Merge, I appreciate your measured response and enjoy the discussion vs arguing. We have different viewpoints on some things and that is OK.
Except for a thing or two, I completely agree with your overall response to my last post.
Fair, but still doesn't address my the question I am wondering why it is OK that Trump, the CIC, never learned the protocol in how to respect the flag, but leads the charge against protesters saying they are disrespecting the flag
When I first saw the retreat incident, my reaction was that he was indoors and I didn't see what the fuss was. It has been many years and so I tried to look up the regulations to be sure, but they are vague. Then I found the Snopes post that confirmed my suspicion about being indoors. Hence there was no protocol faux pas. You could argue that his comments to Hannity were off base but then again, we don't know if he just "heard some bugle music" or he consciously heard Retreat and failed to recognize it. I give him a pass because he was doing a live interview on national TV in front of a live audience. Can we expect that he actually heard the tune?
I also think the Retreat protocol is relatively obscure compared to standing for the anthem at a football game. I am sure it was not high on the list of the many briefings he received when he took office. But to your point, the optics are terrible, I agree.
If Obama had asked what it was, and then joked about it being for the ratings of his interviewer he would have been trashed by everyone on the right and you know it.
I agree completely and I get annoyed when conservatives and right wingers do that. You may recall the big deal they made about Obama not putting his hand on his heart during the anthem. The US Flag Code calls for that but it over time that has become an archaic rule. To call Obama on it was not fair. But then again, no one is fair with partisan BS.
The reason I have a problem with Trump here is because this issue of protesters in the NFL kneeling was going away. Trump made it so much worse, but he clearly does not know how to respect the flag. Shep Smith called him out for it on Fox News. This is just red meat for his base.
I agree. I too have a problem with Trump getting involved in petty crap. I had the same problem with Obama's beer summit. I agree with he Red Meat but also think he does it to draw attention away from other issues. Its like the laser pen you shine on the wall and the cat jumps after it. Move the pen and cat runs across the room to catch the light. The MSM is chasing the light and Trump knows it.
Many of you here always said how divisive Obama was... how do you not see what Trump is doing?
They both had/have their moments of divisiveness and unity. IMHO Trump went too far calling for the NFL to fire the players etc. Again, I agree with Red Meat angle. I think if pressed for a statement, Trump could have issued a much more measured one and moved on. I would love to be a fly on the wall in the communications meetings. I am bothered by Trumps foot shooting because it takes away from progress on the bigger issues.
Having said all this, I think Kaapernick picked the wrong forum to stage his protest. It overshadowed his message. As well, his message was not clear and has morphed. He started with Cops and now has broadened to social injustice.
I mentioned Mother Teresa and Gandhi in a previous post. They chose a life of poverty and in doing so were very effective. It is hard to listen to Kaap, a millionaire unemployed quarterback whose sole act to help the oppressed is to sit (and now kneel). Yeah he gave $1M in matching funds but that is a drop in the bucket. I don't hate the guy and wish him no harm, but he does not exactly move me to concern and action based on his approach and his actions.
Hans Solo said something to the effect, "buy yeah, he has gotten people talking about it". I don;t think that is true. Kaap's actions have not sparked any positive discussion or actions. (and yes, Trump's response has not helped either).