

Its silly. Keep playing loud music...
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So if you read the article, the only band they point to is The Architects. Without knowing anything about them, I searched for info about them and there was nary a reference to anything satanic.

Loud, aggressive, over the top, sure. But nothing talking about actual Satan.

This seems like the 2021 version of the the overreaction that caused elvis to be filmed above the waste, KISS being called Kids In Satanic Service and AC/DC being called After Christ Death Comes.

Its silly. Keep playing loud music...
Of course. It's beyond idiotic.
This is the radio station of a Catholic institution. You probably don't understand what's in this music. The genre is incompatible with not just Christian morals but even secular values. A radio station is a very public thing.
So are you suggesting they play church hymns 24/7? Change the station if you don’t like it!
Same stuff different decade. These people are just looking for attention. There’s an extensive policy at WSOU of bands that can’t be played due to content. One sometimes slips through the cracks and it’s then removed when management gets wind of it or lyrics are read. Full lyrics are not always available for new artists. Bands with blatant satanic imagery or named.

This has been going on since the 70s with Only the good die young by Billy Joel. People like McCarrick and Bishop Myers who were either covering up the disgusting actions of priests or doing it themselves are way more evil than anything from a band. With all the turmoil in the world right now and people needing genuine help and charity, the st stuff the Catholic Church is supposedly all about in their missions, these attention seekers are choosing to harass college kids during a pandemic. Yet some wonder why so many have written off SHU or the church as a whole and why people don’t donate more? How about get your own house in order before casting stones?

Side note, our campus security treats students trying to get into their own dorms like criminals, yet these wackos can somehow get onto a gated campus where access is supposed to be restricted during a pandemic? I’m genuinely concerned for the safety of the folks working at the station this week.
So if you read the article, the only band they point to is The Architects. Without knowing anything about them, I searched for info about them and there was nary a reference to anything satanic.

Loud, aggressive, over the top, sure. But nothing talking about actual Satan.

This seems like the 2021 version of the the overreaction that caused elvis to be filmed above the waste, KISS being called Kids In Satanic Service and AC/DC being called After Christ Death Comes.

Its silly. Keep playing loud music...

I linked a video earlier; if more convenient, here is an attached link to a webpage with further discussion of specific bands and lyrics.

If you have no objection to the principle of a Catholic Church owned radio station transmitting satanic blasphemies, I can follow that reasoning to a degree.

But to suggest that this issue is fabricated or not properly documented is wholly and demonstrably false.

Compilation of Evidence
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So are you suggesting they play church hymns 24/7? Change the station if you don’t like it!
That isn't what I said. You're caricaturing my comments.
I havent posted this year but as this is Holy Week -- the time to pick up our cross -- I will say some things here:

1) The content of the music is extraordinarily evil and dangerous by any standard, Catholic or secular, Buddhist or Jewish, Muslim or Feminist.

2) I don't think people understand the nature of just how evil and dangerous. For those who are curious, I attach a 15 min video that explains in quite some detail. Please view it and then make up your own minds.

3) Compounding this is an extraordinary amount of lying by those in authority at Seton Hall and the Archdiocese. The attached video proves that beyond a measure of doubt. Even if one can't grasp the evil of the music, there is a real question as to why so much and such blatant lying is going on here.

4) This is in every way the legacy of the now laicized Theodore McCarrick (I would not criticize him if he weren't laicized.) Not hard to understand where the root of this lying and evil began.

5) People have no idea anymore of the severity of the consequences of violating the First Commandment.

Lastly, yes -- I will be there tomorrow, along with a few others.

Detailed exposition of WSOU

This is an excellent post! The post of the year. Thank you!
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Do they know how to change a radio station?
Maybe you should change schools. There are plenty of secular schools you could associate with. Amazingly, the deeply secular schools would not even stoop to play the horrific music WSOU plays. They tend to play culturally enriching music.
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So are you suggesting they play church hymns 24/7? Change the station if you don’t like it!
This is kind of absurd. I'm against cancel culture but I'm completely at a loss at the hypocracy. How many people today are out there saying if you don't like ABC, just turn the station, look away, just ignore it, etc.

The first sentence of the mission statement of the University is it's a Catholic University. I would think it would be in best interest the University is to stay true to to the mission statement. I doubt you would find a Muslim or Hindu based organization promoting anti Muslim or Hindu beliefs in any way, shape, or form. It just wouldn't happen. And at the same time I wouldn't suggest anyone just don't watch anti Muslim and ant Hindu rhetoric.

I don't know how much the Archdiocese helps the University with, but I would think they should just cut the funding.
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Maybe you should change schools. There are plenty of secular schools you could associate with. Amazingly, the deeply secular schools would not even stoop to play the horrific music WSOU plays. They tend to play culturally enriching music.
Hopefully such as schism from tool or cemetery gates from pantera
I take it you would tell anyone who believes in a religion it’s all folk.
i mean catholicism is literally the definition of a folk tale in this regard. the jersey devil is fake but the satan devil is totally real? (and all the miracles?)

im not blasting religion, just questioning how he calls the jersey devil a folk tale but also think wsou is actually conjuring a different devil lol. take a 1000ft view and maybe he wont be so offended by a radio station lol.
Maybe you should change schools. There are plenty of secular schools you could associate with. Amazingly, the deeply secular schools would not even stoop to play the horrific music WSOU plays. They tend to play culturally enriching music.
Any feelings on what music/lyrics Seton Hall athletes listen to? Asking for a friend.
Well according to the radical catholics a lot
Not fair to use that broad brush here ....
And I don’t know what you mean by “radicals”

I agree with most else you’ve said here fwiw

I think nearly every practicing catholic could say with certainty that 99% of Catholics are not concerned with WSOU music. They are more concerned with supporting good causes and where to book their kid’s reception after a baptism lol
Oh, you have got to be kidding me with this nonsense again.

I'll go crawl back into the hole I've been in for the last five years now.
Not fair to use that broad brush here ....
And I don’t know what you mean by “radicals”

I agree with most else you’ve said here fwiw

I think nearly every practicing catholic could say with certainty that 99% of Catholics are not concerned with WSOU music. They are more concerned with supporting good causes and where to book their kid’s reception after a baptism lol
just curious, what % of students enrolled because of the catholic affiliation? id generally say students largely dont care

however i also dont know the kind of funding we get from the church. instead of cancelling wsou, at what point do you audit the catholic affiliation?

im not saying we should. im wondering how dependent the school is on it.
Any feelings on what music/lyrics Seton Hall athletes listen to? Asking for a friend.
I get the comment is facetious, but do you view what the individual chooses to listen to and what the school produces as one in the same? I see them as totally different. What you do in your own private time is your personal choice. The products the school produces should follow its mission statement. I don't think they should be putting out a Satanic product. I don't listen to the music so I don't know what it consists of, so I'm only going by what others say.
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I get the comment is facetious, but do you view what the individual chooses to listen to and what the school produces as one in the same?
Yes as they are representatives, most often the most recognizable representatives of Seton Hall.

Of course it's facetious for, I don't care/am not bothered by any of it. I just wonder how the devout catholics think?
Yes as they are representatives, most often the most recognizable representatives of Seton Hall.

Of course it's facetious for, I don't care/am not bothered by any of it. I just wonder how the devout catholics think?
Yes they are but I'm not really sure as representatives of SHU they've expressed their music choices to the world. They've expressed their support of BLM on their uniforms, but not their music choices. So I don't see how their individual music choices reflect on Seton Hall when they've never told us what they are.
Yes as they are representatives, most often the most recognizable representatives of Seton Hall.

Of course it's facetious for, I don't care/am not bothered by any of it. I just wonder how the devout catholics think?
This logic is unclear.

"Representatives" regularly do profoundly immoral things; McCarrick's fifteen years running Newark and Metuchen provides sufficient evidence. There was no more "recognizable" representative of the Church and Seton Hall than McCarrick.

Without mentioning specific names, some here might be familiar with a leading Seton Hall administrator from the late 1980s and early 1990s who did something profoundly immoral; he too was laicized and removed from authority.

You've mentioned many times your indignation at our civil leaders, representatives of our nation. When these individuals blatantly violate the Constitution of the United States, are the principles of our nation suddenly and automatically revised?

For a "devout" Catholic, the Magisterium of the Catholic Church serves an extremely analogous function to the Constitution of the United States for a patriotic American.

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