Mic drop. Can’t tell you how many medical folks I’ve talked to that said our COVID casualties were so high because we are a very unhealthy nation and the way we run nursing homes also accelerated the losses.Worried about 4 drops in a bucket in almost one year but we ignore 11 drops in the bucket every year for the past 25 years. Every loss of life is tragic, but when you look at the big picture of disease, your priorities are just dumb if you spend the bulk of your time concerned about covid. My guess is if we attacked the 11 drops in a bucket per year with shut downs of high fructose corn syrup and unnatural substances we consume, we’d have stronger immune systems and the 4 drops in a bucket would only be 2, most likely caused by dumb politicians who didn't protect the elderly. A task force on Covid is coming. Why? I don't know when you have gems like Fauci. A task for force on heart disease?
Heart Disease Facts | cdc.gov
Learn facts about how race, ethnicity, age, and other risk factors can contribute to heart disease risk.www.cdc.gov