Seems I, as well as others, seriously overrated the talent on this team.
I was thinking, who is really Big East quality on this roster as of today? It can, and hopefully will, change over time as it's not good.
Big East Starter (would play 25 mins + on a decent Big East team)
Chaunce Jenkins
Isaiah Coleman
Big East Quality Depth (would play 10-15 mins on a decent Big East team)
Not Big East Quality At This Time (would not play 10-15 mins on a decent Big East team)
Felton (getting there though)
I think Okorafor and Dual should be on big east quality depth level solely based on the elite defense they can bring. Okorafor and Dual, without their medical issues (and Dual playing less point🙄, could have had very different seasons up to this point right now.
Same argument for Toumi moving up to big east depth level… bc of his offensive production per the minutes he plays esp when not at center.
Middelton is not even a quality big east reserve yet. He has one decent game so far. Way too turnover prone and he hesitates way too much on taking open 3s. Like him as a 3 and D guy who is a spot shooter. It scares me when he dribbles.
Before the season started, I still remember posters putting Coleman at 3, Middleton at the 2 with Dual at point. I was thinking Coleman was the best dribbler of the lot and everything I saw from Middelton was a spot shooter from Ohio State.