AOC - dumbest human on earth

I keep hearing we're a big part of the problem of climate change and within 12 years the world may even end if we don't address climate change. Why wouldn't they go to a country that is more friendly to the idea of dealing with climate change.

They aren't leaving because of climate policies.

They aren't focused on the abstract longer term view of what will happen with the climate. They want opportunity, they want to feed their families.

Yes, there is violence, organised crime and systemic corruption in the mix as well, but all of that starts to get exacerbated when you add in food shortages much of which is related to a change in climate.
They aren't leaving because of climate policies.

They aren't focused on the abstract longer term view of what will happen with the climate. They want opportunity, they want to feed their families.

Yes, there is violence, organised crime and systemic corruption in the mix as well, but all of that starts to get exacerbated when you add in food shortages much of which is related to a change in climate.
If that’s the case, we should be advertising the Texas/Florida hurricane impact, Midwest flooding, California wildfires, and bomb cyclones to the Guatemala them having to face these global warming calamities...
If that’s the case, we should be advertising the Texas/Florida hurricane impact, Midwest flooding, California wildfires, and bomb cyclones to the Guatemala them having to face these global warming calamities...

I know some of you like busting my balls, but part of me wonders if its just that or if you really do lack empathy.

There are thousands of human beings leaving everything they know, walking hundreds of miles with only what they can carry on their back. Many because they are escaping violence or cant feed their families, etc... Thats the issue you pick to make jokes and gain internet points?
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I know some of you like busting my balls, but part of me wonders if its just that or if you really do lack empathy.

There are thousands of human beings leaving everything they know, walking hundreds of miles with only what they can carry on their back. Many because they are escaping violence or cant feed their families, etc... Thats the issue you pick to make jokes and gain internet points?

Empathy, yes we all wish we could help everyone. But the feasability of helping all of these people is not possible. Even Bernie Sanders recognizes that much.
I know some of you like busting my balls, but part of me wonders if its just that or if you really do lack empathy.

There are thousands of human beings leaving everything they know, walking hundreds of miles with only what they can carry on their back. Many because they are escaping violence or cant feed their families, etc... Thats the issue you pick to make jokes and gain internet points?
This exchange all began with AOC’s numbnuts comment. Don’t make believe your the only one here with compassion. If you’re that upset take your anger out on Congress whose been sitting on their collective asses and not dealing with the problem.
Hall85 is right. This started with AOC and a dumb comment. She continues to make dumb comments since this post started. I don’t give a shit about her grades either. She’s a garden-variety moron. There are many reasons why Democrats suck and the main one is the point that Hall85 hit on- the bullshit moral high ground they pretend to portray. The fact of the matter is that Dems only wish to rule you and your liberties.
This exchange all began with AOC’s numbnuts comment. Don’t make believe your the only one here with compassion. If you’re that upset take your anger out on Congress whose been sitting on their collective asses and not dealing with the problem.

"The problem" is extremely complex, but its not due to any wall or immigration policy we have. None of that would change the fact that people are fleeing and unfortunately I'm not sure US politicians can fix it... We need to promote the right leadership and make resources available to help the people from needing to leave in the first place... Doesn't really work when the "America first" medsage sells so well.

But its not like AOC just made this up. Academics have been predicting these scenarios for years. Less developed countries are more susceptible to climate changes leading to conflict and migration because of their reliance on agriculture.

For example.. (Linked to pdf)

There are many others as well. Its fine if you dont believe them, but you guys are a bit too quick to call AOC an idiot because she does.
I know some of you like busting my balls, but part of me wonders if its just that or if you really do lack empathy.

There are thousands of human beings leaving everything they know, walking hundreds of miles with only what they can carry on their back. Many because they are escaping violence or cant feed their families, etc... Thats the issue you pick to make jokes and gain internet points?

I can only speak for myself regarding busting balls. That is not my intent. Despite the may posts we have made, I don't know you well enough to bust your balls.

Regarding the jokes, they are directed at what I consider to be whacky theories such as cow farts affecting climate change and climate change being the underlying cause of the northern migration of South Americans.

Regarding empathy, mine is vicarious through many relatives that migrated from Europe to escape poverty and seek opportunity. However, these relatives came through the front door and made their way despite facing language barriers, prejudice, and other indignities.

Regarding perspective, labor, political, and food migrations are timeless in history. This is not the first and will not be the last.
  • It is how the great cathedrals were built. Vast labor forces migrated to the work and from where there was no work.
  • The potato famine, which was both natural and political, pushed millions to the USA. They came through the front door.
  • The Dust Bowl disrupted millions (Read the Grapes of Wrath)
  • The Hoover dam was built by a massive labor migration of people seeking work.
  • Jewish migration throughout history.
  • Cambodia, Pot Pol.
  • Scots Irish and Scandinavian moving across the rust belt.
I think the contrast between the liberal and conservative view of the current migration is summed up in your feelings. You lean toward the compassionate, victim, sympathy view. I believe conservatives see this through the lens of crime, corruption, drugs, and an inability of our laws to properly manage this flow.

I happen to so some work for DHS and have met with border patrol and other agencies within DHS. The ones I met do not share your view that this is all driven by innocent and nice people seeking work.

We have many thousands of people streaming across an unprotected border and exploiting very flawed US laws. The consequences are being ignored.

On top of this we have a political war that is so fierce that it has eliminated any hope of reasonable action to address the problem.

For me, the approach to secure the border and direct people through legal points of entry where the will be met by adequate staff and reasonable laws that balance US interests and compassion is a sound one. While not perfect, it has proven to work.
"The problem" is extremely complex, but its not due to any wall or immigration policy we have. None of that would change the fact that people are fleeing and unfortunately I'm not sure US politicians can fix it... We need to promote the right leadership and make resources available to help the people from needing to leave in the first place... Doesn't really work when the "America first" medsage sells so well.

But its not like AOC just made this up. Academics have been predicting these scenarios for years. Less developed countries are more susceptible to climate changes leading to conflict and migration because of their reliance on agriculture.

For example.. (Linked to pdf)

There are many others as well. Its fine if you dont believe them, but you guys are a bit too quick to call AOC an idiot because she does.
Pirata summed up my thoughts on this matter. And I also have very little confidence in most politicians having any interest in solving this problem. But I also don’t believe in playing the victim. Vote people in that really care, have a plan and will lead.

It is a complex problem, but one that can be solved with a sound immigration policy and enforcement of it. Tying this problem to climate change is no different than saying a wall will solve it all. It’s a talking point for votes and nothing more.
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Kinison!!!! May have been my favorite stand-up comic that I have ever seen live. And I have seen Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Dice, Seinfeld all in their primes.

However, on a more serious note, If we do not send food to places where there is world hunger, would not that then promote migration on a massive scale to other countries? AOC is way out there. But climate change is real and will have devastating impacts on certain places of the world. If massive flooding and or famine results, these people will migrate out of their land into another country because there is no choice. What country do you think will be the number one destination. Yes you got it. The US. This is exactly what no one wants especially you right wing folks.
Kinison!!!! May have been my favorite stand-up comic that I have ever seen live. And I have seen Eddie Murphy, Chris Rock, Dice, Seinfeld all in their primes.

However, on a more serious note, If we do not send food to places where there is world hunger, would not that then promote migration on a massive scale to other countries? AOC is way out there. But climate change is real and will have devastating impacts on certain places of the world. If massive flooding and or famine results, these people will migrate out of their land into another country because there is no choice. What country do you think will be the number one destination. Yes you got it. The US. This is exactly what no one wants especially you right wing folks.

I don't know if climate change is real or not. For arguments sake I'm going to assume it's 100% real. Where else are people going? Other countries must be facing this issue as well. Who are they and how can we work with them? Or did everyone just decide to come to the US because we are the softest?
I know some of you like busting my balls, but part of me wonders if its just that or if you really do lack empathy.

There are thousands of human beings leaving everything they know, walking hundreds of miles with only what they can carry on their back. Many because they are escaping violence or cant feed their families, etc... Thats the issue you pick to make jokes and gain internet points?
What you say is true that some are leaving to escape violence. But many are being pushed out to leave and many are following bad advice and it's up to their countries to help them first not the US. There is a security issue as well that needs to be managed with criminals trying to get into the country blending in with this flow.

My empathy goes towards the folks that are trying to do right for their families through the right channels. I am friends with an immigrant family from South America and they just got their son here after 5 years of waiting and filling out the forms year after year and paying the fees. They did it the right way and why should those legal immigrants get penalized for all the immigrants coming in illegally.

The flow of approved immigration might get better through legal channels if the illegal channels were more controlled. We are spending so much time and resources on the illegal side of things that everyone is forgetting about the immigrants trying to get into the country the right way which is the way my family came here and the way that the primary percentage of immigration should occur and probably the way your family arrived as well.

Heard a joke the other day that the left will poo poo but it's got some truth to it.
Liberal logic - if you cheat to get into college you should go to jail. If you cheat to get into the country, you get free college.

What NY state did in not allowing Gold Star families free college vs. providing tuition aid for illegal immigrants is disgusting and the precise reason many Americans are scratching their heads. Our priorities are F'd up.

The immigration issue is a huge problem. Ask anyone that works at a hospital or in health care or in law enforcement. It needs to be dealt with. Both parties have defeated promising immigration legislation in the past because they either want their name on it or are doing favors for their constituents. Bush had a great immigration bill years ago and it was defeated and would have actually provided lots of aid and a path to citizenship for dreamers. Some Repubs would not budge on the issue and Bush who has been hammered relentlessly in the press had a very good bill, was upset. That bill would have helped a lot. A junior US Senator at the time voted for the poison pill as a favor to the unions because he wanted to defeat the bill and keep the issue open for the next election. That would be our last President. So our politicians have failed miserably on this issue on both sides of the aisle with the ultra right not wanting to budge and Dems wanting any law with their name on it or worse the new push with many Dems to have open borders which is completely ridiculous. It's a bad situation and only getting worse.

I have empathy for all the parties involved trying to do the right thing. In some cases those are the parties trying to do it the right way and in others those are the parties trying to feed their families. But I will never be for open borders and will never give in to that. I think the dreamers should have a path to citizenship. The borders should be secured better and the flow of immigrants needs to be at a much higher percentage on the "legal" side of things. Life isn't always fair and neither is immigration.
@Section112 I agree with everything in that post.

I agree we need to fix our immigration laws and increase security around the border. All I am saying is no US immigration policy, or wall will address the issue of why people are trying to come here.

"The problem" is not that we lack a policy, or an adequate border.
The problem is that people feel they need to flee their country in the first place. If we do nothing to address the "why", then we aren't really doing anything.
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Agree but we can't address the why for other countries. We have to control what we can here and we have been unable to do that with our broken legislature and at the same time put pressure on the other countries to address the issue. Some countries are promoting fleeing to the US to get rid of their own problems. I'm all for cutting aid we give to those countries and repurposing that money to pay for US immigration related costs and enforcement.
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Agree but we can't address the why for other countries. We have to control what we can here and we have been unable to do that with our broken legislature and at the same time put pressure on the other countries to address the issue. Some countries are promoting fleeing to the US to get rid of their own problems. I'm all for cutting aid we give to those countries and repurposing that money to pay for US immigration related costs and enforcement.
Agreed. We can't fix our own problems and while we need to work with other countries on this, that to me is a secondary area of focus. Getting their attention by tying aid to their efforts would be a good start.
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@Section112 I agree with everything in that post.

I agree we need to fix our immigration laws and increase security around the border. All I am saying is no US immigration policy, or wall will address the issue of why people are trying to come here.

"The problem" is not that we lack a policy, or an adequate border.
The problem is that people feel they need to flee their country in the first place. If we do nothing to address the "why", then we aren't really doing anything.

If we had a sound immigration policy and controlled our borders I think it would help solve the problem from our side. Sure people are leaving their countries for multiple reasons, but if coming into the US illegally was not a "sure thing" for these people the flow would be slowed tremendously.

I understand these people have it real hard, but I would like to focus on the people dealing with poverty & crime in our country, and not keep adding to the burden with people entering illegally.
Agree but we can't address the why for other countries. We have to control what we can here and we have been unable to do that with our broken legislature and at the same time put pressure on the other countries to address the issue. Some countries are promoting fleeing to the US to get rid of their own problems. I'm all for cutting aid we give to those countries and repurposing that money to pay for US immigration related costs and enforcement.

I don't necessarily disagree with that, but I don't really agree either.
I'm not sure what the answer is.

I don't want to throw money at the issue and hope it will go away because that seems unlikely for a variety of reasons but I don't think putting up a wall and pretending the problem isn't there makes it go away either.
If we had a sound immigration policy and controlled our borders I think it would help solve the problem from our side. Sure people are leaving their countries for multiple reasons, but if coming into the US illegally was not a "sure thing" for these people the flow would be slowed tremendously.

That is a fair point, but it is far from a sure thing currently and people are still making the journey.

I don't support illegal immigration but there will always be a way in if they really want to get here. We can spend billions of dollars to make that harder and more dangerous, or we could also spend billions of dollars to try and reduce the reasons they try. Neither one is a sure thing though.
That is a fair point, but it is far from a sure thing currently and people are still making the journey.

I don't support illegal immigration but there will always be a way in if they really want to get here. We can spend billions of dollars to make that harder and more dangerous, or we could also spend billions of dollars to try and reduce the reasons they try. Neither one is a sure thing though.
Unfortunately there is not a limit less pot of money. We can’t control what goes on in these other countries. Just not realistic to think we can send billions of dollars to countries like Guatemala and leave it up to them to fix things.

If there is a crime problem in my neighborhood, the first thing I am going to do is to secure my house and create a safe environment as I can for my family. Then I can give my time to the community to fix some of the core issues.
Unfortunately there is not a limit less pot of money. We can’t control what goes on in these other countries. Just not realistic to think we can send billions of dollars to countries like Guatemala and leave it up to them to fix things.

If there is a crime problem in my neighborhood, the first thing I am going to do is to secure my house and create a safe environment as I can for my family. Then I can give my time to the community to fix some of the core issues.

I wasn't suggesting we should give money to Guatemala. Just a thought exercise.

It's an interesting dilemma in that I agree we can't rely on their leadership to fix things, but if we could it would probably cost less for us to give them money than it would to build a border wall and enhance our border security.
Would we all consider moving this thread to another thread with a reasonable title instead of this one?
I wasn't suggesting we should give money to Guatemala. Just a thought exercise.

It's an interesting dilemma in that I agree we can't rely on their leadership to fix things, but if we could it would probably cost less for us to give them money than it would to build a border wall and enhance our border security.
if you think it would cost less to send them the money to fix the problem then I have a bridge to sell you. That might be a good idea in the land of “hopefully’s and maybe’s”, but it’s just not based on any reality. We are talking about countries that are so corrupt that it is more likely to make matters worse.

We desperately need a comprehensive immigration policy and enhanced border security (and not just the Mexican border). Yet, the last time I checked absolutely no one is working on that in Congress. That’s pathetic.
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if you think it would cost less to send them the money to fix the problem then I have a bridge to sell you. That might be a good idea in the land of “hopefully’s and maybe’s”, but it’s just not based on any reality. We are talking about countries that are so corrupt that it is more likely to make matters worse.

Right. That is what I was saying.
That is a fair point, but it is far from a sure thing currently and people are still making the journey.

I don't support illegal immigration but there will always be a way in if they really want to get here. We can spend billions of dollars to make that harder and more dangerous, or we could also spend billions of dollars to try and reduce the reasons they try. Neither one is a sure thing though.
The US already gives aid and money to many of these countries, but I just don’t think pouring much more would solve the problems these people are experiencing. One of the reason for the widespread poverty, lack of hope, violence has to do with unstable governments, so huge increase in financial aid would solve little.

Plus if we build better border barriers and it cost $5 billion that is a one time cost, while it would cost billions and billions a year (if it even helped) to start to help people in multiple countries.
AOC trying to attack Dan Crenshaw on twitter yesterday was ridiculous.

Speaking of Crenshaw. I'm really disappointed in him with his tweet about omar.

She was speaking to a group of Muslims about living in america post 9/11. She was clearly not downplaying terrorism. Thought he would be more of a leader for unity with his background.
Nope. Omar playing the victim again and deflect by attacking Dan is uncalled for. CAIR was not founded after 9/11. She and AOC have no idea what they are talking about once again.

Except he didnt say a thing about CAIR.

His tweet was "First Member of Congress to ever describe terrorists who killed thousands of Americans on 9/11 as “some people who did something”.


I'm sorry. Her speech was a week after the new Zealand Mosque shooting... Speaking to a group of muslims about being Muslim after 9/11.
Speaking of Crenshaw. I'm really disappointed in him with his tweet about omar.

She was speaking to a group of Muslims about living in america post 9/11. She was clearly not downplaying terrorism. Thought he would be more of a leader for unity with his background.

I stand with Dan Crenshaw and against such ilk as Omar. She’s another disrespectful, feckless, divisive, shit-stirrer (like Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib) who feels she can say whatever she wants and then stand behind phony claims of racism, etc.

You want respect, you have to give respect.

I’m disappointed in your support of Omar.
our President says wind causes cancer and AOC is the dumbest human?

AOC comes from a good place, does need some refining but she didn’t sell her soul to lobbyists and that makes a huge difference. She believes that science is real so that’s a plus.
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I stand with Dan Crenshaw and against such ilk as Omar. She’s another disrespectful, feckless, divisive, shit-stirrer (like Ocasio-Cortez and Tlaib) who feels she can say whatever she wants and then stand behind phony claims of racism, etc.

You want respect, you have to give respect.

I’m disappointed in your support of Omar.

It's not about whether I support her or not. We dont need to question her opinion on terrorists because she referred to them as people... As many articles pointed out today, george Bush used similar language after 9/11 but no one took issue with what he said because he isnt brown.
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How sad, everyone defaults to the race card in 2019. I'm so sick of it.

Do you believe she was being dismissive or downplaying the role of the terrorists on 9/11 from her speech?

I bet I could probably find other examples of politicians saying dont let the actions of some people influence bow you feel about a religion. Same would apply to priests. Can i say we should let the actions of some priests ruin Christianity? Or do I need to call them peadofiles? Shouldnt that be obvious what I am referring to?

And no, I dont believe Crenshaw would have tweeted anything if Omar was white... So yes, it is about race.
AOC trying to attack Dan Crenshaw on twitter yesterday was ridiculous.

Do republicans not like beer? We just nominated and approved a Supreme Court justice who on top of being a sexual predator he also was able to articulate that he likes beer. But because after college she worked part time in a restaurant she’s supposed to be less qualified for an elected position than a pussy grabbing draft dodging pervert game show host for the president of the United States.
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Do republicans not like beer? We just nominated and approved a Supreme Court justice who on top of being a sexual predator he also was able to articulate that he likes beer. But because after college she worked part time in a restaurant she’s supposed to be less qualified for an elected position than a pussy grabbing draft dodging pervert game show host for the president of the United States.
Some bad TDS there....
It's not about whether I support her or not. We dont need to question her opinion on terrorists because she referred to them as people... As many articles pointed out today, george Bush used similar language after 9/11 but no one took issue with what he said because he isnt brown.

Wow, I always wanted to think you were the level-headed , non-partisan centrist you portray on here but that was merely a character as fictional as Santa Clause.

Not about supporting her? You parrot her ridiculous Bush equivalency statement made a day or two after the attacks with her calculated remarks given in front of a gathering of the multiple unindicted co-conspirators of terrorism CAIR organization. True colors, my man, true colors.

She's about the unwavering support of muslims and that's fine, they deserve representation as a group, but there's nothing to indicate she wouldn't put the needs and wants of muslims over Americans.

Dan Crenshaw gave an eye to battle terrorism; Omar and others of her ilk pay lip service to terrorism and those that support it.

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