This is such a bizarre argument. Are you suggesting that climate studies don't follow the scientific method? That none of them follow the scientific method? Are you saying that none of these studies have made the completely obvious prediction that the climate would keep getting warmer every year, as it has kept getting warmer? Wouldn't a prediction like that have been "accurate or falsifiable?" Wouldn't it have been proven accurate time after time?
What am I missing here?
Something like that. Early on man-made global warming indicated that we were on the cusp of catastrophe. Melting of the ice caps, flooding of the coast lines, famine death, destruction and all of that was going to happen in the very near future. The problem with specific predictions in narrow timelines is that they either occur or don’t occur. In the case of the global warming models the predictions of doom didn’t occur. Astoundingly, not withstanding supposed “consensus” catastrophe didn’t occur and we all went on with our lives. After that happened a few times the predictions became more vague in the timelines pushed further into the future. Essentially the hypothesis went from being falsible, which is a predicate for the scientific method, to being non-falsible. At that point the predictions went from being hypotheses to, essentially, religion. Religion we accept on faith. Science, however is a series of hypotheses that are not doctrine but instead are either working assumptions, proven hypotheses or disproven hypotheses.
Global warming fanaticism has, as noted above always been on a weak basis. Now, it barely tries to even resemble anything that science-based. Any reasonable person would have some healthy skepticism. For example if the supposed cure for global warming was a sale of carbon credits from wealthy nations to less wealthy nations one would have to ask how that impacts man made global warming. The supposed cure didn’t actually reduce carbon emissions it just imposed a fee on them. That methodology doesn’t seem to be intended at reducing man-made emissions so much as redistributing wealth. Likewise, the two biggest polluting nations China and India are largely exempt from the restrictions that are aimed at the US. How does that make sense if our goal is to prevent catastrophe by reducing carbon emissions globally? Again, it seems like a system designed to redistribute wealth.
There are a lot of other “inconvenient truths” regarding man-made global warming fanaticism. In no small part hypocrisy of those advocating for dramatic restrictions leaps off the page. Al Gore was a fervent believer who profited dramatically from the sale of carbon offsets. All the predictions in his book “an inconvenient truth“ or false. Every last one. Yet, that didn’t stop him from literally making millions off them. John Kerry jetting around the world produces far more carbon emissions than the average American. If his belief was sincere wouldn’t apply to himself? It does seem a bit of a “physician heal thyself” scenario.
Another thing that is inconvenient, and thus not talked about by global warming zealots is the fact that both Venus and mars are warming as well. Is that caused by man as well? It seems unlikely but since the global warming religion isn’t fact based anyway, why not say it is?
Math can be a little problematic as well. If you do the math the total amount of admission of supposed global warming gases is negligible to the amount of volume of total gases in our atmosphere. But, but, but there are so many cars…. Yeah sorry, it’s just not a meaningful number. Well, even if you think there is a problem, the answer is that man’s impact is not material.
Another really interesting fact is that carbon dioxide is actually a radiator gas and serves to radiate the planets heat out in the space. Granted, other gases are more efficient at it but carbon dioxide is part of the mechanism by which the earth loses heat to space.
As I’ve noted in my post above there is not one man-made global warming algorithm that will successfully predict changes an overall temperature. Yet people want to make world economic changes that would dramatically change the standard of living. If we were to return to an agrarian society, without internal combustion engines, and not burn fire for heat, we would dramatically reduce our carbon footprint, and millions of people would die of sickness and starvation, but hey that’s a small price to pay right? We need to save the planet!
But but but what about electric cars? Let’s think about that a little bit. First, if tomorrow we all switched to EV‘s the impact on the power grade would be catastrophic. In states like California where they are already at or close to peak capacity, there simply isn’t the additional margin. But but but what about windmills? They generate power, they also kill birds, they’re not as reliable, and they generate high frequency noise that the impact of which is only beginning to be understood. Hydroelectric power? Show me the new river you want to damn. Sure that has catastrophic environmental impact, but first you’ve got a find a river that can tolerate being Damned up without impacting water use down stream. So, our clean electronic vehicles are gonna require energy generation from coal or oil fired plants which have a much more significant carbon footprint than our existing cars. oh, and by the way the production of batteries is notoriously dirty, but we don’t care about that because it’s largely being done in China, right? In 10 years will have to figure out what we’re doing with old EV car batteries, but what the heck 10 years is a lifetime away and we need to save the planet today!
But but but consensus! Consensus!! I guess that becomes a comfortable refrain. But, the last inconvenient truth is, there’s probably less consensus than you think. There are a lot of climate scientists who will make the points I made above. It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get that information out, but challenging religious orthodoxy is always a difficult prospect.