People want to paint Joe Biden he is far from a socialist or progressive. Joe Biden is a moderate. Yes, Joe Biden has lost a step. But, if you are supporting Trump, he makes more stupid gaffes than anyone. I just heard him say Bob Woodward doesn't write good. lol Or what about that he could not pronounce Yosemite and pronounced it Yo-Semite. Stop with the Joe is senile. Trump butchers the English language.
I am sorry but just look at Republicans who have come out in support of Joe Biden, Steve Schmidt (Lincoln Project who ran John McCain's Presidential campaign, ex-republican candidates for the Presidency like Carly Fiorina, and John Kasich, Colin Powell, Meg Whitman, Ex Repub Senators like Warner and Flake, and people who have worked for Trump like Scaramuccio. Ex-Chairman of the Republican National Committee Michael Steele is supporting Biden. President Bush and Jeb Bush as as Mitt Romney have stated they will not support Trump. How many people that have worked for Trump need to come out against Trump - Mattis, Kelly, Tillerson, Bolton? Trump's own sister, a 3rd Circuit of Appeal Federal Judge said he has no principles, he lies and is only out for himself.
All this tells you is that Trump should not be President of this country. This is unheard of that this many people high up in a national party have declared either the support for the opposition party or nonsupport of their own party's candidate.
Yet there are those that will continue to support and vote for this man.
I am going to take a guess and say that I am probably more experienced with the death penalty than anyone else on this board and I am against it. Reasons are for another discussion. Corporate tax cuts were cut ridiculously low and must be raised. Corporate rates went from 35% to 21%. Biden-Harris want it raised to 28%.
No, I don't agree with the idea of free tuition because that's not feasible. Nor do I believe in Medicaid for all. But, people like to throw around that we have a pure capitalistic society with no socialism in this country as they kick back and collect their SOCIAL SECURITY checks.