Fauci's 10 minutes of fame to the general public are starting to winnow down. That should have happened a long time ago. God bless him, but more folks should be taking notes from the Governor of Florida. I'm no Republican and frankly didn't know much about him before this pandemic, but he's handled it better than anyone. He protected the elderly in a way Governors like Cuomo did not. He worked with Democratic politicians on the vaccine roll-out (which 60 Minutes failed, unsuccessfully, to criticize him for as some type of "pay for play" scenario with Publix, which blew up in their face when Democrats came to the guy's defense), he managed the pandemic in a way that didn't destroy Florida's economy, and all my Florida colleagues have had their kids in school since basically the beginning of the year because he told the corrupt teacher union to STFU and do what they are paid to do or get fired.
Desantis 2024