Another Texas school shooting

The best thing in this thread is from @kniespolice and age 25.

What are your thoughts on banning the sale and ownership of assault weapons (with a better definition of assault weapons) to those under 25? If you are under 25 and currently own, you need to turn over to the authorities to be returned when you turn 25. (This may have to be expanded somehow to households with under 25’s.)
While I think age is a factor, it does not control my thinking about this. I believe the video of the Buffalo shooting needs to be widely dispersed. Why? So people actually know what this weapon does. You can imagine it, but you have to see it. You have to see it in action that the only thing these weapons are for is to kill people. For that reason, there has to be an absolute ban.
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While I think age is a factor, it does not control my thinking about this. I believe the video of the Buffalo shooting needs to be widely dispersed. Why? So people actually know what this weapon does. You can imagine it, but you have to see it. You have to see it in action that the only thing these weapons are for is to kill people. For that reason, there has to be an absolute ban.
Here's the issue I have with a complete ban. Unless you can guarantee that every bad guy will never have access to them, then it's a non-starter. There is a self-defense aspect that you need to consider. If I have something that bad guys want, I want to be in the best position to defend my home and family. If the bad guys can be better armed, than that's a problem.

Secondarily, gun owners legitimately collect them and take classes and are professionally trained. None of these people are committing crimes.
Here's the issue I have with a complete ban. Unless you can guarantee that every bad guy will never have access to them, then it's a non-starter. There is a self-defense aspect that you need to consider. If I have something that bad guys want, I want to be in the best position to defend my home and family. If the bad guys can be better armed, than that's a problem.

Secondarily, gun owners legitimately collect them and take classes and are professionally trained. None of these people are committing crimes.
Guarantee? There are no guarantees in life. What you can do is to criminalize the possession of the weapon if you do not turn it over in an allotted time. Make it a federal crime to possess it up to 10 years. Make it a crime to manufacture it.

You think getting your AR-15 is better to defend your home than a handgun in a quick situation that is happening rapidly? I meanI don't get the home defense argument. You have a whole host of other arms for that. How many people are facing an invasion like Al Pacino in Scarface?

People could collect grenades, grande launchers, bazookas as well. do you want them to have them?
Guarantee? There are no guarantees in life. What you can do is to criminalize the possession of the weapon if you do not turn it over in an allotted time. Make it a federal crime to possess it up to 10 years. Make it a crime to manufacture it.
Gangs and drug dealers have these weapons. You really need to prove that the criminalization actually takes these guns off the streets and puts the criminals in jail. The reforms we have seen actually have pushed this in the opposite direction.
You think getting your AR-15 is better to defend your home than a handgun in a quick situation that is happening rapidly? I meanI don't get the home defense argument. You have a whole host of other arms for that. How many people are facing an invasion like Al Pacino in Scarface?
Every home and situation is different. You are generalizing with a ridiculous analogy with Al Pacino.
People could collect grenades, grande launchers, bazookas as well. do you want them to have them?
Grenades have nothing to do with the conversation. Confiscation of something from someone where they have been responsible and use them in a totally legal manner is a non-starter.
lmao the current situation was that no kid or person in the school had the same ammunition the shooter had. and that was with no restrictions. maybe we should all go to school woth assult weapons. yea thats a good idea. what a dumb comment. and a dumb argument thats been completley proven wrong in every country overseas.

and yea, who wants to lower the rate of people being killed anyway? just an obnoxious way to look at it.
Not as obnoxious as you twisting what was said. My point was we need to keep all of our children safe, not just saying hey he only shot up 12 kids this time so it's better. That's dumb in every way you look at it. I'm not sure what country overseas has mass shootings or shootings in general like we do at schools to prove anything right or wrong.
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Meanwhile 156 dead this weekend and 412 injured in what is defined as "mass shootings" and it looks like NONE were the result of an AR-15.

Screaming out to ban and confiscate one weapon from everyone may make you feel good, but it will never happen (nor should it).
You are making an argument to ban all firearms.

You can't stop all killings. You are looking to mitigate the carnage that assault weapons carry out.

However, due to the second Amendment, that can't happen. More restrictions should be done federally.
I have talked about a national data base that tracks every weapon from the manufacturer with ballistics and ownership. Whenever a gun is used in a crime, whoever broke the chain will be criminally and civilly liable. Even this won't stop all killings with firearms. But, I am sure this will mitigate it.
Need to explain to Biden a 9mm is a handgun.How out of it is this guy.Please don’t give him the nuclear codes.
Is the issue gun laws or keeping our kids safe? We need to protect our kids if someone comes in with a knife, gun, pipe bomb or assault rifle.

Meanwhile 156 dead this weekend and 412 injured in what is defined as "mass shootings" and it looks like NONE were the result of an AR-15.

Screaming out to ban and confiscate one weapon from everyone may make you feel good, but it will never happen (nor should it).
going at all costs to defend this. you really think the elementary school shooting has something in common with gang on gang violence? really? yes or no question.
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going at all costs to defend this. you really think the elementary school shooting has something in common with gang on gang violence? really? yes or no question.
Death is what’s in common. A number of posters have suggested rational solutions based on real data. Please feel free to join the discussion.
Need to explain to Biden a 9mm is a handgun.How out of it is this guy.Please don’t give him the nuclear codes.

Apparently as out of it as the guy who struggles to put together a coherent thought, post after post.

Who the hell cares what he knows about a gun?

I know next to nothing about them, but I know the AR is the selected weapon of these psychos that shoot up schools and public places.

Pass sensible gun laws.
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Apparently as out of it as the guy who struggles to put together a coherent thought, post after post.

Who the hell cares what he knows about a gun?

I know next to nothing about them, but I know the AR is the selected weapon of these psychos that shoot up schools and public places.

Pass sensible gun laws.
You need to explain to Ed that a 9mm is a size of the diameter of a barrel or the size of ammunition. not whether it is a handgun or rifle. Perhaps Biden does know. He certainly knows more than Ed O'Dowd.

Biden specifically said 9mm pistols.
Are you referring to this quote that the right wing media dishonestly is saying that Biden wants to ban handgun? Here he only references ammunition and not weapons.
Are you referring to this quote that the right wing media dishonestly is saying that Biden wants to ban handgun? Here he only references ammunition and not weapons.
Yup, that’s the one, and you’re right it was mischaracterized some but a 9mm bullet is a moderate caliber bullet and does not blow the lung out of a body. It’s great for self-defense and is widely used by law enforcement as well.

He was also widely wrong about the 2nd Amendment here as well.
Yup, that’s the one, and you’re right it was mischaracterized some but a 9mm bullet is a moderate caliber bullet and does not blow the lung out of a body. It’s great for self-defense and is widely used by law enforcement as well.

He was also widely wrong about the 2nd Amendment here as well.
He is only repeating what a doctor told him. However, it sounds like the doctor was explaining what a hollow nose 9mm bullet would do.
You are making an argument to ban all firearms.

You can't stop all killings. You are looking to mitigate the carnage that assault weapons carry out.

However, due to the second Amendment, that can't happen. More restrictions should be done federally.
I have talked about a national data base that tracks every weapon from the manufacturer with ballistics and ownership. Whenever a gun is used in a crime, whoever broke the chain will be criminally and civilly liable. Even this won't stop all killings with firearms. But, I am sure this will mitigate it.
I’m not making that argument to ban all firearms. Using a gun in the commission of a crime should have the most serious consequences, and they should be enforced vigorously. The vast majority of gun owners are law abiding and maintain safe precautions.

There are very few consequences today in many cities for being caught with the illegal gun or using it in a commission of a crime. Fix that and you fix most of the problems with guns.
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There are very few consequences today in many cities for being caught with the illegal gun or using it in a commission of a crime. Fix that and you fix most of the problems with guns.
Uhm, I just don't think this is correct at all. I can only speak with any real knowledge is in NJ. Possession of an handgun without a permit to carry, carries a mandatory 3 years in prison. If you have no record, they are usually going to get a plea that will end up one year in prison. Now, if the gun is used in a commission of a crime, we are talking about some serious consequences. Shootings will get you 5-10 years with the person having to stay in prison for 85% of that time. Robberies are 10 to 20 years with having to stay in jail 85% of the time. Those are serious consequences.

The problem in many cases is proving that the defendant is the one who did the crime.

This does not correct the problem. It is part of the solution. Guns as a whole are too easily available and easy to obtain without any type of tracing. I have said we need a national database that imposes criminal and civil penalties on people who break the chain of ownership of a weapon. From manufacturer to the ultimate user, we should know who has possession of that firearm. Each firearm manufactures should have a ballistics sent to that database so we can track when a weapon is used in the commission of a crime.
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Uhm, I just don't think this is correct at all. I can only speak with any real knowledge is in NJ. Possession of an handgun without a permit to carry, carries a mandatory 3 years in prison. If you have no record, they are usually going to get a plea that will end up one year in prison. Now, if the gun is used in a commission of a crime, we are talking about some serious consequences. Shootings will get you 5-10 years with the person having to stay in prison for 85% of that time. Robberies are 10 to 20 years with having to stay in jail 85% of the time. Those are serious consequences.

The problem in many cases is proving that the defendant is the one who did the crime.

This does not correct the problem. It is part of the solution. Guns as a whole are too easily available and easy to obtain without any type of tracing. I have said we need a national database that imposes criminal and civil penalties on people who break the chain of ownership of a weapon. From manufacturer to the ultimate user, we should know who has possession of that firearm. Each firearm manufactures should have a ballistics sent to that database so we can track when a weapon is used in the commission of a crime.
theyre being 3D printed now. tracking nightmare
well, i think theres probably some good that could be done with a platform. it definitely comes across as "im so important" most the time.

but ill ask you again, what did he say that you disagree with?
So much progress in the works since his comments kudos Kerr
Guarantee? There are no guarantees in life. What you can do is to criminalize the possession of the weapon if you do not turn it over in an allotted time. Make it a federal crime to possess it up to 10 years. Make it a crime to manufacture it.

You think getting your AR-15 is better to defend your home than a handgun in a quick situation that is happening rapidly? I meanI don't get the home defense argument. You have a whole host of other arms for that. How many people are facing an invasion like Al Pacino in Scarface?

People could collect grenades, grande launchers, bazookas as well. do you want them to have them?
Why aren’t the latter more available right now? Do they become more available/accessible/sought for/by crazies with ar ban? Police presence at schools.
Why aren’t the latter more available right now? Do they become more available/accessible/sought for/by crazies with ar ban? Police presence at schools.
It is my understanding that people can own bazookas and grenade launchers. The reason why these weapons are not widely used is because 1) very expensive and 2) you can't get the ammo i.e. the grenade or rocket since they are destructive devices since they are regulated. Also, those weapons are bulky.
It is my understanding that people can own bazookas and grenade launchers. The reason why these weapons are not widely used is because 1) very expensive and 2) you can't get the ammo i.e. the grenade or rocket since they are destructive devices since they are regulated. Also, those weapons are bulky.
The only people that would own them would be collectors. No use for security, marksmanship, etc. so very few people would want them, plus the cost that you mentioned.
Get the feeling we will be seeing some legislation on raising age limits on buying assault weapons and language on red flag laws.
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Get the feeling we will be seeing some legislation on raising age limits on buying assault weapons and language on red flag laws.

I suspect this bill was drafted entirely by democrats. It was approved with a party line 25 to 19 vote in the Judiciary Committee.

Instead of working together to actually get a law passed, this will be another platform to make speeches at each other but ultimately do nothing.

You would think at their respective ages they would know by now that you can't draft anything unilaterally and expect the other side to fully embrace it. It is human nature and Politics 101.

We are already hearing the "Republicans are for killing kids" tagline. Beautiful.

I guess it is too much to ask that the children we elected to serve in congress actually try to work together.
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What kind of weapons are the guys on the streets using to kill people daily that no one talks about or seems to want to help fix.
What kind of weapons are the guys on the streets using to kill people daily that no one talks about or seems to want to help fix.
the gang on gang violence that only affecta gang members? while its noble of you to prioritize that over innocent deaths as part of mass shootings... there are works in helping fix that issue as well. Primarly work being done on how to limit ghost guns. its not easy but is an active issue being worked on. I know a lawyer in DC who is currently working on this
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the gang on gang violence that only affecta gang members? while its noble of you to prioritize that over innocent deaths as part of mass shootings... there are works in helping fix that issue as well. Primarly work being done on how to limit ghost guns. its not easy but is an active issue being worked on. I know a lawyer in DC who is currently working on this

Seriously, this guy loves to talk about gangbangers that choose that lifestyle, versus people minding their business going about life.
Seriously, this guy loves to talk about gangbangers that choose that lifestyle, versus people minding their business going about life.
silence on the tulsa shooting. guy bought ar 15 right before. crickets. theyre back to the drawing board crafting a defense. these are not good people.
the gang on gang violence that only affecta gang members? while its noble of you to prioritize that over innocent deaths as part of mass shootings... there are works in helping fix that issue as well. Primarly work being done on how to limit ghost guns. its not easy but is an active issue being worked on. I know a lawyer in DC who is currently working on this
Good point nobody innocent gets killed on the streets.
the gang on gang violence that only affecta gang members? while its noble of you to prioritize that over innocent deaths as part of mass shootings... there are works in helping fix that issue as well. Primarly work being done on how to limit ghost guns. its not easy but is an active issue being worked on. I know a lawyer in DC who is currently working on this
I didn’t realize all of those preteen kids that got hit in the crossfire and killed were gang members. I learn something every day on the site.
Seriously, this guy loves to talk about gangbangers that choose that lifestyle, versus people minding their business going about life.
1. I never brought up gangbangers. Rogue dudes are killing people daily. I'd like to know how you took what i said and turned it into gangbangers. Bad dudes on the streets, not in gangs, kill INNOCENT people. True story.

2. Seriously do you think gangbangers are only killing other gangbangers. Innocent lives aren't lost on a daily basis of people minding thier own business going about life. Maybe you need it to be a headline to care about it. The guy from goldman sachs in the subway must've secretly been a gangbanger. Sadly there are probably 1,000 other examples as well. What fantasy world are you living in?
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