SHU09 you want open society and normalcy again, I do too we just see things from different places, i can not have the trustworthiness of a fellow citizen to have respect for themselves and others. A Vietnam vet called into FAN yesterday said he was stationwd in a combat zone for a year and then in Japan. Came across Vietnamese and Japanese locals at timea with face coveringa this is late 1960s. Asked why they wear that. Oh they have cold or flu and they dont want to spread to surrounding people.You want to make everything with a R or D in it. Any governor should use all legal means to flatten the curve with something like this. I dont oppose quarantine of out of state travelers who are not full time residents by any state against any other state. We are 4 months in and the south and southwest are not trending well. I just feel on a global scale all 50 states are not United here and its been a big F.