Haley Endorsement

Most people I know find Newsom slimy and pompous. Plus once his record is more widely known he’ll lose support. I honestly think Biden has a better chance of beating Trump.
I think Biden is too old, has lost his mind, and was never any great shakes to begin with (so many just outright ignore all the stuff that happened with him before he even became VP). But I'd vote for him over Newsome, just like I voted for him over Trump.
I actually said the same thing to my wife this morning. I don't think he deserves it at all, but he does have the charisma to perform better than his record and would beat Trump easily.
Not according to the most recent polling.
Not according to the most recent polling.

Polling theoretical candidates when the spot isn't available with someone who isn't "running" is not going to give you remotely accurate results. Outside of people who are into politics, people don't know much about Newsome. That's why "undecided" is so high in those match ups.

If you only have a few months to learn about him, after he gets to skip a primary with his own party taking shots, he would come across as very charismatic and sound much more presidential than someone like Trump. Trump is going to struggle with independents and moderates far more than he did in 2016 and 2020 regardless of who the opponent is.
Newsom is dollar store charismatic. People will see right through him within a week.
Newsom is dollar store charismatic. People will see right through him within a week.
Some will see through him. Many won't or won't care. And many more will be influenced by what media they follow, which will treat him with the most gentle, kindest gloves ever and not get into any of the destruction he's responsible for in California.
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Scene: A woman sits in a recliner with a vodka martini in her hand. Monday Night Raw is on the big screen. There is a gentle ring tone. The woman looks at her phone and sees a picture of a black sedan in the driveway. She downs the martini, changes the channel to Fox News and opens another button on her negligee. She rushes to the front door.

MrsHall85: Welcome home honey! How are you feeling? Are you very upset?

Hall85: Upset? I’m thrilled! We won the South Carolina primary!

MrsHall85: What are you talking about? Haley lost to Trump by 20 points.

Hall85: The stupid MSM said we were gonna lose by 30. It just shows you they know nothing. We got 40% of the vote. The momentum is building and we’re charging ahead to Super Tuesday.

MrsHall85: Speaking of charging, I got a notification that $1,000 was charged on our Amex to Haley’s campaign.

Hall85: Wrong again. That was to her PAC. It has nothing to do with her campaign. As you know, I have never supported a Presidential candidate.

MrsHall85: I hate to say it dear, but you still haven’t.

Hall85: Don’t be a smart aleck. Is it November? Besides, now that Koch has pulled his funding, things will really take off.

MrsHall85: So losing your biggest donor is a good thing?

Hall85: You bet! It shows we don’t need corrupt money to win. Nikki's heart is pure and her goodness will bring in the money.

MrsHall85: Oh boy. Why don’t you sit down and I’ll make us both a martini.

Hall85: Good idea but could you make mine an Aperol spritz? I was schvitzing on the flight and I’m a little thirsty.

A glass suddenly falls to the floor. Hall85 goes to the wet bar. MrsHall85 is drinking her martini.

MrsHall85: Would you bring the broom and dustpan?

Hall85: Sure. By the way, if you’re hot, lower the heat. There’s no need to unbutton your housecoat.

MrsHall85: Heaven help me.
Some will see through him. Many won't or won't care. And many more will be influenced by what media they follow, which will treat him with the most gentle, kindest gloves ever and not get into any of the destruction he's responsible for in California.

I worry about Newsom. He's a dream candidate for the far left (other than the fact that he's a white man). He's a smooth talker and can manipulate people who don't know any better. He's an advocate for extreme left wing policies. Plus, as you said, he will get preferential treatment from the media at large.
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I worry about Newsom. He's a dream candidate for the far left (other than the fact that he's a white man). He's a smooth talker and can manipulate people who don't know any better. He's an advocate for extreme left wing policies. Plus, as you said, he will get preferential treatment from the media at large.
I think Newsome would be the default candidate if Biden drops but assuming that happens, who is the No Labels candidate and which happens first?
I think Newsome would be the default candidate if Biden drops but assuming that happens, who is the No Labels candidate and which happens first?

I think Haley or Christie would draw a lot of interest as no labels candidates. Don't see it with Manchin. Did have a stint as an executive but mostly a career legislator, on the older side, no charisma.
I think Haley or Christie would draw a lot of interest as no labels candidates. Don't see it with Manchin. Did have a stint as an executive but mostly a career legislator, on the older side, no charisma.
I believe Manchin has already said he would not run. They had floated John Huntsman a while back. Haley would be the most logical.
Yes, I think you're right about Manchin. The key for no labels is putting forth a candidate that does two things:

Attracts left of center voters who don't agree with the Democrats on key issues and think Biden is too old/unfit.
Attracts disaffected Republicans who won't vote for Trump, and those slightly right of center who think Biden and Trump are awful candidates.
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I believe Manchin has already said he would not run. They had floated John Huntsman a while back. Haley would be the most logical.

Sounds like we will know sooner rather than later as they are meeting next week to decide if they should move forward or not. Haley seems like the best fit, and holding this meeting after Super Tuesday certainly seems like they are going to be pushing hard for her.

If she can pull somewhere around 15% from the right and 5% from the left on her own, is there someone who is a moderate dem that no labels could add to the "unity ticket" to attract another 10% to actually make this a three way race? I honestly can't think of a democrat that would be willing to run against Biden and attract enough democrats. Any of the "up and coming" names who could probably help (like Shapiro for example) will probably not want to abandon any future support from the party.
Sounds like we will know sooner rather than later as they are meeting next week to decide if they should move forward or not. Haley seems like the best fit, and holding this meeting after Super Tuesday certainly seems like they are going to be pushing hard for her.
Interesting timing. That would line up for her to slide over and take the nomination for No Labels. By staying in through Super Tuesday it provides more data on her electability.
If she can pull somewhere around 15% from the right and 5% from the left on her own, is there someone who is a moderate dem that no labels could add to the "unity ticket" to attract another 10% to actually make this a three way race? I honestly can't think of a democrat that would be willing to run against Biden and attract enough democrats. Any of the "up and coming" names who could probably help (like Shapiro for example) will probably not want to abandon any future support from the party.
I have to think the first priority for No Labels is to ensure Trump doesn't get elected, so Haley as the candidate essentially does that. Manchin said he was not running as the NL Presidential candidate, but he didn't say he would run as the NL VP.

I also have to think Dem leadership (and the country for that matter) is nervous about Harris having her finger on the button.
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Huntsman would be a good No Labels candidate. Initially it was said that the ticket would be Manchin/Huntsman. I didn't like that, wanted it reversed.
Huntsman would be a good No Labels candidate. Initially it was said that the ticket would be Manchin/Huntsman. I didn't like that, wanted it reversed.
Yes, qualified and a better fit to lead he ticket (especially now that Manchin has gone public. Strong track record and looks like an adult in the room. Is he too far behind on name recognition though?
I'd be surprised if Huntsman has enough name recognition. Haley is already involved and should be received much better.
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Haley spoke today and said she can't go with a ticket of a dem vp seems like no labels not an option
She's saying what she should say as of today in either case though. We'll see in a couple weeks.
Agreed…she needs to play it straight through Super Tuesday. Every politician pivots when the opportunity arises.
Agreed…she needs to play it straight through Super Tuesday. Every politician pivots when the opportunity arises.
At some point the trump base will fade and fizzle and maga wing will be rejected as the gop aligns more to the middle, she said she isnt worried about 28 but she has a long political life ahead if she wants it, why make a change now that could impact her favorability to the gop down the road?
Have to anticipate Haley drops out of the race after tomorrow's results come in. The question then is, does she run on the no labels ticket? It might be too early to announce that. She'll have to find a way to stay relevant if that's the plan.

Have to think DeSantis is waiting in the wings in case there are issues for Trump at the convention, he goes to jail, or falls ill/dies.
Have to anticipate Haley drops out of the race after tomorrow's results come in. The question then is, does she run on the no labels ticket? It might be too early to announce that. She'll have to find a way to stay relevant if that's the plan.

Have to think DeSantis is waiting in the wings in case there are issues for Trump at the convention, he goes to jail, or falls ill/dies.
what ? haley drop out? but you pegged her as the rep nominee. very serious about it. you and 85 the only ones. surely this cant be the case
No labels is like every other third party before them. Too many idealists with contradictory visions of what their ideal candidate should look like. They will not mount a serious campaign this cycle.

If they had been serious, they’d already have been courting RFK Jr.
No labels is like every other third party before them. Too many idealists with contradictory visions of what their ideal candidate should look like. They will not mount a serious campaign this cycle.

If they had been serious, they’d already have been courting RFK Jr.

If it's Trump v. Biden, I don't see any other option but to vote for RFK Jr.
If it's Trump v. Biden, I don't see any other option but to vote for RFK Jr.
Agreed - which makes it baffling that No Labels hasn’t considered him. Both sides would benefit tremendously.
Agreed - which makes it baffling that No Labels hasn’t considered him. Both sides would benefit tremendously.

Because the establishment/media have to present him (incorrectly) as a kook. He threatens their control. No labels may not be traditional GOP/Dem but it is certainly establishment.
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Because the establishment/media have to present him (incorrectly) as a kook. He threatens their control. No labels may not be traditional GOP/Dem but it is certainly establishment.
I get what you’re saying, it’s just hilarious that the man who comes from the closest thing America has to a royal family is painted as a kooky outsider (and that the masses buy it)
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I get what you’re saying, it’s just hilarious that the man who comes from the closest thing America has to a royal family is painted as a kooky outsider (and that the masses buy it)

Well we're in strange times now. For example - Trump, once the ultimate outsider, is now the establishment. LOL.

RFK Jr.'s family learned their lesson when JFK and RFK were taken out. Since then, they've never crossed the line as a group. RFK Jr. is an exception within the family, which is why even they come out publicly against him. Talk about profiles in courage - he has it and the rest of his family does not.
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Well we're in strange times now. For example - Trump, once the ultimate outsider, is now the establishment. LOL.

RFK Jr.'s family learned their lesson when JFK and RFK were taken out. Since then, they've never crossed the line as a group. RFK Jr. is an exception within the family, which is why even they come out publicly against him. Talk about profiles in courage - he has it and the rest of his family does not.
Absolutely. I was invited by a friend to a fundraiser of his a few weeks ago. He shook the hand of everyone in the room, stood and gave a speech just feet away from us, and answered 6-7 questions off the cuff later on.

Given the family history you wouldn’t blame the man for hiding behind a wall of security, but like you said, a true profile in courage. Not to mention 10x sharper than Trump and Biden put together.
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I get what you’re saying, it’s just hilarious that the man who comes from the closest thing America has to a royal family is painted as a kooky outsider (and that the masses buy it)
Not sure about outsider but his best attribute is that he sleeps in the same bed as cheryl hines
As an lawyer he did good work against polluters and abusers of the enviroment since 2005 he has gone down the path of conspiracy theory takes...he also is 70 no young 40s and 50s person and no member of his own large affluenct family endorses him
Well we're in strange times now. For example - Trump, once the ultimate outsider, is now the establishment. LOL.

RFK Jr.'s family learned their lesson when JFK and RFK were taken out. Since then, they've never crossed the line as a group. RFK Jr. is an exception within the family, which is why even they come out publicly against him. Talk about profiles in courage - he has it and the rest of his family does not.
he seems like a kook because he opens his mouth and sounds like a kook. same as trump. media jumps when you offer yourself up as a crazy person. and after whatever the hell that super bowl commercial was... sometimes it's not always a conspiracy.
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he seems like a kook because he opens his mouth and sounds like a kook. same as trump. media jumps when you offer yourself up as a crazy person. and after whatever the hell that super bowl commercial was... sometimes it's not always a conspiracy.
The Super Bowl commercial was a updated version of when JFK ran. It's pretty easy to figure that one out.

Unfortunately for him, he has spasmodic dysphonia which makes it difficult to speak and be understood. He has a lot of different views, some of which are provocative. But let's be real...some of the views of Biden and Trump have turned out to be wrong as well.
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I understand the desire to vote for someone else if it’s Trump vs Biden, but if not for his last name and anti-vaccine rhetoric, no one would be supporting him. That video is just another example of him taking a fact and wildly misstating the circumstances to fit inside a conspiracy theory bubble.

The moratorium on farmland sales was ended in 2020. It opened up land sales in 2021 to Ukrainian citizens and 2024 to Ukrainian companies. That was not a US imposed requirement for war funding.

The media calls him a kook because there are just too many examples of him saying “kooky” things.
If the options for President are

1. A petulant child who abuses his office
2. A dementia addled man who is being controlled by unknown people behind the scenes
3. A “kooky” but otherwise mentally sound individual who isn’t bought and paid for by lobbyists and corporate interest

I don’t know how anyone can say option 3 isn’t the best of the worst. If it really ends up being Trump vs. Biden then supporting RFK Jr. is an easy decision.
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