I agree, they are more likely going to catch virus if they were home in their communities than playing. Again, I disagreed with the article, the season should not be stopped because the alternative is probably worse. But its not soo far out of bounds at this point. At one time a pause till March seemed like a crazy solution, not now with skyrocking rates and with vaccines coming soon to general public.
Suicide is one thing, dieing from pneumonia could be result of covid, like coach Bozzella situation. You may be right with suicide, more may die short term from that than covid in that age group but lung scaring, complications from being intubated, coagulation and cardio issues. I think way way way more lives will be shorted in that age group than total number of suicide, just by shear numbers that will be exposed to it.
Then you factor in how people in this age group are more active, traveling, going out more and are the super spreaders that are asymptomatic. They may be the age group that runs into your Aunt, grandma, or older sister at that local restaurant, or your elderly neighbor is the patient after the super spreader when he is getting his denture treatment at the dentist. The other age groups then die more, sure that age group might be okay short-term but look at the big picture.