25% of Americans will not take COVID Vaccine

Yea, I'm nuts. The horror in helping others. Again, you're all about yourself. It's not your job to help society. That's your stance, own it.
You’re judging people is being selfish when you know nothing about what they do in their daily lives. Is your only litmus test for caring a about society the vaccine?

And please provide some data that shows that unvaccinated people are creating the variants..
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So someone who is anti vaccine is anti helping society. Maybe you know more than I think, but maybe 09 volunteers, does charity work, makes donations to great causes, etc. But because he's anti this vaccine he's a scumbag. Impressive analysis all from not taking a vaccine.

Scumbag, your word, not mine. I said he cares about himself, hes made that clear. I dont think he would argue that.
You’re judging people is being selfish when you know nothing about what they do in their daily lives. Is your only litmus test for caring a about society the vaccine?

And please provide some data that shows that unvaccinated people are creating the variants..

Getting a shot is pretty simple and it would help get over this pandemic. I'm not sure what he does in his other areas of life, but his vaccine stance speaks volumes.
Getting a shot is pretty simple and it would help get over this pandemic. I'm not sure what he does in his other areas of life, but his vaccine stance speaks volumes.
He has his reasons for not getting vaccinated. I respect that.
He has his reasons for not getting vaccinated. I respect that.

That's fine, he can choose to do whatever he wants, that's America. I can choose to draw conclusion from his free will decision about what type of person he is.
No argument was lost. I believe people should get vaccinated so we can get past this pandemic. He, you, the others here dont. Nobody won any argument. I sleep well at night with my stance.

Hes made it clear hes about himself and it's not his job to worry about anyone else.
I think we already established there’s only one person here not vaccinated

I say who cares what he does at this point

you want to ridicule

to each their own

but to suggest there’s a “right” position on either side is asinine
Getting a shot is pretty simple and it would help get over this pandemic. I'm not sure what he does in his other areas of life, but his vaccine stance speaks volumes.

Why is Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries, experiencing record case numbers? Everyone taking a vaccine won't end this. It doesn't end until governments and people stop giving it all their attention and simply move on. Treat it like any other illness.
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Why is Israel, one of the most vaccinated countries, experiencing record case numbers? Everyone taking a vaccine won't end this. It doesn't end until governments and people stop giving it all their attention and simply move on. Treat it like any other illness.
Obviously the unvaccinated are causing variants. Duh. It’s not hard. Even though we have no data to prove this it’s obviously common sense. Get on board with the rhetoric.
Obviously the unvaccinated are causing variants. Duh. It’s not hard. Even though we have no data to prove this it’s obviously common sense. Get on board with the rhetoric.
You have no data to prove your point...but we should “get on board”
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But they also say the vaccines hold up to the variants. So you’re still safe.

For now. Variants could change that. Do you acknowledge what's in these articles?

My safety isnt my concern. I've stated this multiple times.
Lol that’s rich, coming from the guy who makes fun of parents taking their kids to the junior pirate area and whines that the season is over in December. I want to be like you.

Thanks. Appreciate it.
I remember when kniespolice was a freedom loving guy with a conservative bent on these boards. He was actually insightful and to the right of most of us. Now he's devolved into a MSM parrot and woke warrior. Something significant happened to him in the last 6-12 months. People don't just change like that on their own that quickly.
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I remember when knies was a freedom loving guy with a conservative bent on these boards. He was actually insightful and to the right of most of us. Now he's devolved into a MSM parrot and woke warrior. Something significant happened to him in the last 6-12 months. People don't just change like that on their own that quickly.

Disagreeing on covid vaccines makes a woke warrior, got it. Your typical nonsense filled post when you're presented with anything substantive. Care to comment on the articles I shared about the unvaccinated driving variants?
Same charlatans who are screaming on cable news every night like William Schaffner. Facts is that viruses mutate all the time and into less virulent, more contagious strains. Less virulence is a good thing.
Same charlatans who are screaming on cable news every night like William Schaffner. Facts is that viruses mutate all the time and into less virulent, more contagious strains. Less virulence is a good thing.

So you completely ignord the articles I posted after demanding I show evidence. If the virus is mutating to less virulent than how would you explain Delta? Again my point stands that the unvaccinated are driving these variants, which you dispute. The articles I linked detail my position. Can you link any articles that back your position?
So you completely ignord the articles I posted after demanding I show evidence. If the virus is mutating to less virulent than how would you explain Delta? Again my point stands that the unvaccinated are driving these variants, which you dispute. The articles I linked detail my position. Can you link any articles that back your position?
Articles from with literally no data. Experts say is not data. And just to make you happy experts came up with the food pyramid. Tuesday the weather app said the weather would be raining from 3am Wednesday all the way through tonight. They got 12 out of 48 hours right. How accurate are the experts.
Articles from with literally no data. Experts say is not data. And just to make you happy experts came up with the food pyramid. Tuesday the weather app said the weather would be raining from 3am Wednesday all the way through tonight. They got 12 out of 48 hours right. How accurate are the experts.

There were 3 articles, including from Reuters. How many can you present that say vaccinated are driving variants?
There were 3 articles, including from Reuters. How many can you present that say vaccinated are driving variants?
Since you're the king of "try reading" me where I said it was either the vaccinated or unvaccinated driving variants. I'm not pinning it on any vaccination status. I'm just saying this is the course of disease, it mutates.
So you completely ignord the articles I posted after demanding I show evidence. If the virus is mutating to less virulent than how would you explain Delta? Again my point stands that the unvaccinated are driving these variants, which you dispute. The articles I linked detail my position. Can you link any articles that back your position?

I never demanded you show anything. My question was about Israel and the record case numbers there despite extremely high vaccination numbers.

Have to agree that reading and comprehension issues are not isolated incidents with you.
I’m sorry after 70 years of making the country unhealthy I don’t trust the government’s advice of put this in you to make you healthy. Ever look at a picture of the people in the crowds the Apollo launches or Woodstock? How many obese people do you see? It’s insane the change in this country’s health and the government had a ton to do with it from the bad food pyramid to the additives and preservatives to make shelf life longer. Notice they're all for limiting what people who don't take the vaccine can do. Are they going to limit a 350lb man from buying a piece of cake? Are we really trying to keep people healthy or not?
This is a truly incisive comment.
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I never demanded you show anything. My question was about Israel and the record case numbers there despite extremely high vaccination numbers.

Have to agree that reading and comprehension issues are not isolated incidents with you.

You said:

"Those are not good enough reasons to completely revamp society and change the way we live.

Those people over 70 have had the option to get vaccinated, and most of them did. The vast majority will be fine. The people who can't get vaccinated is an incredibly small number of the population. Those folks should be taking precautions and assessing their own risks as they see fit."

My articles show that unvaccinated are fueling variants which could negate the vaccines that people chose to take. So, you are effecting those that decided to be responsible citizens as well as protect themselves.
False, cause unvaccinated fat guy keeps spreading it to other unvaccinated fat people and variants develop that can evade vaccines. This isnt hard.

Actually we have a Nobel laureate virologist saying exactly the opposite. That it's the vaccinations that are actually creating the variants. No wonder a substantial amount of new cases are in those who are already vaccinated. No wonder the push for booster shots.

The reality is that arguments for vaccination that are most effective aren't science based. They're emotion based (fear, coercion, misplaced charity). That should tell you something.
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Actually we have a Nobel laureate virologist saying exactly the opposite. That it's the vaccinations that are actually creating the variants. No wonder a substantial amount of new cases are in those who are already vaccinated. No wonder the push for booster shots.

The reality is that arguments for vaccination that are most effective aren't science based. They're emotion based (fear, coercion, misplaced charity). That should tell you something.

This is false. Reuters already dunked on this.

Articles from with literally no data. Experts say is not data. And just to make you happy experts came up with the food pyramid. Tuesday the weather app said the weather would be raining from 3am Wednesday all the way through tonight. They got 12 out of 48 hours right. How accurate are the experts.
Do you really need an explanation on statistics that say if there is an 80% chance of rain one hour, that there’s also a 20% chance it doesn’t rain that hour? And I think the overwhelming thought across NJ is… it f$&king rained.

Though I woke up at 5:30am, driveways dry, some puddles and a few twigs, not branches, down. Do I think the meteorologists got it wrong or I was just statistically lucky where I am in Monmouth country vs south and north and west of me?

So now I guess will be up there with the food pyramid.
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