He played to his base yesterday. He called out the media for ripping his first moves as racist and all the experts saying go out and enjoy yourself. People are tired of hearing he didn’t do enough early on and he got it wrong from people who would have continued to let people from China in the country for another month.
Not every criticism of Trump is/was fair. There is a lot that is unknown when something fairly unprecedented happens.
Trump is not to blame for all of it, and I think any president would have had missteps dealing with this.
Where Trump is unique is that he is not capable of saying he was wrong about something. A lot of people had this wrong early on, but as the data suggested they need to change their opinions, they did. Trump couldn't which is why as experts were stating to pivot, Trump kept doubling down and now he thinks he can campaign on the fact that other people being wrong too to make himself look better? Keep rating his performance as a 10. Keep saying he knows better than anyone else etc...