Your comments about Bannon (once again) prove my initial point: your logic isn't driven by science as much as it is politics. Why interject politics (or religion) into what is a scientific debate.
Because Steve Bannon is gaslighting, and the only reason Malone is invited to his show isn't for the debate, it is to gaslight. That's it.
You discredited an article from Reuters in this thread without any consideration of what was actually in the article. That wasn't science based. You are looking for the scientists who agree with your intuition.
This is my final comment to you. I've written sufficiently to expose your positioning as (frankly) political and poorly informed from a vaccine researchers/industry perspective. You haven't quoted any high quality scientific sources as much as random media reports from mainstream sources.
I posted a three hour interview with Vincent Racaniello Professor in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at Columbia University. I don't think I have cited any mainstream sources here.
I just showed you why some of the stuff you posted was wrong. Like the PCR test issue.
If we are to assume that the PCR tests are giving out a huge amount of false positives, we would see that show up in the seroprevalance studies. I didn't learn that from the mainstream media, I read the studies.
When you cite someone saying the mortality rate is 0.05%, I don't need media to tell me that is not correct. I just need math.
My opinions on the topic are driven by data.
Like when I posted in this thread that I would be watching Florida pediatric admissions after schools open there. I said we don't know yet if Delta is more dangerous to kids or not and noted the possibility that it just may work its way through the population more quickly but not be any more dangerous. So far that is what I believe will be the case. Florida students have now been back to school for four weeks. When schools opened there were about 50 pediatric Covid admissions per day which increase to about 70 for a couple days and is on the decline at under 50 for the past few days.
The data supports the idea that reopening schools normally is safe. That's not a partisan take driven by media. It is what I understand the data to show at this time.
Malone also told Bannon that he agrees with people who call inoculation with mRNA “gene-therapy.”
“It is gene therapy applied to vaccines,” he confirmed and added that he understood many people’s reluctance to take mRNA jabs.
But it's not gene therapy. Gene therapy has a specific definition and it can modify your DNA. These mRNA vaccines can not modify your DNA. They do not have the ingredients to access the nucleus.
That is a fact. Why is this scientist telling you false information (among several other clearly false statements) and why do you trust him at all?
“They have a right to be wary about a new technology that’s not well understood.”
Absolutely, I've never said no one should be warry. I don't care if you get vaccinated or not. Though Malone did receive an mRNA vaccine btw. That alone should tell you what he actually believes. He could have gone with J&J. He didn't have to choose an mRNA vaccine.
I just want people who are at risk of sever disease and death from Covid to actually understand they are at risk of sever disease and death... and I want them to get vaccinated. for their and their families sake