Dr. Fauci gives grim projection

I am not sure where the disconnect is here.
Maybe I am not doing a good enough job of explaining what I am saying?

We are not identifying all cases. Initially we were only testing people with symptoms.
Of course the rate of hospitalizations would be higher then because you are excluding people with no or mild symptoms.

As you expand testing, the rate people will be hospitalized will go down.

This sounds downright Trumpian.

The hospitalization rate is hospitalizations divided by positives, not total tested.
This sounds downright Trumpian.

The hospitalization rate is hospitalizations divided by positives, not total tested.

I will explain in simpler terms.
This is what it looks like.

1,000,000 cases - 200,000 confirmed cases - 4,000 hospitalization.


1,000,000 cases - 400,000 confirmed cases - 4,000 hospitalizations

We are getting better at identifying cases. The actual rate of hospitalizations would really be the same but we don't know the actual number of cases.
The state has now determined that 14,872 people have died in NJ from this horrible horrible disease. A very very sad time. I will be praying for our NJ brothers and sisters that have passed away from covid today. I will rightly continue to shelter in place until there is a vaccine.

The 06/24/20 past 7-day average positive number is 313 compared with the 06/17/20 7-day average positive of 337.
The 06/24/20 past 7-day average positive number is 313 compared with the 06/17/20 7-day average positive of 337.

That doesn't take away the 14,000+ that have been killed in this great state by the virus.
1. IHME projects 135,109 deaths by August 4. The range of uncertainty is 120/160
2. Youyang Gu projects 163,205 deaths by August 4. The range of uncertainty is 124/215
3. Projected NJ deaths are 12,577 for IHME and 13,902 for Gu
4. Per the NJ dashboard, ventilators in use decreased from 789 to 459 (15% of capacity)
5. The critical/ICU beds in used decreased from 977 to 639

The last update was June 2
1. IHME projects 145,489 deaths by August 4. The range of uncertainty is 141/150
2. Youyang Gu projects 148,347 deaths by August 4. The range of uncertainty is 138/159
3. Projected NJ deaths are 13,580 for IHME and 13,893 for GU
4. Per the NJ dashboard, ventilators in used decreased from 459 to 210 (7% of capacity)
5. The critical/ICU beds in use decreased from 639 to 252
6. Projections now go out as far as October 1
a. IHME projects 179,106 deaths by October 1. Gu projects 189,427 deaths by October 1
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That's true but the 7-day positive rate has always been higher except for the last 5-7 days. 7-day hospitalizations are low and lower than they've been in the past.7-day deaths are as low as they've ever been. So what's the big deal? Getting the virus is not a death sentence.

Florida tracks their statewide Hospital bed Census as well as their ICU Census. As of today the numbers are as follows

Total beds 46,069
Available beds 14,223
Availability by % 30.9

ICU Capacity 6,115
ICU Beds Available 1,350
Availability by % 22.08

Below is the link to the website that issues the census. It is generally updated daily.
Not sure what identifying "all" cases has to do with anything. Like I said earlier, I recall reading a story from a researcher indicating that infections are weakening. Also in speaking with a couple of hospital folks, they have shared that the cases they are seeing are not as severe and length of stay is less on average. I would guess we will see some retrospective data at some point.

If possible please provide a link to the researcher that indicated infections are weakening.

The vocabulary we are looking for is "mutations". The flu (swine/bird) viruses mutate steadily, necessitating a new flu vaccine every year.

The prevailing theory at this time is Covid-19 is not a virus that mutates rapidly. On the whole that would be good since vaccines and treatments would be stable since the virus is stable.

A virus that is "weakening" is good in the short term. The risk, of course, is a virus that mutates "weaker" can also mutate "stronger". That is a potential long term problem.
Say what, Joe? If this was trump the mainstream media would say there are serious issues with trump.

Silver lining of the spread is that with more people testing positive, it will dramatically increase the pool of convalescent plasma donors. BARDA/FDA announced yesterday that they have set aside over $100 million to immediately start to build a stockpile of plasma to treat patients that need to be hospitalized. They would like to get to half million doses by November. Mayo Clinic will be publishing data shortly on the clinical study that is expected to be very positive. Convalescent plasma is also going being identified as the first line of treatment and has been given Operation Warp Speed (OWS) status. A patient that has recovered from COVID can produce up to four doses each time and donate as soon as every other week.
Hi All. The more this virus has developed the more and more I have been right. The WHO has now said the "Worst is yet to come" in a statement released today. I have been saying this for weeks now.

@SPK145 How are Georgia and Florida I doing? People on this board were calling me a "moron" for saying that the virus will spike when these states would reopen. Just checking in. I think people on this board are starting to realize I have been spot on with my predictions. NJ will close down again in September. And the executive order regarding mask wearing will be coming! We will truly wearing masks for a very long time.
What are all the posters that said Florida and Georgia were a great job??? Why are you all quiet now? Want to finally listen to me?
How are Georgia and Florida I doing? People on this board were calling me a "moron" for saying that the virus will spike when these states would reopen. Just checking in.

The usual for those 2 states. Positive rates increasing while hospitalization and death rates plummet.

Tell us about NJ. Positive, hospitalization, and death rates all dropping.
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The usual for those 2 states. Positive rates increasing while hospitalization and death rates plummet.

Tell us about NJ. Positive, hospitalization, and death rates all dropping.

Smh... Your. Denominator. Is. Not. Accurate.

If the number of hospitalizations per day is going up, that’s bad. If it’s going down, that’s good. no need for a ratio to see that.
Smh... Your. Denominator. Is. Not. Accurate.

If the number of hospitalizations per day is going up, that’s bad. If it’s going down, that’s good. no need for a ratio to see that.

Disagree. Like in baseball, if your number of hits are going up but your batting average is going down, that’s not good.

Absolute numbers don’t tell the whole story, ratios and averages are easily as important. Use both if you must. Discounting ratios and averages just seems disingenuous.

More positive rates but ever declining hospitalization and death rates is not a bad thing. Getting coronavirus is not a death sentence like some would have you believe.
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Disagree. Like in baseball, if your number of hits are going up but your batting average is going down, that’s not good.

Absolute numbers don’t tell the whole story, ratios and averages are easily as important. Use both if you must. Discounting ratios and averages just seems disingenuous.

More positive rates but ever declining hospitalization and death rates is not a bad thing. Getting coronavirus is not a death sentence like some would have you believe.

But you don’t know the real denominator. It doesn’t make any sense at all to look at ratios here. It was always about new hospital admissions because if admissions trend up, and a stay lasts a couple weeks, that is when we start to have capacity issues.

Comparing to baseball where you can count the number of at bats doesn’t work.
You have no idea how many people are infected today and how many were infected in April.

Looking at hospitalizations as a percentage of infections ONLY works if you know how many infections there are/were, but we don’t.
Disagree. Like in baseball, if your number of hits are going up but your batting average is going down, that’s not good.

Absolute numbers don’t tell the whole story, ratios and averages are easily as important. Use both if you must. Discounting ratios and averages just seems disingenuous.

More positive rates but ever declining hospitalization and death rates is not a bad thing. Getting coronavirus is not a death sentence like some would have you believe.

So say someone has over 10,000 likes but his "like to post" percentage is 36% and going down, that's not good. You'll never get into the more likes than posts club that way.
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Just funny to me how all of the posters that were talking about how good of a job Florida and Georgia were doing a few weeks ago are now quiet! Where are you guys! The numbers don't lie! Who's right now?
Positive cases in Florida and Texas are going up up up. I was told by posters on this board that cases would continue to decrease when the states reopened. How's that looking now???
Did you read the article and the dramatic increase in fatalities in NJ?

Isn't that because NBC started counting deaths by county data? Also on June 25 MK started counting probable Corona deaths as well. That's why there is a spike. Not necessarily because there is a breakout.
Whatever suits the agenda. It’s been weeks and weeks since reopening.

Lol. That's not how this works.

The virus goes from person to person . It takes time to spread. Once that spread starts to have more opportunities to spread to a larger percentage of the population, hospitalizations start to increase.

That is what is happening.
Lol. That's not how this works.

The virus goes from person to person . It takes time to spread. Once that spread starts to have more opportunities to spread to a larger percentage of the population, hospitalizations start to increase.

That is what is happening.
So you think those other states will have spikes in deaths at some point? And back to NJ...why the spike?
So what happened in early/mid June that created this spike? Seems to be an anomaly when looking at other states.

Earlier than that. Hospitalizations have been increasing in Florida since June 8th which means the infections were occuring prior to that date... But in any case, what happened is that the virus had an opportunity to spread as people in some areas were not taking it seriously enough.
So you think those other states will have spikes in deaths at some point? And back to NJ...why the spike?

Yes. States that are seeing a V shape in hospitalizations will start to see an increase in the number of deaths.

NJ didn't see a spike. Its Its explained in the footnote.

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