Well CNN.com has it now. I guess it's not just a "conservative" thing anymore. It came from real reporters, not talking heads.
You can mock the take, call it "garbage", whatever you want. That's your right. We're debating media reporting here. Fact remains that for months the extreme right-wing conservative outlets - inferred by those in politics with the typical convenient plausible deniability to serve a political endgame - have been circulating real garbage in a much more sinister manner, like a Hollywood script, to serve a purpose by keeping focus on the blame and the President holding that accountable as opposed to accountability on why our Federal Government was so dismissive and, consequently, unprepared early on (even Fauci is in that group with Trump).
These outlets had alleged biowarfare, cover-ups with the Harvard professor, economic payback from China, and a series of completely debunked conspiracy theories. The misinformation was extreme. To suggest that wasn't an agenda is something we'll have to agree on to disagree on. The story Baier reported on the conjecture in the White House is much more tame than what's been circulating prior to that, even puts to rest the bioweapon portion (finally).
You get upset of me lumping Baier and Fox News in with those groups? Again, you're entitled to your opinion. It's been 20+ years of political hatchet jobs by these cable news networks - all of them - so yes I am skeptical on anything they report, especially when there's a background. They all traffic in this stuff. They're all Entertainment Tonight. Credibility is an issue for me.
On the same tangent, to think that either political party in this country won't use to COVID-19 to their advantage (Trump does it nearly every daily with these campaign rally pressers) is also naive. Wait until the Election cycle picks up. Trump will act like Moses, liberating the Americans from COVID-19 and lockdown. And the Dems will be a nightmare too, I don't care for them either. I need multiple sources to feel better about anything the political class says, reports, insinuates, whatever.
Now, with China, I've dealt with China for decades. I trust none of what I hear, half of what I see, lol. Even innocent matters have been made to look guilty because of their nature. We need to know how COVID-19 started. Did it unintentionally leak from a lab? Was it cross-contamination from uncontrolled wet markets? I have no idea and do not rule anything out. As more official reporting comes out we'll know. For now, again, as I initially said, it bears watching. We need to demand answers and get tough (one area where I like Trump, the guy is always craving a fight).
China has a major problem on their hands with future commerce because of this, and rightly so. Domestically they have another issue with the % of industry these wet markets represent since they were re-opened about 20-30 years ago (not a coincidence to these repeated novel coronavirus outbreaks over time).