i agree with your last point but:
1) "5 WHOLE years" working hard starting entry level. there are people who work hard 20'years at an entry level job and get nowhere. do you realize that despite denying it, it has very much to do with race and sexuality and class?
2) its great you feel that way about identity politics, but you are seriously denying the fact it IS that way in America and has been since its beginning. its hardly debatable.
3) my original point is that class has been ignored in the rememberence of every single event in history. and plays a big part. its not the american dream as advertised for many people. you mentioned race and sexuality but ommitted class.... exactly the point i was making. i never said anything about race or sexuality before you brought it up.
So you're saying I only advanced because I am white? I disagree.
NO doubt America has judged people thru it's history. Irish, Italians, Polish, Mexicans all have dealt with it. Those people didn't quit, they worked and built good communities. They are not sitting here on 2020 blaming others.
People from all classes can succeed. Work hard to give your kids a better life