Nah, you’re just full of shit.
I posted the very dumbed down math for herd immunity a while back. Essentially showed with a transmission rate of 2.5 and a vaccine that was 95% effective we needed about 67% to reach herd immunity.
with the transmission rate of Delta being higher and the efficacy of the vaccine being lower, the math becomes impossible to reach a point where we could stop this on our own with a vaccine. It may end up that it will work it’s way through the entire population eventually.
At this point, I’m leaning towards the idea that we should let it work it’s way through. Only pause I have there is kids under 12.
You incorrectly stated a few months back that covid would be a non story in NJ and the country this summer. You also said mask mandates would be gone. However the governor of NJ is supposed to announce a new indoor mask mandate tomorrow.
How can we trust you on this prediction?